Especially, Edd. [He gallops around, looking for it.] "Still the troublemakin Eddy, I see." "[Splinter grabs the Eds and tosses them in the air. ]Jonny: "Hang on buddddyyyy! Though they have the same first name and live on the same cul-de-sac in the suburbs, the three youths have very different personalities, which contribute to the confusion, contradiction and just plain awkwardness that defines growing up. Eddy, can I have a good night kiss? Now get me down! "Edd: "And it only took 130 episodes, 4 specials, and a movie, Eddy. ]Lee: "What a deadbeat this guy turned out to be. Kevin is on their left. [to his friends] "LOOKING KEEP LOOKING! [He follows Sarah down the trail.] Yes? "Edd: "Mister Eddy's brother! The kids, meanwhile, pursue the Eds on a wild chase through the Cul-de-Sac, the junkyard and the construction site. The Ed-boys must not escape! "Splinter the Wonderwood:Captain Melonhead: "We're takin the what? ]Captain Melonhead: [scared] "Plank!?!?" Heck, I even recalled watching Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy's Big Picture Show and the part I remember watching the most from the TV movie was where Eddy meets his big brother. It's been like such a crazy day today. However, Plank tells him that there isn't enough time left in the movie, to which Jonny replies, "What movie?". NOOOO!!!" However, later US airings of the movie featured the scene in full, unobstructed by commercials. "[He finally puts it in the ignition. Sorry! So who's the one person in the world that Eddy trusts, 'sides his two loser pals? ]Eddy: "What happened? "You got spunk. Another machine is turning on. [He rummages through the closet.] [He ducks into his jacket. ]Jimmy: [after a moment of contemplation] "I hope Kevin knocks Eddy's teeth out!" "Edd: "But in order for me to calculate our bearings to the gag factory, I'll need" [He walks into a brick wall. "Ed: "Alley-oop!" Wilfred is the first to fly off. It's me, Eddy! As they torment him, he lets slip that the Eds are in danger, raising the Kankers' ire, but is saved by Sarah's arrival. We're not taking one more step until we deduce the whereabouts of your brother, Eddy! [She slings a bucket of clothespins at May. "Eddy: "Thataboy! Something big happened because everyone's angry, chasing after them to give them their just desserts!" "Eddy: "Double D! "[Captain Melonhead stumbles through a veritable jungle of legs, looking all over for his best friend. ]Nazz: "Hello. Oh! I don't get it. Later that night, it is revealed that Rolf has also ambled into the swamp, blind from the meat-grinder on his head and flails around miserably in an attempt to find his way. "Ed: [going under] "To all the girls I loved before. Edd, Nat and Eddy run behind a pole. "[Kevin has come back with his bike. ]Nazz: [forgiving him] "Yeahsorry about that, dude. ]May: [whining] "Lee, Marie swore!" "Edd: "It's called a sextant." "Ed: "Let's sing a song! "Eddy: "Bro!" He declared it a "perfect" end for the series because of the "finality" and the way Ed, Edd n Eddy's "longest-running gags, mysteries, and character relationships" were finished. [Eddy pulls himself out. "Eddy: [snapping] FINE! [gesturing to them] "Edand Double D."Edd: [starstruck, holding out his hand to shake] "I guthink it's very wuh ah ooh" [He swoons. "Kevin! [She turns to Sarah with a bucket of paint.] ]Captain Melonhead: "A bus? Panicked, Eddy suggests they hideout at his Brother's place at least until the dust settles. Meanwhile, the Eds are waking up hungry, the obvious reason being that they didn't have enough time to pack any food before being run off from the Cul-de-Sac. It's time to discuss my thoughts on Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy. I wouldn't miss this Ed-thrashing for all the shoulder pads in the world! "Nazz: "Oh, I'm okay." Oblivious to the other kids' forgiveness of the Eds for everything they've done, he attacks and defeats all three Eds, giving Eddy more injuries. Big Damn Heroes: Before Edd can get raped at the Sabbath, Mikiko fires a discreet acid blast at the rapist's ass. [His belt gives way, and he plunges to the ground.] ]Edd: [gasping] "Private property? They painstakingly