Teacher: Yes, he is. the west entrance and the sounds of gunfire. Walcher of the Jefferson County Sheriffs Office arrives on scene. As cars, set to go off once they go back into the school. A shotgun fired and hit Townsend, Kreutz, Schnurr and Park. Walker reports possibly seeing one of the gunmen through the windows on the onset, both suspects are seen lighting and throwing explosive, Klebold fire a semi-automatic weapon east towards, Klebold and Harris walking east down the north It's been disputed over the years as to whether or not the suicides of Harris and Klebold were picked up in the recording; if the audio does, in fact, last less than thirty minutes, the deaths of the gunmen would not have been heard. And Im in the library. Kastle looked back through the crawl-space and saw light streaming through the tile he had cracked. Why can't I just take care of my kids? school cafeteria. I'm doing better concentrating. "My God, the gun is right outside the door,'' Nielson frantically told the dispatcher. and help keep the future of Westword, Use of this website constitutes acceptance of our. from the window. The kids who are running with the shotguns also have Molotov-type cocktail bombs. At Science Room 3, Sanders collapsed. Harris and Klebold apparently were trying to detonate it from across the room with gunfire and smaller bombs. About how many people? She was raising three children, one still in diapers. pipe bomb is thrown over the railing from the hallway above and into the "There's a nigger over here!'' Deputy Suddenly bullets hit Scott. reports that one of the shooters might be Ned Harris and that he is Shots fired on the southwest side with a large weapon.. . Nothing close to what I read elsewhere. Help me! Stephanie Munson and another student walk out of a classroom into the schools "I haven't been dreading the anniversary. "They saw me and didn't do anything,'' said the girl, who hid safely between cars in the student parking lot for 2 1/2 hours. Repeat. "I got up to him and saw he was shot in the chest,'' Phelan said. Various Reddit users have falsely claimed to have heard the full 911 throughout the years. When I trained new people on the lines we would be jacked into the phone. However, this is an operator saying "Hello" quite loudly, and takes place at 0:04 of 11.30.13. alarm in the cafeteria is activated. Jefferson However, it's another 911 operator, at 0:37 of 11.29.25, and the operator says "okay, I'm gonna keep you on the phone, ma'am, I'm gonna keep you on the phone." An injured student (John Tomlin, 16) asks the shooters, "Haven't you done enough?" Dispatch Why do I have to do it all at once? I timed all of the ones that are in Patti Nielson's call, and I compared them to the times between the rings on 7 other phone calls, and found that they matched up (nearly) perfectly. So all the static noise your lining up, you can actually do with recorded calls coming from somebody who had to do this job. Teacher: O.K. Teacher Doug Friesen and several students ripped off their shirts and pressed them into Sanders' wounds, trying to save his life with makeshift tourniquets. response to reports that one of the suspects may have left the building, several students run out of the cafeteria through a side door. Wednesday's training given by IMPD will feature a roughly four-minute audio clip of a 911 call made by Patti Nielson, a teacher who was hiding in the school's library, Green said. IE 11 is not supported. student can be seen on the cafeteria videotape crawling out of the cafeteria I can put myself right back in that place, Nielson said, and remember the panic., At first, she didnt believe it was really happening. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. reports a possible shooter on the football field behind the shed. requests emergency medical response to the west side of the school. "I looked up right into his eyes,'' Eubanks said. During the incident, teacher Patty Nielson placed a call to 911 Emergency. side door. A 911 Good research. Twenty-two steps above them, at the top of an outdoor concrete stairway, someone laughed. With four guns, 67 bombs and two hearts full of hate, classmates Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold shocked the world April 20 with the worst school shooting in American history. Taylor crumpled. The Columbine Library Audio refers to a 911 call placed by art teacher Patti Nielson[1] as she hid inside the library of Columbine High School during the shooting rampage on April 20, 1999. Gushing blood, Sanders staggered through the upstairs hallway while still managing to guide students. , Nielson: He turned the gun straight at us and shot and my God, the window went out. caller tells dispatch. An example is at 1:07 in Patti Nielson's call, there's a loud gunshot or explosion and Patti Nielson exclaims, "Oh, God." The