When questioned by Fred, Blavat identifies Ciel as Lord Sirius. Elizabeth is overjoyed that he got it first, after all, and wishes that this Easter egg may bring him happiness. Things are progressing smoothly until Mey-Rin accidentally spills wine on the tablecloth. [471] Baldroy, Finnian, and Mey-Rin comment on how big the house is. [315] McMillan then pats Ciel on the back for stepping on the grass and not being punished. [52] After one such occasion, Ciel overheard Francis and Vincent talk about his suitability as "Ciel"'s spare. [493], When Ciel asks Edward which star Elizabeth is under, the latter reveals that it is Canopus and that Elizabeth was also told that she is rare. Lau, Sebastian, Ciel, and Soma follow Agni, and they reach a building where their target has entered. He is shocked to see the egg perched on a chandelier and wonders how she managed to get it up there. [147] They sneak onto his property, and Sebastian deals with the guard dogs. He hears the Viscount's voice talking to a certain audience, announcing that Ciel is the item they have been anticipating. [34], As the executive chairman and owner of the prosperous Funtom Corporation, Ciel possesses business acumen; he accurately assesses market trajectories and conditions, such as when he anticipated that demand for products tailored to women and children would only continue to grow, and applies his ingenuity and foresight to expand his enterprise. [187], Later, Ciel sees a chance to investigate, but Sebastian is told to perform in the place of Wendy, so Ciel decides to investigate on his own. [140], Soma accepts the challenge, but when he is about to lose, Agni intervenes to protect his prince and injures Ciel's arm in the process. However, Sebastian comes to rescue him, and they manage to escape before the arrival of the police. Pandemonium and confusion follows as the corpse moves wildly. December 14, 1875[2] (Sebastian worked as a waiter during the break and fed Team Red laxative-filled meat pies). Professional status [507], Suddenly, Sebastian smells blood on Ciel and tears off Ciel's shirt, exposing needle marks, to Ciel's and Sebastian's. At the end of the second season, Ciel is reborn as a. Ciel is portrayed by various actors in the musicals. Ciel decides to ascertain if they possess any hearing; Snake states Emily is telling them to throw the plate. He dodges them both, but Ciel catches his chain of mourning hair lockets. He states the flare gave their position away; when she expresses concern for Sebastian being exposed to the gas, he laughs, saying there is no need to worry about Sebastian.[458]. She herself did not notice this until others pointed it out to her. Upon his return, the ring was given to him by Angelina Dalles, who told him that it was the only ring that had not been destroyed in the fire that killed his parents. They go up to the bedroom where she was sleeping, and Agni explains that he went to check up on her, but she was gone when he arrived. They all sit down and Randall hands Ciel his bribe money for working for the Queen. He adds teasingly, though, that Ciel still does not grow taller at all. They intrude into the Scotland Yard department to gather some more information, and attempt to bribe Fred Abberline to keep him silent. Grelle declares that it is impossible to let Undertaker go, considering all the crimes he has committed. At one point, Sebastian reports to Ciel that they have drawn about twenty percent of Sphere's attendees to their music hall. He warns Ciel that the darkness Sebastian is clinging on to his light, and that he may lose his radiance if he remains with Sebastian. [354] Suddenly, Sebastian sees the headmaster sitting in the stands. He almost always wears a black eye-patch made of gauze[17] with a single cord over his right eye to hide the location of his Faustian contract with Sebastian Michaelis. [225], At Karl's bedroom, where Ciel (dressed in his butler's coat to hide his body odor) and the rest of the guests are waiting, Tanaka announces that they have successfully apprehended Patrick's killer. Ciel attempted to protest the idea but Sebastian proceeded regardless, under the impression that he was doing his young master a favor. [244] After hearing what it is, Ciel cringes, appalled by what he has to do. [210], The day of the banquet arrives, and Ciel talks to Diedrich on the phone, who warns him not to overdo it. Furthermore, the Blue House boys are all near-sighted, so they don't notice anything. Sebastian then asks Ciel if he can kill Aleister; Ciel quietly responds that he understands Sebastian's feelings, but he should wait. This startles her, but he says he will not lose in a competition. Sieglinde vows to always keep SuLIN a secret. [213], Later Ciel, escorted by Tanaka, goes to Georg's room, where the other guests have already gathered. [302] Ciel silently gazes at him; then, looking