By 1995, when the incipient ITCCS campaign to expose residential school crimes began making headlines in the Canadian media, stories of these disappearances of native families were also proliferating. The ITCCS presented copies of its report today to UN and EU officials as well as to diplomatic representatives of twelve nations, including Russia, China and the United States. I can say accurately that half of them fail to survive to take advantage of the education we offer. (1949). They even put me with a dead kid once. On this All Peoples Remembrance Day, dont miss our final program of the season. The present experimental COVID-19 vaccine, along with the SARS vaccine and numerous other untested serums, were routinely tried out first on native people. This book describes the genocide of the Ahousaht indigenous people by the United Church and its business and government partners. It may be reproduced, except for sale or advertising purposes, provided cred it is given to the National Archives of Canada, and to the William was the sole survivor of a group of three aboriginal boys who claim to have witnessed the abduction of ten children during a royal visit to the Kamloops residential school in mid October, 1964, when both the Queen and Prince Philip were in Canada. William Coombes & The Kamloops Kidnapping of 1964 - YouTube NEW, June 2018. Itwas issued by the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS), a human rights coalition that has spearheaded the campaign for judicial action against the Vatican, the British Crown and their churches for genocide and child trafficking. In this conversation. The present disinterring of these children by agents of the criminally-convicted Crown must stop. Genocide survivor. (9), 12. By the 1990s, large numbers of aboriginal families in northern B.C. It is something more than a miracle that this report has survived the many years of official lies, misinformation, violence and intimidation waged by these churches and governments against their surviving victims and a handful of truth-seeking Canadians. Obtainable atamazon.comand Select this result to view William E Coombs's phone number, address, and more. 21. Statement of William Arnold Combes. By 2007, once these connections had been firmly proven by our campaign and by the growing testimonies of many aboriginal eyewitnesses, the Conservative government of Stephen Harper relied on the still-operative Chretien Plan to put a final end to these exposures by placing a definitivespin and containmentover the whole issue of past and present Genocide in Canada. Harry Wilson (left),died of unknown causes, April 6, 2012. Of course, climate change has always been happening, long before the industrial revolution. One of the primary methods of achieving an apparently required death rate quota of between one third and one half of the students was the routine practice of exposing healthy children to those sick and dying of tuberculosis and then never treating them. We Rememberthe Murdered Children, and those responsible: December is the month when we especially commemorate two victims of Genocide in Canada: our brother Johnny Bingo Dawson, a leader of the Vancouver-based movement to expose residential school crimes who died from a targeted killing and savage police beating on December 9, 2009; and 14 year old Maisie Shaw, kicked to her death by United Church clergyman Alfred Caldwell on Christmas Eve, 1946 at the Alberni Indian residential school. (14)The same Ninth Circle continues to kill with impunity today including on west coast native lands heavily endowed with valuable resources. Select this result to view Linda F Coombs's phone number, address, and more. Commencing on the third anniversary of the Proclamation of the Republic of Kanata, the Grand Jury is formed as an alternative to the Canadian governments farcical cover-up called the Missing Womens Inquiry. Use these slogans on your placards and leaflets, and demand that parishioners not fund their child killing church: The Dead Children Do Not Rest while their Killers remain at large You cannot heal or reconcile Genocide! 7. Closer to home, Combes described At the school they had a furnace going twenty-four seven, but it was totally out of bounds. William Coombs, 54, attended two British Columbia schools from 1958 to 1967, including Kamloops Indian Residential School and Mission Indian Residential School. Every social activist should have a copy. Darryl Connelly, veteran journalist-activist, Order yours now through the create space link above or by contacting or 386-323-5774 (USA). I believe william coombes. This evidence is also available in hardcover asMurder by Decree: The Crime of Genocide in Canada: A Counter Report to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, obtainable through Hydro to secure their land. See . . *edit - if you page down to the replies you'll see that we at AN are on the receiving end of similar villification for posting this video*Yet every