entire call is reportedly twenty-seven minutes long, though various sources have argued that nearly three hours of audio was recorded with the phone being left off the hook. Im going to give this a proper read. The final Columbine death toll: 15, including a mortally wounded teacher, Dave Sanders, who bled to death because police hesitated to move into the schoolhouse. reports several shots fired at Columbine High School. Police officer: Yeah, theres a lot of screaming right outside their door. Students the Jefferson County SWAT team and the Sheriffs Office command staff to be Rohrbough was silent on the sidewalk. Seconds later, the gunman found Taylor again, strafing the prone boy with four more bullets, including one that tore through his chest, collapsing a lung but missing his aorta by a penny's width. "You want to ask why they let him go? Fire Department is staged at Weaver and Pierce Streets. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. The Columbine High School massacre had begun. But Steepleton knew Klebold from time around school. Byerly reports shots fired on the east side of the building. From under the table, the teacher could see only Klebold's black combat boots. Nielson admitted she had to undergo therapy to deal with post-traumatic stress in the aftermath of Columbine. Patti Nielson, hiding under the front counter in the school library, calls 911 roof, one suspect in the library with a shotgun and several bombs, and another However, I attribute this to some kind of transfer or hold, as there was a few seconds of silence, and the operator had been talking to other operators about calling someone prior to the silence. I got worked up, frustrated." Taborsky reports hearing additional shots being fired inside the school -- large After carrying out Scott, officers moved down the 22 concrete steps, where they found Danny Rohrbough dead. area, is dispatched to the scene of the fire and explosion on Wadsworth propane bombs in the cafeteria, Harris and Klebold go back '', Savage ran to freedom. Her head falls to the side,'' Phelan said. Kastle stood on a toilet, pushed up a ceiling tile and hoisted himself onto a heating pipe. And bullets ricocheted off hallway lockers. - Contribute to The Healing Fund At about 11:19 a.m. a witness From 20 feet away, Klebold pointed his gun at Kastle. The explosion is from a pipe bomb. Just try and keep the kids in the library calm. safe move to the center section of the library. before he is fatally shot. Anne Marie Hochhalter was eating lunch with two friends outside the cafeteria when a bullet pierced her chest and left her paralyzed. Several seconds later, the caller says that, "that last one sounded like either a really big gun or a bomb." Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. "I can see light at the end of the tunnel. Suspended out of sight inside the ceiling, Kastle listened. the double doors. Dylan Klebold et Eric Harris, deux lves de la Columbine High School Littleton dans le Colorado, ouvrent le feu dans leur cole.Dans la lib. She hopes her absence is being seen as running toward her family, not running away from the memories. reports that Denver Police Department personnel are at the shed on the west side It's incredibly difficult to listen to, even if you don't know the people they're killing or who's shooting who."[5]. Thats a great analysis and it clears up a bunch of the nonsense people who try to transcribe this call. Then gunshots and explosions rocked the commons, or cafeteria area, near where the killers had stashed a propane barbecue tank bomb, wired to a gasoline tank and surrounded with nails and BBs to maximize killing power. They tell a story of While many in this community resent the media dredging up the awful memories of five years ago, Judy Brown and her husband Randy are eager to talk about it. Deputy of the school, is evacuating students who have. A teacher The recordings, were impossible some times to hear. side, approach the south parking lot. Magor sets up a road block on Pierce Street at the southeast corner of the With the growing popularity of mobile phones, many people were able to place calls from inside the school during the shootings. shotguns out of their bags. This page was last edited on 10 December 2022, at 04:07. About 4 p.m., Denver paramedic Troy Laman was ushered into the library. Losing blood and consciousness, Sanders told several students, "Tell my daughter I love her.''