at the lockets, he wonders aloud about Undertaker's motives. They announce that Queen Victoria wants Ciel to host a banquet and entertain a guest, which Ciel reluctantly agrees to do, since he wishes to regain the Queen's trust. [202], Ciel and Sebastian step outside from the burning manor and encounter Doll. They go to eat lunch, and Francis states that she will not be appeased until a victor is declared. Ciel shakes, certain that he has seen "Ciel" die with his own eyes. Azzurro demands to know the location of the drugs Chlaus obtained, threatening to kill Ciel's servants if not told, but Ciel simply laughs it off. [562] Alexis demands explanations, and "Ciel" agrees to provide them, but Ciel is reluctant. However, since this is actually Ciel in disguise, he thanks Wolfram for coming and shoots him. Ciel points out that it is possible the song was made to be accessible in order to gather people together in one place so that business can be carried out. Sebastian replies that that is just the way humans are. When in disguise, he trades the black eye-patch for a white patch that resembles a transdermal patch, which is fastened over his ear with two cords. Ciel and Sebastian go through great lengths to evade Elizabeth Midford so Ciel's identity will not be discovered, and in effect, tarnished. They then decide to check everyone's luggage for the key, but they fail to find anything. [573], Ciel stands up suddenly and stuffs himself, to the astonishment of all and to the disgust of Ran-Mao. As he reaches for Ciel's outstretched hand, their fingers barely touch before Undertaker impales Sebastian from behind-revealing his Cinematic Record. Wolfram, then, makes the conjecture that Ciel became anaemic because his blood was taken from him rather than something being injected into him. He presses his forehead against hers as red flower petals drift through the chapel at this time, much to the guests' surprise. He called for help and ran into Tanaka, who urged the young boy to flee. Ciel muses that the song must be unique to the Sphere Music Hall gathering, since he has never heard it before. [394] They are all then unexpectedly surrounded by angry villagers who are waving their pitchforks at the group. Sebastian shows him the dessert he has already preparedunfortunately, he smiles, Ciel will have to eat it later. [227] Ciel and Sebastian praise Arthur for his insightful deduction. Ciel says that he is always impressed with the Queen's sharp intuition and that it was a shock to discover that toxic gas was the real cause of the curse. [381] Afterwards Sebastian takes the group to the Somerset Househe wanted to take a closer look at Undertaker's mourning chain. [569], When an officer spots them, they dash to Pitt's Lark Photographic Studio, with Finnian carrying Ciel. After Blavat leaves, Ciel angrily breaks a Meissen vase, to which Sebastian responds by saying that the outburst of rage is futile and uncharacteristic of him. While Sebastian prepares the carriage, Ciel muses on Elizabeths cryptic words. However, he asks for a compensation (which is a "first-rate laugh") before he plans to reveal that crucial details. Sebastian deals with the poisonous snakes and heads off to do his show. All I want is to give those who betrayed and defiled the name of Phantomhive a taste of the humiliation and pain . Ciel precariously enters only to notice an abnormal, sweet fragrance in the air. Sebastian, however, stops her and apologizes for failing as a butler and putting her through so much trouble; he adds that he will handle the rest. [74], Later, Ciel and Sebastian go to London for a new cane, after Finnian broke the other one. After a few minutes, Ciel tells Sebastian to let "them" in; he'll talk to them now. [427] He then shouts that everything he did was to clear his own shamehe is a selfish and self-righteous human, and he did it all for himself. The men begin singing a hymn. Blavat addresses Ciel, next, asking if he is Sebastian's friend. [39] Despite his weak constitution, he is a competent shooter; he always carries a gun to defend himself, and he keeps one under his pillow when he sleeps. After a whole day of fun, lightheartedness, and more misunderstandings (mainly between Ciel and Elizabeth Midford because of Sieglinde), Ciel finally retires for the day with Sebastian in tow. Suddenly, Sieglinde Sullivan, a young girl in a strong man's arms, appears. He adds that he is good with games, however, and he used Karl, who sold illegal weapons, as his scapegoat. Sitting on the boat's floor, Ciel gasps in awe and asks if it is over. However, Ciel believes if he can make points, bring victory to his dorm, and make everyone shed tears, it will assure him the final prize. Sebastian has already returned home before them. [266] As Grelle continues her speech, Sebastian attempts to escape with the two; however, he is