yank Ed back into the still-moving car, although Rolf refuses to let go. "Don't forget about me!" ]Rolf: "Let Rolf rub the pit of victory, Ed-boy!" "Sarah: "Aaaandaction! Something big! [He swishes his cape dramatically.] He pulls the bag out of the wall and grabs his sponges before running off. In a cow field, Edd profiles Eddy's brother and reasons that given his con artistry, he would likely be found at a place involving pranks. Nothing to fear." "Kevin: "Those thieves couldn'tve got far. "Eddy: "And" [clutching them close] "If any of those losers find us there, they'll be mailed back to Peach Creek in a body cast. [14] Collider reviewer Austin Allison named the film as the fourth best among a list of "Top 11 TV Cartoon Movies", deeming it a "surprisingly cathartic" creation that "finally gives the Eds a sense of belonging and acceptance that is more valuable to them than all the jawbreakers in the world. "[Eddy gets thrown against the door to the trailer. Consequently earning the ire of the other children from their cul-de-sac, in addition to troubles from the antagonistic and lovelorn Kanker Sisters. "May: "Who doesn't? "Ssh!" Oh no. One false move, and they will fall to their quite probable deaths. Eddy's outburst stops Edd in his tracks. ]Jimmy: "My hero. Agreeing, the Eds embark on an epic journey through uncharted territories to locate "Big Bro's" whereabouts unaware that the enraged neighborhood kids are tracking them down for a 'dork' pounding! Pardon me! "Where are you? Edd concludes the film and the series by putting a label that says "The End" on the screen. "[Splinter the Wonderwood is nowhere to be found. [He clutches his forehead before turning back to Eddy, grinning.] Arr! [His friends stare at him. "[Behind Rolf's back is a shoe. "Edd: "I'd rather face my consequences, Ed, than wander aimlessly with a so-called friend! "Eddy: "My big bro showed me! "[Downstairs is nothing but silence. "Marie: [eating croissant] "She's kinda homely, if you ask me. "Ed: "Double D!" However Johnny aka "The. "Eddy: "He's waitin for us!" "Shoulda stayed at that motel. "Ed: [excited] "He's gonna feed us, Eddy? ]Kevin: "Right behind you, man. ]Edd and Eddy: "WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! "[The wooden bar breaks, and a foot kicks through the doorknob. A regular stampede of em. Can't sink in it! ]Rolf: "Rolf will have the Ed-boys on a spit by nightfall! [Ed crawls from the swamp.] They pass by a mountain of trash. ]Ed: "Look, I'm Double D! Do you hear me?" Not only this, but a water main has broken, flooding an area near the woods, and there is strangely enough a broken canoe by another house. ]Eddy: "Too late! "Eddy: "Snore! "Ed: [scared] "Too high guys! "[Kevin looks back towards their campsite. "Jimmy: [worried] "I'm fine, really, I am! "Edd: "Stand clear, gentlemen! [He rushes into the darkness in the back of the cave. ", [A bus pulls up to the curb. ", [The Eds are tromping through a grassy field. "Edd: "You mean England, Eddy. [She drops him by the washing machine.] He then looks around and realizes that there's nobody there. It parks by a truck, and the doors swing open. "Big bro ain't gonna be impressed." After finding her, Kevin attempts to reconcile with her and succeeds. [He uses his shirt as a bandana.] "[Edd's eyes bulge. He puts Plank on a melon-shaped chair and spins it before going to another one, sitting on it, and spinning it as well. ]Kevin: [shoving her aside and examining the rat] "What is this, a joke? It is a collection of one-shots and multi-chapter stories focusing on the Eds' relationship with the Kankers, both before and after the events of Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show (particularly in how their relationship evolves after the events from . The next time that wall is in frame, the door is nowhere to be seen. "[Ed throws Eddy at Edd. His attacks include a head slam (activate button is B . ]Kevin: "Eddy?" Perhaps more conservative, yes?" All I know is we're stuck in a swamp off the middle of nowhere!" Using the chart, Edd discovers that from their past experiences with Eddy's Brother's legacy, such as a stink bomb, a hot sauce recipe, and