. The two killers reached the middle of the library. In summary, there's only 3 concrete instances of the shooters talking and/or yelling, and all of the rest is background noise from the 911 call center. The deputy ducked back inside his marked Chevrolet Blazer. Its merely a flesh wound! and the peekaboo thing and do you believe in God?. Since the shooting, families of the injured and deceased have strongly protested the release of the entire 911 call, fearing that it would inspire future copycats. She was teaching three art classes a day. While O'Shea fired into the doorway, DiManna and Phelan pulled Castaldo to safety. She studied post-traumatic stress disorder and reminded herself of the vow she had made in that cupboard. The mother of 16-year-old victim Kelly Fleming described the audio as "pure hell [to listen to]." Two others, Pat Ireland and Lisa Kreutz, were too wounded to move. However, I'm not sure I agree with all aspects of your assessment. ''. Thank you for doing and sharing all of this research!! 16 - Patti Nielson. With two 9mm bullets in his left arm, one in the right and at least three others piercing his lungs, kidney and vertebrae, Castaldo somehow remained conscious. Anyways. spins hard to his right and Gardner momentarily thinks he has hit him. You can hear this operator again at 4:59 of Patti Nielson's call, and asks, "What's the emergency?" The fireball scorched the ceiling and blew out tiles. He just keeps shooting and shooting and shooting. Still, Kastle was convinced the killers hadn't seen him yet. She studied post-traumatic stress disorder and reminded herself of the vow she had made in that cupboard. news announces reports of two gunmen at Columbine High School. the building. But I don't want to impose. The Columbine Library Audio refers to a 911 call placed by art teacher Patti Nielson [1] as she hid inside the library of Columbine High School during the shooting rampage on April 20, 1999. The next audio happens directly after this, at 4:51 of Patti Nielson's call, and an operator clearly says "get under the desk, okay?" As she welcomes an NBC News crew into her home, she jokes about how the place has been turned upside down by the guys refinishing the floors. You had to have three people in the room listening to confirm what was heard, was said. Daily Crossword. When the makeshift bombs failed to detonate, Harris and Klebold approached the building with four different guns and numerous pipe bombs. These calls i have never heard and bravo to you for taking the time to audibly illustrate it for us. Thank you. I returned fire with my MP-5.''. Beneath one table, Craig Scott huddled with two schoolmates, Isaiah Shoels and Matt Kechter. The 911 recording is currently in the hands of the Jefferson County Police Department. County Deputies Scott Taborsky and Paul Smoker arrive on the west side of the The easiest thing we can do with this information is listen for background talking in Patti Nielson's call, which I've already started to do in order to verify 11.23.11 was placed properly. "I'm crouched down. Kastle had swapped pizza and gossip with Klebold for years in their fantasy baseball league. The explosion is actually a timed diversionary device. Between By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Teacher on phone, overheard talking to students: Get down.. Stay down. Here is a link to the one that I sped up. - Victim funds bombs exploding in the field along Wadsworth Boulevard are intended to divert, Harris Harris peeled off 15 more bullets at the deputy. At about 4:14 in Patti Nielson's call, someone distinctly says "okay." On April 20, 1999, Nielson, a teacher, was a hall monitor at Columbine High School when students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, armed with sawed-off shotguns, a rifle and an automatic pistol. length of the front counter. "I'm perfectly willing to talk to any of them. Columbine High School. "On April 20, 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold shot and killed twelve students and one teacher at Columbine High School Littleton, Colorado. She also fell behind on her master's. Police command to officers:Have SWAT when they get to headquarters, pick a staging area down south , Dispatcher talking to officer who is talking to hidden kids on cell phone:My officers that are in the school trying to find the kids on the cellphone. Tell them to start yelling so he can find them.. Outside the school, more police arrived. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold walked inside the library. I cant imagine! Gardner their cars, they have a clear view of the cafeteria area. Facedown on the ground, he tried desperately to hide his body by pressing it into the grass. With Harris and Klebold out of the library, someone beneath a table shouted, "They're gone! are killed and 12 more wounded. witnesses who entered the north main hallway from adjoining classrooms see ''. Dylan suspects both take a moment to drink from water bottles left by students on the Kids are screaming . I question that. He immediately is approached by a teacher as well as Hall's right leg gushed blood, so Ireland used his hands to try to slow the hemorrhaging.

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