single horror exposed by his investigations into the Canadian Genocide of Children \u0026 many more besides have been proven true by the Canadian Truth \u0026 Reconciliation Commisions findings of 2015.The TRC was hobbled in advance by refusing any submission from survivors of the IRS who accused anyone directly of murder or child abuse but the Commission was still forced to accept that Canada, the Canadian \u0026 Catholic Churches systems \u0026 the British Crown conspired to genocide the children of Indians so as to \"kill them off\" \u0026 deny them the future rights to their land, some of the richest in terms of natural resoucres on the planet.This is a crime against humanity the truth of which is only now beginning to leak into the popular conciousness.William Coombes died not long after making his accusations against the queen to camera. These six aboriginal activists were all survivors of the murderous, church-run Indian residential schools and active members of the campaign to expose and prosecute these crimes by the Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada. Body disposal at the Kamloops school involved either incineration or interment in secret graves that were located as far away as thirty kilometers from the school. She wasnt breathing. These chiefs are doing these crimes at the behest and in the payment of the Canadian government and resource-extractive multinational corporations from America, Japan and China. He died a couple of months later after going public with his experience in Kamloops. 15. In fact, our work has revealed that the present leadership of the Anglican, Roman Catholic and United Church of Canada is either directly implicated in residential school-era crimes or is actively protecting those who are; and that these same predators are still engaged in the systemic rape, trafficking and killing of children. Is It True? Some of the evidence of these death squads and their police involvement is found in the testimonies on this memo: A copy of this Directive was issued in July 2016 to the ITCCS central office by an informant within the Canadian intelligence service. William Coombes was resident at Kamloops Indian residential school in Kamloops, British Columbia, in 1964, when his school was visited by the Queen and Prince Philip. Issued September 5, 2017 by the ITCCS Central Directorate with the endorsement of elders of the Anishinabe, Mohawk, Cree, Metis, Cowichan and Squamish indigenous nations across Canada, and also by the ITCCS affiliates in Canada, USA, Ireland, England and Serbia, For the general catalogue of evidence and testimonies regarding past and present Genocide in Canada . He is describing the removal of childrens bodies to the furnace, which was always on \u0026 out-of-bounds for the kids.Then Coombes very briefly describes the visit by the queen of england elizabeth to his Kamloops Indian residential school in 1964 during her first state visit to Canada.A number of children were taken on a \"picnic\" with the royal couple \u0026 10 of them were never seen again.Kevin Annett, perhaps the most hated man on the internet, discovered \u0026 began exposing the crimes of the Indian residential schools system as a clergyman in the early 90's. See. . These crimes have a darker aspect, involving Satanic ritualism that the IHRAAM Tribunal documented in June, 1998 during its inquiry into the Indian residential schools. Quis nostrud exercitation . The ITCCS report will be followed by public forums and direct actions across North America and Europe throughout the fall, as well as the convening of a new common law court by jurists and ITCCS affiliates in Canada, Serbia, America and other nations. Thats where I got cut. Survivor Sam Adolph was sterilized in 1959 at the age of fourteen, as he describes: They called us the red tag boys. These deadly experiments occurred not only at the Kamloops residential school but adjoining Indian hospitals operated by Indian Affairs, the Canadian military and the Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada. The pseudo Inquiry is actually halting genuine efforts to reveal the crimes and who is responsible for them, and is silencing eyewitnesses who dispute theofficialaccounts of the disappearances. Co-founder of FRD. RIP. Based on Kevins firsthand experiences and his alliance with Ahousaht elder Earl Maquinna George, At the Mouth of a Cannon is a must-read for anyone concerned about the ongoing assault on our planet, our children and our liberties. We are especially directing this call to President Vladimir Putin, his government and the people of Russia, and all countries outside the western bloc. (15). The practice of camouflaging the residential school genocide is an old one in Canada, established first by Church and State and continuing today. In the weeks ahead, our delegation will be bringing this appeal and our evidence to the people, governments, educators, jurists and media of the world. This was achieved by wiping out