"I may sprinkle the medication in applesauce." which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take? c. Administer the medication into one nostril once per week Which of the following actions should the nurse take? d. Multiple health problems Liver enzyme and signs of jaundice should be monitor for liver toxicity when taking mercaptopurine. the. c. CRIES ", c. "Keep the tablets at room temperature in their original glass bottle. Explain the new results. b. A nurse is reviewing a client's laboratory results before administering furosemide 40 mg IV bolus. Which of the following findings should the nurse identify as an adverse effect of this medication? a. Protamine sulfate This medication is a vasodilator, it promotes the excretion of sodium and water and retention of potassium. which of the following actions should the nurse include in the plan of care? Which of the following effects should the nurse expect to see after the client has taken the medication for 2 months? c. Hgb 15 g/dL In order to convert inflated dollars into constant-value dollars, it is necessary to: (a) Divide by (1+if)n\left(1+i_{f}\right)^{n}(1+if)n (b) Divide by (1+f)n(1+f)^{n}(1+f)n (c) Divide by (1+i)n(1+i)^{n}(1+i)n (d) Multiply by (1+f)n(1+f)^{n}(1+f)n. Repeat the preceding problem replacing the marble which of the following reasons should the nurse clarify this prescription with the provider. A nurse is planning care for a group of clients. The air is at $20^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$, and the heat transfer coefficient is $80 \mathrm{~W} / \mathrm{m}^2 \cdot \mathrm{K}$. For this activity, your group will need a large nail, a length of wire, a battery, and some paper clips. Which of the following predisposes this client to developing digoxin toxicity? Improvement of manifestations 5. the nurse should identify which of the following statements as an indication that the client understands the teaching? Increased rate of absorption A nurse is caring for a client who is to receive 1,500 mL of 0.9% sodium chloride IV over 8 hours. a. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? Rifampin is a broad-spectrum bactericidal antibiotic. 1s22s22p63s23p63d24s11s^22s^22p^63s^23p^63d^24s^1 (adverse affect is thrombocytopenia) o Ecchymosis o Ototoxicity o Hypertension o Anxiety 2. The nurse notes that the client received heparin at 1000. High scoring students may not have a quiz available. b. d. Dyspepsia, A nurse is teaching a client who has angina a new prescription for sublingual nitroglycerin tablets. ATI PHARMACOLOGY PROCTORED 2019 EXAM 1.A nurse is assessing a client who has a new prescription for chlorpromazine to treat schizophrenia. Obtain three large finger bowls or 1000-ml beakers and fill the first with 45degreeC water. Chronic kidney disease Pharmacology ATI remediation Proctor 2019 Pharmacological and Parenteral therapies Dosage Calculation: Calculating Dosage for Potassium Elixir o Basic medication dose conversion and calculation skills are essential for providing safe nursing care o Nurses are responsible for administering the correct amount of medication by calculating the Lisinopril is used for hypertension, heart failure, myocardial infarction, nephropathy, and prevention of myocardial infarction. The nurse should identify that which of the following medications interacts with carbamazepine? c. Increase in BP d. Headache, A nurse is caring for a client who is to receive potassium replacement. a. which of the following client responses indicates an understanding of the teaching? I will rinse my child's mouth with water after she takes the medicine. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching? 1s22s22p63s23p63d24s1. Which of the following findings indicates effectiveness of the medication? how many ml should the nurse plan to give with each dose? This medication is an ACE inhibitor and may cause a cough. Decreased LOC. a. e. Decreased renal function, a. Polypharmacy Cough d. Potassium 5.2 mEq/L - Hyperkalemia (serum potassium level greater than 5.0 mEq/L) increases the client risk for fatal cardiac dysrhythmias. d. Hypotension, b. Bradycardia b. Blurred vision b. e. "Rinse your child's mouth following administration. Take the medication with an antacid ATI RN Fundamentals 2019 ATI RN Fundamentals will be given Monday or Tuesday of week 8 at 11am in A 107/108 Reminder: You must complete the ATI RN Fundamentals 2019 practice exam B with a 95% or higher to take the proctored exam Students receiving a Proficiency Level 3 or 72.1 - 100% Student receives 34 points. It is important because herbal supplements have certain effects on the body that are important to know about. The client tells the nurse. This is an interactive, media-rich tutorial designed to teach one of the most difficult subjects in nursing school. The experimenter found that 1.00 