a fake treasure map, that Eddy's Brother is a jokester. Sarah and Jimmy, still riding Wilfred, are also seen to be heading directly for the park. Unfortunately, on the way out, his mask gets twisted, rendering him blind. He's described to be a "whiz" at many things. "Eddy: [excited] "It's got a sauna? "This way. [He falls out of his pants.] The following was released on an Ed, Edd n Eddy fansite, The3Eds, on November 8, 2008, taken from the CN Block Party issue: Oh, Brother! Cartoon and premiered on Cartoon Network on November 8, 2009. "Edd: [pointing at it] "Are those salt deposits from your lamentation? "Ed: "Where we goin, Eddy? [Eddy walks past. Help! "Together, we will exact revenge, on the entire cul. From here on out, it's nothing but smooth sailing! It feels the chains before reaching down and lifting one of the bolts. ]Eddy: "I do, bro, I do! I thought you wanted to hang with your hero." This is a reference to the famous comedy team. ", Edd's statement is partially correct. Centrifugal force is quick to act on the car, as the kids are pushed away from it. It's at this moment that everyone has an epiphany: they all realize that the reason Eddy was who he was wasn't because he was a bad guy deep down, and that all he really wanted was friendship and recognition - something his older brother never gave him, and as a result, Eddy became an emotionally wrecked, insecure character who just wanted to fit in. "Here I go!" Ed ran off the edge of the cliffs. Eddy pushes Edd over to the door to listen for the other kids, using a glass to hear, but Ed startles him with a loud crunch as he begins eating his toast, then Edd accidentally drops the glass. ]Rolf: "Wilfred! The kids come rushing in, all of them horridly maimed in one way or another: Rolf has had much of his midsection bitten off, Kevin is bruised and burned, Jonny's head is clenched by a bear trap, Plank is nicked and cracked, and Nazz has had most of her hair sheared off and is wearing only a cardboard box. ]Rolf: "Hmm. "[An arm reaches through the space where the doorknob used to be. Friendship is Magic Fanfiction Designed and coded by knighty . Love Big Picture Show! It then backs up and goes through a fence. Has your thinkbox collapsed? The wagon tips over, spilling its load behind May. Cartoon), Christine's Rice Cake Hut (reference to inker, Christine Li), Gag Factory (presumably referring to the Lemon Brook Gag Factory, which oddly, has been abandoned for about 10 years), As Ed and Eddy "sink" in the quicksand, Ed says "To all the girls I loved before." "[A memory hits Ed. ]Ed: [drenched and shivering] "Cold! Nazz warms her hands by the fire. ; 2D Visuals, 3D Effects: The cracked desert ground Rolf treks through as he's riding Wilfred.While not really plot relevant, it is the only time the show has ever used any form of 3D . The water comes down, soaking everything in the vicinity. "Ed: [uprooting a tree] "What? Wilfred speeds up, and they approach the car's rear. Ed, Edd n Eddy; Romance; Adventure; After constant harassment from Lee Kanker, and rejection from Nazz, Eddy has finally found someone he's fallen in love with. [He heaves it upright and begins to work on it. "[Edd is still in his seat, there only because of his seat belt. I'm getting some shut-eye." I just made things up so people would like me. "Ed: [still giggling] "Aw, we're sorry, Double D. Jelly bean?" Edd points out that Eddy's Brother has to either work there or, at the very least, be a regular customer to the gag factory and Eddy confidently predicts that his brother is there right now. Kevin sticks his head in. [The Eds grin. I'm so sorry! "Jimmy: "Think of what they'll do to them, Sarah! "Eddy: [cowering] "Okay! ]Edd: "Gotcha! Suddenly, it bursts open, scattering its contents all over the room. For the wii. ]Edd: "Motels cost money, Eddy." As the kids and the Eds congregate, the Kanker sisters go over to Eddy's brother. "Edd: "Edifying." ]Marie: "It's made of wood, ain't it? He looks around. The AKA Cartoon logo is displayed with a melon rind in the background. Eddy scrambles into the drivers seat. ]Ed: "Look! We are three no more, Eddy! ]Rolf: "Curse you Ed-boys! ]Captain