the native family system and specifically, traditional women and their children. There is, for example, a clear and direct link between the Thailand and China-based organ and human trafficking industry and the disappearance of aboriginal women in B.C. The expulsion of all remaining traditional native tribes from their west coast lands assumed greater urgency as the twentieth century closed and the world demand for hydro-electricity, timber, minerals and other British Columbia (B.C.) (1) This plan was set in motion and maintained by the Crown of England and its Privy Council Office and the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada, along with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), the judiciary and private corporations. (16)Since its enactment in 1929,Crimen Sollicitationashas encouraged and caused the systematic murder of children in Canada, America, Ireland, Croatia, across Europe and around the world to continue unchecked. London, UK: Today, on the 58 th anniversary of the permanent disappearance of ten children from the Kamloops Indian residential school, new evidence has surfaced linking British monarch King Charles to their fate and to the death of other native children.. A group of witnesses have presented their affidavits to the special Tribunal that has convened to investigate Charles . Like the TRC, the Missing Women Inquiry operates through hand-picked government loyalists who lack any judicial power or mandate to bring charges against the guilty or conduct any genuine investigation. 4. 2023Murder by Decree. Mr. Coombes was born November 20, 1921 in Fieldon, Illinois, to the late James and Alta Coombes. According to a former Kamloops school employee, Its a fair estimate to say that a third to a half of those kids didnt survive their use as lab rats. This was and remains a common practice, since under Canadas apartheid Indian Act, it is a punishable offense for people on reservations to refuse medical or drug treatment. Posted onJune 17, 2017byKevinBreaking News: Annetts 12th and latest book: List Price: $14.95 Release Date: Sunday June 18, 2017. This massive Group Crime and Group Denial is common to a genocidal regime like Canada, as is the attending coverup, rationalization and normalization of the crime. A copy is appended to this news release. William is related to William E Coombs and Willie E Coombs as well as 2 additional people. These reports involved the naming of the top government-funded chief of the Carrier-Sekani Tribal Council, Ed John, as a drug and child trafficker and land speculator who was actively killing off his own people at the behest of Alcan and B.C. The best result we found for your search is William E Coombs age 70s in Birch Harbor, ME. It is based on evidence contained in part The four characters were survivors of the murderous Indian residential schools of Canada and lived in the poverty-stricken downtown east side of Vancouver. A publicly supervised forensic examination of these children must occur to determine how they died and at whose hands. of videotaped evidence by eyewitness William Coombes, who in October 1964 witnessed Elizabeth Windsor, as Head of State of Canada and Head of the Church of England, visit an aboriginal school in Kamloops, British Columbia, choose 10 young aboriginal children, made them kiss her feet, and allegedly took them from the school for William died suddenly in hospital shortly before he was to go public about the abduction and permanent disappearance of the ten children. Eyewitness to the fatal beating of Johnny Bingo Dawson. price: $10). Born 1956, Canada Nobel Peace Prize Nominee (2013, 2014, 2015) Community minister, human rights consultant and Special Adviser to The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) - Award winning documentary film maker (Unrepentant, 2007) and author* Education: B.A. We are therefore bringing this truth beyond Canadas borders for the sake of the army of innocents who have died and who will continue to die if justice is not done. William Combes, died of lethal injection, St. Pauls Catholic hospital, Vancouver, February 26, 2011; Genocide survivor. (See Addendum on the testimony of Kamloops survivor William Combes' witnessing of the abduction of ten Kamloops children by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip on October 10, 1964, and of Combes' subsequent death by arsenic poisoning at the Catholic St. Paul's hospital in February 2013, according to eyewitness and attending nurse Chloe Kirker). 