L of 0.100 M HCl was required to reach the stoichiometric point of the titration. a. Instruct the client to increase his fluid intake The patient's INR should be at 2 or 3 to be within a therapeutic range. Adverse reactions of this medication are nausea, headache, flushing, nasal drainage and congestion, etc. Which of the following actions should the nurse take next? a. insomnia Therapeutic Anatomy Test #6: Lymphatic and In, Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins, Medical Assisting: Administrative and Clinical Procedures, 322 Focused Review/Quiz Week 1-4 questions. a nurse is teaching the parent of a toddler who is to begin taking ferrous fumarate. Chamberlain College Of Nursing ATI Pharmacology Proctored Exam A 2019 Revision Guide 1. d. "A spacer will make it easier to use the device." b. PaCO2 30 mm Hg d. Gastric bleeding, a. Pruritus - Sign of allergic reaction to morphine, A nurse is preparing to administer digoxin orally to a client. The nurse should instruct the newly license nurse for medication reconciliation for which of the following clients? Which of the following findings should indicate to the nurse that the therapy is effective? A nurse is preparing to administer medication to a client and discovers a medication error. b. Cardiac dysrhythmia Angina and Antilipemic Agents: Reinforcing Teaching About Nitroglycerin Sublingual. a. decreased bowel sounds b. distended neck veins c. bilateral muscle weakness d. thready pulse Amoxicillin side effects include: Renal impairment, hyperkalemia, dysrhythmias, hypernatremia a nurse is caring for a client who has a alcohol use disorder and is experiencing withdrawals. If any hearing loss occurs immediately stop medication. which of the following should the nurse report to the provider? d. Drink orange juice with the medication, c. Sit upright for at least 30 mins after taking the medication, a nurse is caring for a client who is postoperative following a thyroidectomy and is receiving morphine for pain. Antitussives (non-opioid) are contraindicated for children under 10 years of age. What are the units and symbol for dipole moment? c. Administer more than one pill to the client at a time "I do not take this medication. This medication is given subcutaneously so it is very important to administer in the stomach and stay at least 2 inches away from the umbilicus. b. "You will need liver function tests before beginning therapy. A nurse is preparing to administer the initial dose of penicillin G IM to a client. atom (careful scrutiny across the periodic table a nurse is wanting to report a n infusion reaction for a client who is receiving a dose via IV of amphotericin B. which is the following findings that indicate to the nurse that the patient is experiencing an acute infusion reaction? ", A nurse is teaching a client about oral contraceptive. d. Decrease in protein, A nurse is discussing adverse reactions to pain medications in older adult clients with a newly licensed nurse. A nurse is reviewing a client's medical history before administering a new prescription of atropine. 12 educational modules Drugs presented according to drug category Video case studies of medications used in clinical settings Pairs with Dosage Calculation & Safe Medication Administration Tutorial Learn More c. Feverfew which of the following client statements indicates an understanding of the teaching? The client should use a small needle (25-26 gauge, 1/2-5/8 inches) to inject enoxaparin. d. "You should take the medication in the morning. c. Urine specific gravity 1.020 Beta blockers can mask the side effects of hypoglycemia so it is important to monitor clients that are on beta blockers and are at risk for hypoglycemia. which of the following medications should the nurse plan to administer by a parental route? "You will need liver function tests before beginning therapy." b. Administer the medication into the client's muscle Write a function named swapFrontBack that takes as input a vector of integers. Which of the following allergies should the nurse report to the provider as a possible contraindication to receiving the vaccine? The written prescription for a DNR or AND must be placed in the client's medical record. Increased pain relief c. Decreased percentage of body fat Particulate mass. Use a leading zero if it applies. c. "Keep the tablets at room temperature in their original glass bottle." Which of the following medications puts the client at risk for developing hearing loss? b. Complications after 10 days of use are bone loss, suppression of the functioning of the adrenal gland, hyperglycemia, myopathy, glycosuria, peptic ulcer disease, electrolyte imbalance, and infection. a. a nurse is providing teaching to a client who has a new prescription for nitroglycerin. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a very dangerous and life threatening possible side effect of this medication. a nurse is obtaining a medication history from a client who has gout and is prescribed probenecid. which of the following client information is the priority for the nurse to report to the provider? (Select all that apply), Absence of deep-tendon reflexes ii. The function should check if the vector is empty to prevent errors. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? Drowsiness (b)Now continue the experiment by wrapping two more turns of wire next to the previous ones, for a total of 6turns, and measuring the number of paper clips picked up. ATI Pharmacology Proctored Exam 2019 4.2 (5 reviews) Term 1 / 67 A nurse is assessing a client who is receiving intravenous therapy. c. Furosemide This medication is used to manage heart failure. A patient who is on tetracycline and a oral contraceptive should be informed to use another form of birth control. b. Morphine tablet Store the remaining half of the pill in the automated medication dispensing system c. Laryngeal edema It is important to check if the patient has any pork allergies or has religious beliefs about pork products. Bulk-forming laxatives soften the fecal mass and increase the bulk of the feces like dietary fiber does. Find $(a)$ the rate of heat loss from the electronic device to the surrounding air and $(b)$ the fin effectiveness. Improvement of findings of systemic fungal infections, such as clear breath sounds and negative chest x-rays (Active Learning Template - Medication, RM Pharm RN 8.0 Chp 47), Angina: Teaching About a Nitroglycerin Transdermal Patch, change locations when putting on a new patch, cover when taking a shower, place the patch on skin that does not have hair on it (Active Learning Template - Medication, RM Pharm RN 8.0 Chp 22), Diabetes Mellitus: First Action When Mixing Insulins in One Syringe, Gently rotate NPH insulin bottle. Exam (elaborations) - Exam (elaborations) ati rn proctored nutrition exam latest 2021 verified version (nur. It can take up to 1 year to become pregnant after stopping an oral contraceptive, A nurse is planning to administer medication to an older adult client who has dysphagia. Do not drink beverages while sucking on a nicotine lozenge, A nurse is caring for a client who has a prescription for total parental nutrition (TPN). which of the following products should the nurse instruct the client to avoid? a. IM administration is recommended if PO opioids are ineffective c. BUN level 10 mg/dL c. Decreased percentage of body fat The client should be taught to eat a consistent of potassium to keep levels stable. Endocrine Disorders: Identifying Need for Dosage Adjustment of Methimazole. c. INR 1.6 Repeat the experiment for 8 turns, 10 turns, 12turns, and 14 turns. for which of the following findings should the nurse notify the provider? Medications Affecting Coagulation: Findings to Report to the Provider About Enoxaparin. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? Ati Pharmacology Proctored Exams,Fundamentals,Study Guides,Test Banks Collection 2019 /2020 /2021 $ 802.98 $ 50.49 2x sold 52 items 1. c. Urinary tract infection Productive cough d. BUN 15 mg/dL, A nurse is planning teaching for a client who is trying to quit smoking. a. Eggs b. Which of the following findings indicates a need for the nurse to notify the provider? Apply firm pressure to the injection site following administration, A nurse is reviewing a client's 0800 laboratory values at 1100. c. Another formulation of potassium should be given IV Akathisia which manifests itself as being unable to sit or stand still and constantly pacing can also occur as a result of taking this medication. d. The client reports a history of nausea with cefuroxime, c. The client has a history of a severe penicillin allergy, A nurse is assessing a client who has hypermagnesemia. c. Decreased blood pressure Spironolactone is a potassium sparing diuretic. The temperature at the outside surface of the electronic device is $72^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$. 1. You must monitor the blood pressure for two hours after starting treatment. Return the remaining medication to the facility's pharmacy d. WBC count 5000/mm3, A nurse is caring for a client who is taking lithium and reports starting a new exercise program. a. a nurse is reviewing the laboratory data of a client who is receiving filgrastim. Priority Findings to Report for Sumatriptan. ), a. c. Open the medication package Which of the following findings should the nurse include as risk factors for an adverse drug reaction? Obtain the client's apical heart rate a. It can be used to treat tuberculosis when used in conjunction with other medications. b. Shellfish b. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching?

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