forced to hold on to them as he avoids Grelle's Death Scythe. He cried that he was hurt, dirty, and homesick. [498], After Soma asks Ciel if the song Sebastian sang is "all the rage" in England, for he hears it sung quite often by kids when he goes out to the market with Agni, Ciel concludes that Sebastian has heard the song from the prostitutes, which Sebastian confesses is the case. Consequently, Sebastian asks Pitt and Soma to leave, and they comply. Sebastian comments that he knew itJohann is also a Bizarre Doll. Soon after, Ciel reveals that he does not know anything about Sebastian's past, just like the rest of them. Apart from Ciel Phantomhive, Sebastian's greatest lover would be Grell Sutcliff, the red-headed grim reaper who's utterly in love with the demon. Well Ciel Phantomhive is quite skinny, and By judging it, about 90-110 pounds. Ciel tells him to explain Patrick's murder. She may even experience worse things than before. Ciel proceeds through the ship and runs into Elizabeth, who states she was following him after he ran away from the dining hall. Ciel responds that he won't be returning to "that cramped miniature garden ever again."[379]. The Phantomhive family is a royal family. He says that she will be treated cordially by England if she cooperates, especially because the fact that she can create mustard gas will be exposed sooner or later. [554], When Sebastian questions Undertaker, "Ciel" tells him that he should not speak without permission from his master. When the elevator doors open, they find a room full of monitors and radar equipment. He binds and beats Ciel. [544], Later, Ciel and Sebastian arrive at the townhouse, where Sebastian notices that something is amiss. Finnian immediately offers to clean him up. [182] Inside, Joker announces the room assignments; Sebastian is partnered with William, while Ciel is partnered with Freckles. 4. [491], Bemused, Ciel wonders to himself if Blavat truly means what he said, and if he is a supernatural being disguised as a human. Ciel had never seen either one of his parents cooking until the day his father tried to make his mother feel better by preparing some of his favorite dishes. Nevertheless, this is all according to Ciel's planhe has already used Sebastian to set up giant speakerphones so the P4 can hear their entire confrontation. [538], Subsequently, Ciel and Sebastian enter the aforementioned music hall, and descend hidden stairs to reach the room where Blavat had taken blood from the men. [318], Ciel starts his daily schedule at school. However, Ciel denies this, because he had many opportunities to save this woman, but he placed catching the killer above saving her life. Ciel tells them they will be leaving the mansion in their capable hands. [204] They then borrow a man's carriage to get to Renbourn Workhouse. Grelle kills Angelina with her Death Scythe. Ciel explains how he has been invited by the P4 and adds that this is a golden opportunityhe will win the P4 over with sweets. The butler informs the sleepy Ciel of his movements, and they are about to leave when Soma arrives, asking to come as well. Undertaker comments the ring acts as a collar and soon departs, saying the Earl and his butler can stop by any time. Nevertheless, Ciel reassures him that everything will be all right. [410] Ciel then grabs hold of Finnian, surprising everyone. When Sebastian rushes to his defense, Ciel immediately yells at Sebastian, telling him he ordered him not to let Undertaker get away. [305], Elizabeth is left dumbfounded at this response. [551], At that moment, "Ciel Phantomhive" descends the stairs, to their collective shock. [230], Sebastian then opts to start preparing for lunch. He declares that he remains as the head of the Phantomhive family even without the ring. Blavat, dumping the tainted water of the cup into a bucket set beside him, tells him not to look so grim and advises him to take action soon or "the end" will be upon him in no time. [53], Over the years, Ciel's condition improved and he could join his family outside more often. Ciel also further humiliates Maurice by making Sebastian shower photos of Maurice putting on makeupthe true secret to his flawless beauty. [501], Later, at Ciel's townhouse, Sebastian tells Ciel that closed meetings for those with different bracelets are held on different days of the week at the Sphere Music Hall. She explains that their village, Wolfsschlucht, doesn't allow visitors. Ciel and the rest of guests toast in celebration to the resolution to the case. Finally, Ciel stated his absolute orders: Sebastian must protect and never betray him, to obey his orders no matter what, and never to lie to him. Characteristics [375] Undertaker watches as Ciel helps a terrified Joanne get out. He suddenly falls through it as it unexpectedly gives way; however, instead of feeling pain from the fall, he realizes