1. This approximate mortality figure is based on government and church statistics and is discussed and documented in detail on pp. The internet is filled with pages accusing Annett of all kinds of lies \u0026 abuses. In WWII, Mr . Virtually all of these individuals are practicing members of the Anglican, Catholic or United Church that ran the residential school death camps. Sixteen separate Kamloops survivors have described how as children as young as four years old they were lined up like at a slave auction and bought for sex and worse by local residents and RCMP, church and government visiting dignitaries. Based on an exhaustive, twenty year investigation contained in a 400 page study known as Murder by Decree: The Crime of Genocide in Canada(,the ITCCS report is the culmination of a grueling citizen-led truth campaign waged in the face of unending violence, intimidation, coverup and misinformation by the government and churches of Canada. These began in the 1930s but intensified in the late 1940s and continue to the present day. Genocide survivor. She wasnt moving. The report is entitledA Report on the Continuity of Genocidal Crimes in Canada:An Appeal to the People and Governments of the World. William was a witness to the abduction of ten children by "Queen Elizabeth" Windsor on October 10, 1964 at the catholic Kamloops Indian residential school. BUT Are we actually against War? Together, these exposures provoked a public misinformation campaign by the RCMP designed to conceal the extent and the nature of the disappearances. Me and my brother Ernie were forced to sleep in the same beds with the sick kids after we tried running away. Silenced. Following the Money behind Genocide: Read this Book! It is important to note that this Chretienstate terrorDirective of April 3, 1998 was aimed at anyone who threatened to expose the historic and ongoing genocide of native people. A special Order in Council ratified on July 1, 1920 made it compulsory for every aboriginal child in Canada seven years or older to be incarcerated in the Indian residential school system. And having found that endurance they become more than victims amidst the usual woe called history. resources intensified. This fact undoubtedly explains the refusal of band councils to search for such graves until they were guaranteed immunity from prosecution by the Trudeau government in 2019. Prominent leader of FRD and Vancouver church occupations. As a plan of deliberate church-sponsored genocide it has been modeled on and tied to similar Crimes by the Vatican against non-Catholic peoples across the world. Until then, listen to any and all of our archived programs (2) That systemkilledmore than half of the children incarcerated within it until it formally ended in 1996, or more than 65,000 children. tribes by chiefs in the pay of the federal government. Eyewitness to killings and rapes at Anglican Alert Bay residential school. Grieving parents haven't seen their children since they left for a picnic with the Royal couple on Oct. 10 1964 Do Not commit a Crime by funding Criminal Churches! We are therefore bringing this truth beyond Canadas borders for the sake of the army of innocents who have died and who will continue to die if justice is not done. A similar Catholic-Anglican collusion occurred in the Mohawk Anglican school in Brantford, Ontario and its sister facility, the St. George school in Lytton, B.C. We pay for war with our taxes, we benefit from war materially, and we even draw our pension and retirement funds from the profits of the arms industry as does every major church and religion on the planet, starting with the Vatican Incorporated. It is now the responsibility of every lawful man and woman to stop these murderous churches from harming any more children. Behind its mask of beneficence, as epitomized by its fresh-faced, spin doctoring Prime Minister Trudeau, Canada is a closed and repressive society that is actively exterminating the remainingtraditionalindigenous people within its borders. (13) The routine trafficking, torture and murder of children was practiced in the Anglican, Catholic and United Church Indian schools and implicates senior members of the government and the British royal family and these churches. Consequently, the period since 1990 has witnessed a rapid escalation of violence against Indians and a return to the brutal methods of the early colonial period. Sadly, this collusion by tribal chiefs included helping to conceal the deaths of children and dispose of their remains in secret graves. 6. The TRC indemnified the churches and allowed them to whitewash their archives, censored out of its records any names, references to deaths or actions of a criminal nature, and prevented any lawsuits to arise from testimonies. Annett has been circulating the story of the Kamloops Kidnapping for many years \u0026 has earned immense villification. Leading that opposition are the succeeding generations of the Maquinna clan, the hereditary Ahousaht war-chiefs who must battle not only smallpox-bearing missionaries, gunships and loggers but their own fellow chiefs who seek to accommodateto and accept the white invaders. Many of these men have also been identified by a former Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) operative as participants in the murderousPiggys Palacetorture and snuff-film ring, including two politicians who now serve in the Canadian Senate: former Vancouver Mayor