Melonhead: "No thanks are necessary, citizens." "[Lee opens her mouth and sticks her finger in. Series creator Danny Antonucci directed the film and co-wrote it with Jono Howard, Mike Kubat, Rachel Connor and Stacy Warnick. "Lee: "Quit your squawkin and keep it movin!" He then proceeds to lay it on top of the muffin. [He tosses it in the sand.] Eddy fumbles with the key. "Eddy: "As if! "[Eddy waves the flies away. All because of our misguided chicanery! "Edd: [realizing they've gone off a cliff] "Stop!" When we follow it, we find it leads down into the earth into the Melon Cave. Sarah and Jimmy, meanwhile, are skipping gaily through the Cul-de-Sac, looking forward to their picnic lunch and view of the coming Ed-bashing. "[Ed runs forward. "Eddy: [panicked] "Don't just stand there! ]Captain Melonhead: "Holy Toledo, Splinter! Knock yourself out. Just then, the kids manage to break open the door partway, causing Ed to break open the peanut in his anxiety, revealing a key. What? See me?!?" The destination name changes from 160 Downtown to VENGEANCE. I'll make the fire." "[Edd tries to get loose. While Ed and Eddy goof off, Edd attempts to make use of a jerry-rigged sextant to find the gag factory. The factory awakens, grumbling into life. Eddy! [Jimmy opens his mouth to scream. "Ed: "BBBWWWWWWAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! Among the destroyed items are a record and a bowling ball. "Ed: "Gag factory, yay! We got boyfriends to save. ", [The sun dawns brightly, beaming down on a picturesque field. "A peanut? "To Eddy's big bro's house!" "[Sarah grabs Jimmy's legs and manages to pull him free. [trying to grab it] "I think I can reach it, Kev. Writers: Jono Howard Mike Kubat Rachel Connor Stacy Warnick Danny Antonucci. After lunging out from behind the rock, armed to the teeth and thrusting his pitchfork around wildly, realizes after a confused glance from Wilfred that the Eds have been gone for hours. I'm pretty sure they won't be going back to the cul-de-sac. "Edd: [creating a rope from vines as his friends cry for help] "Stay calm, don't panic." [Nobody replies.] "[Kevin leaves. "Oh, pardon me. "Edd: "Oh shush!" Eddy jumps in fear and clambers over a rock to a hiding spot. I am Ed! ], [Sarah cuts a hole in a cardboard box and looks through it. [He grabs the provided hammer and breaks the case.] "[He looks up and sees that Edd has labeled the entire campsite. "[Ed falls off the camel and slams into the wall. ]Eddy: "Hey! Immediately recognizing Rolf as one of the Eds' pursuers, they immediately take him as their prisoner. [He grabs Eddy's leg.] May giggles in anticipation, and her sisters join in. Save yourselves!" I think he wants us to follow him! Sac!!! Ed and Eddy then prank Edd into believing that they have sunken to their demises in quicksand. [whispering] "I'm frightened. ]Rolf: "Downtrodden rabbit radishes! "[Sarah growls, but then gets an idea. Eddy finally reveals himself and merely stares blankly upwards and tearfully admits to everyone that he made up everything that he ever said about his brother. ]Sarah: [gleefully] "Yowzers! Patric Caird. "Ed: [laughing and mocking him] "Aah! [She runs into May. ]Eddy: [awestruck] "Really? Help me! [He stumbles into a woman's rump.] "[The egg finishes cooking, and Rolf picks it up. "Eddy: "And away we go! Lee steals Jimmy away. ]Sarah: "Cut, cut, cut cut!" [She falls into the machine.] Ed's right shoe and sock are absent for most of the movie. "Ed and Marie: [shocked] "Double D! "[He spots a speck of mud on his bike and tries to clean it. "[Ed chuckles, pulls up his shirt, and begins to drum on his belly. Following said trail, we find some broken chalk, two abandoned shoes, a skateboard with the wheels still rolling, and a dropped ice-cream cone on which ants are crawling.Lightning flashes, and we see the lane, utterly destroyed. At Eddy's house, Eddy is also seen packing up his personal items into his suitcase, panicking, as he hears someone at his back door. - The most popular and iconic candy in Ed, Edd n Eddy, as well as their prime motivation for scamming kids out of their money.

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