he is in Sebastian's arms. Ciel angrily orders him not to touch him with his "filthy hands." Noah's Ark CircusWeston College Twin Ciels Theory | Why does Ciel hide his asthma? - YouTube CA License # A-588676-HAZ / DIR Contractor Registration #1000009744 Recalling Elizabeth's strength, Ciel wonders what Edward is talking about. Sebastian comes to Ciel later and gives him a change of clothes. The other attendees flock around Ciel, telling him that Sirius is a first magnitude star and that he is the only one they know who is protected by it. [453] Ciel suddenly fires a shot in the air, grabs Sieglinde, and heads for the elevator. Shocked, Ciel orders Sebastian to make him something sweet to eat. Because Weston is a school for the nobility, Ciel decides it would be best to infiltrate it himself. Turning her back to Ciel, she faces the corpses, announcing that she is the daughter of the leader of the British knights and the wife of the Queen's Watchdog. However, she quickly recovers and announces she thought of a great idea; whoever is able to find the egg that she specially made will become the winner of the competition. Ciel unexpectedly laughshe tells Sebastian to handle the situation and then make some tea. [522], Ciel remarks that the property was "more of a bargain" than he expected. Smiling proudly and confidently, Ciel promises that he will definitely return. Ciel, then, recapitulates what he has learned from Sebastian: the Saturday meetings are open to anyone, but there are closed events that only those who have had their fortunes told can attend, and wonders aloud if that is where Elizabeth has gone off to. Inside, Pitt takes a picture of them with the intention of selling it later for a hefty sum and leads them to the sewers, where he supplies them with necessities for their journey and agrees to send telegrams to Chlaus and Diedrich. [100] They enter the party in search for Aleister. [119], Sebastian agrees that Ciel was kind, or else he would be a coward, because Ciel had a hidden gun, but he did not pull the trigger. He is amazed by how fast humans can change. Ciel replies that he is welcome to stay, but Soma responds that he learned everything they are teaching when he was a young child. Grey deduces that the killer must be one of them. After Ciel hands Sebastian a paper which contains all of the new crowd-pleasers he has devised for opening night, he asks him about the blood research; Sebastian replies that he has yet to hear from Sieglinde. Next, Elizabeth Midford arrives[236] and joyfully asks Ciel to join her and her family on April 17th for a three-week vacation on a luxury cruise liner, the Campania. Lawrence suddenly comes in, and Professor Michaelis kindly asks him if he can help him with something. [460] Wolfram then mercilessly hits Ciel. Ciel says he felt irritated so he had trouble sleeping and comments that Soma and Agni stayed out all night. He orders Sebastian to steady a stepladder for him, whilst he endeavors to retrieve the egg. [578], During their meeting, Ciel, Sebastian, and Lau determine that they must immediately leave the opium den in the Limehouse Districtas well as London in generalsince Arthur is aware of the ties between Ciel and Lau; and that the most discreet method of escape would be via boat on the River Thames, after which they would travel by train.[579]. He commends Sebastian's performance, but is disappointed with Ciel, who, while serving customers, bungles the task and refuses to wear women's clothing. However, when Soma rushes up to him, Ciel takes advantage of his lowered defences and breaks his egg. Soma bursts in, grabs Agni, and demands to know where Mina is. Rian suddenly rushes outfrom atop the staircase, he accuses the Viscount of stealing the device. Afterwards, Ciel is shocked when he discovers that Edgar is the Aleister Chamber's nephew. It turns out their egg was fertilized and had been mixed in with the other eggs. Black Butler - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia [534], Sebastian announces that Ciel's carriage is ready. [371] Sebastian then turns to the P4; he asks them what was so important that they would resort to murder. She acknowledges him worthy of being her future son-in-law, and they decide to go home. Gender Soma is pleased by Ciel's admittance that they are friends and hugs him joyfully. He has now concluded that Gregory Violet will have the most information about Derrick Arden; he just has to figure out a way to get close to him. While the group is journeying by boat, they are accosted by the Scotland Yard's Thames Division, which monitors the River Thames. As the game progresses, Ciel notes what a good cricket player Soma is. Ciel breezily states he will be able to handle it.[321]. Sebastian answers in the negative, assuring him that that would be unthinkable.

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