Larry Campbell and aboriginal puppet leader Patrick Brazeau. Lt. Robert Annett, age 19, who died in action on April 29, 1944 after giving his life jacket to a drowning fellow seaman from the HMCS Athabaskan: Greater Love has no man than to give his life for another. And how have we successfully prosecuted and stopped these false and murderous churches and the evil behind them? No proof or sources are provided to support the claims in the. We especially cannot be against war when we depend on and profit from it so much, through a permanent arms economy that sustains our standard of living and privileges. Threatened with death by United Church minister Gary Paterson and a Vancouver police sergeant less than two weeks before he was killed. Critics are kind of raving about A History of White People in Canada! Why Have The Rates Increased Rapidly to 1 in 44 Children? Lots of kids died that way., 10. A comprehensive report that details an historic and ongoing plan to exterminate indigenous people across Canada was released this morning to the United Nations and the European Union. On one end of the spectrum you have people and children nobody would ever guess would be on the spectrum. As early as 1942, Kamloops children were routinely shipped to the Charles Camsell Indian hospital in Edmonton, the Coqualeetza hospital in Abbotsford and the Nanaimo Indian Hospital, all of which were operated by the United Church. A special personal appeal is made in the report to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Christian churches have led the genocidal slaughter of untold millions of people and continue to traffic, rape and murder children with impunity, armed with your tax money. In September, 2010 Elizabeth Windsor signed the Holyrood Agreement with Joseph Ratzinger aka Pope Benedict, laying out the terms for the reincorporation of the Church of England into the Church of Rome. Fallenis a personal recollection and reflection concerning the lives of four men known to the author, all of whom died by probable foul play. Kevin Annett sets out the prima facie evidence for Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip's personal involvement in the disappearance of 10 aboriginal children abducted by After enduring years of sodomy, torture on a rack and electric shocks at the Kamloops school, and just before he was to give his testimony before a citizens' Grand Jury in February 2011, William Combes was killed by arsenic poisoning at the Catholic St. Paul's hospital in Vancouver. Rest assured the truth is coming out faster these days. William Coombes was resident at Kamloops Indian residential school in Kamloops British Columbia in 1964 when the school was visited by the Queen and Prince Philip. Seven of our comrades have died from foul play at the hands of the police and others. Public opponent of state-funded, drug dealing native politicians in Manitoba. Our continuing investigations reveal that many of the men and women who trafficked, tortured and killed children in the Indian residential schools and who are still preying on aboriginal women and children are also members or affiliates of the elite Vancouver Club at 915 West Hastings street. The most recent and blatant coverup was the governments misnamed Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) established by the very Church-State parties responsible for the crime. Arrest these criminally convicted United Church officers: Marion Best, Virginia Coleman, Gary Paterson, Jon Jessiman, Brian Thorpe, Art Anderson, Foster Freed, Phil Spencer, Bill Howie, Cameron Reid, She was crying for her mother at the top of the stairs. The opening of the Kamloops school graves allows all of us to recover justice by overcoming the historical amnesia imposed on us by a criminal Church and State. Jul 12, 2021 #16 jock22 said: FRD member. It did so by means of a secret government Cabinet Directive dated April 3, 1998. Crimes against Humanity, from Canada to Rome: A recent, exclusive interview with Kevin Annett (June 26, 2018), Proof: The Medical Murder of Willam Combes, eyewitness to crimes by Queen Elizabeth Windsor, Testimonies of Survivors and Eyewitnesses, The International Common Law Court of Justice. the Catholic-run Kamloops residential school in British Columbia. I have rarely been so moved by a book.Unrelentingreviewer Elizabeth Richeson, Order your copies now through the create space links above or through or 386-323-5774 (USA). Living Close To Trees Comes With A Number Of Health Benefits, Is climate change happening? Kevin Annett,Ricky Lavallee,Ritual Murder of Children,Ritual Rape and Torture of Children,Roman Catholic Church,Satanic Ritual Torture,Testimonies of Survivors and Eyewitnesses,The International Common Law Court of Justice,Torture,Twelve Mile Club,United Church of Canada,vancouver club,Vatican,William Combes, Issued by the Central Office of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS).

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