Many others have . Let us take a closer look at those two major events. 7-8. You should live with fellow Jehovah's Witnesses only. In what ways will Christ be completely victorious? class to publish the interpretation after the Supreme Court by Christ Jesus reveals it. (Prov. last days. She has used her power and influence to exploit her flocks. ( Gense 6:3) Ce decret divin mis en 2490 avant notre re marqu le commencement de la fin pour le monde impie. On occasion, Jehovah directly intervened in those battles. By that time I hope my kid is a millionaire helping to support me in my retirement. Wreckage from a plane crash is shown on Holston Mountain near Elizabethton on Sunday. so looks like they have a new way of conning innocent folk,feckin barstewards! 'He that does the will of God remains forever,' states the Bible. As she grew up as a third-generation Jehovah's Witness, there were certain things . We can imagine how the world will respond. King of the North 1914 to Armageddon; GT Timeline. 2034,that would make my husband 84yrs old.But i thought it was any day now.Same crap,keep the flock in line with death threats no matter how long it takes. Our chronology, however, which is reasonably accurate (but admittedly not infallible), at the best only points to the autumn of 1975 as the end of 6,000 years of man's existence on earth. Jehovah's Witnesses teaches that Armageddon will start in the year 2034. 3 Read Revelation 16:14,16. My concern is that placing the emphasis of the discussion on the days of Noah might give some the false impression that the Bibles reference to the days of Noah would be similar, if not identical, to the History of Noah (Genesis 6:9) Because, immediately prior to the reference to the History of Noah we have the statement in Genesis 6:3: After that Jehovah said: My spirit shall not act toward man indefinitely in that he is also flesh. By Pudgy, August 12, 2021. armageddon. Even so, we can endure with joy. (Genesis 15:13; Acts 7:6, 17, 23, 25, 30, 34) Were not Christ's apostles overanxious to see the Kingdom established, not to speak of their complete misunderstanding as to what the Kingdom really is? (b)According to Ezekiel 38:2, 8, 9, what will bring Gog to the symbolic place called Armageddon? Im not questioning the argument for the presence being some period of time, it is simply that to use these verses (Matthew 24:37-39 and Luke 12:26-28) to definitively do so creates more questions and speculation than it needs to, given all of the other proof texts and reasoning that could be used (to support the parousia being a period of time). And it is precisely because of societys great anxiety in tumultuous times that the Witnesses find such a fertile field for their hysterical, pseudo-prophetic speculations. 16:16; ftn.) I read the french version of this Watchtower edition and it was clearly suggested that the end might be in 2034 Do you have any comment about it? (b)Why will our knowing Jehovah prove to be a blessing at Armageddon? 1-5). 9:26) (Aid to Bible Understanding, Brooklyn, NY: Watchtower Society, 1971, p. 642). They may be surprised by the sudden start of Jehovahs day, but they will not be caught off guard. 1975 came and went and the governing body had to deal with the fallout for the coming 5 years until things started to pick up again. Let's take a real close look at the name "Jehovah . 19:2) How will Jehovah destroy Babylon the Great? Very soon they will be given that opportunity. The only consistent thing about that record has been its absolute failure. 5 Jehovahs people have long awaited Armageddon. alan mcgee gemma interview . Armageddon: The Next of the Left-Behind Series, The English Standard Version and Micah 5:2, Be Confident of Your Salvation Studies in 1 John (Part 2). [Footnotes]Jehovah's Witnesses, in their eagerness for Jesus' second coming, have suggested dates that turned out to be incorrect. It suggests that someone in the writing department (perhaps a younger Nethinim hopeful, waiting for the governing body to be opened to the great crowd) has perhaps given passing thought to the possibility of a 120 tie in with 1914 to 2034. 8 Replies Either you are "over-eagar" OR you are "spiritually asleep.". | Certainly, I am not going to assign any meaning to this at all except to take the clear warning not to be like the people in the days of Noah and Lot and miss the signs leading up to the event that faced them. These ones. Period. 16:16. In Matthew 24:5ff, Christ set forth a number of signs that would herald the impending destruction of Jerusalem. (The Finished Mystery, 1917 edition, p. 258), 1917 "It is the Day of Vengeance, which began in the world war of 1914 and which will break like a furious morning storm in 1918." 6. Tweet. #1 would make the most sense from a business prospective but I don't see them resisting #2. They proudly bear his name, and they have obeyed his command to flee from Babylon the Great. The word Armageddon appears just once in the Scriptures, and it comes from a Hebrew term that means Mountain of Megiddo. (Rev. Third, as we will see later in this article, the war of Armageddon will begin when the worlds kings attack Gods people, who are scattered throughout the earth. (Rev. watchtower Why were publishers doing more hours (per publisher) in the late 1980s/early 1990s than in 1975? Will the Witnesses have a turn-around just as they did in the early 1970s? Only when new appointments are made to the governing body of people who have a reasonable chance of making it to 2034 will this idea get off the ground. 4. That is the interesting part. A generation could be considered 40 years. (August 15, 1950, page 263) "The brothers preparing these publications are not infallible. 202-203 ***. It appears to me that the context of these accounts is clearly focusing on an event (it occurred Luke 17:26) that overtook unwary people. Share. But I did agree with those who suggested that it may be an indication of things to come. You know how they expected the end of the world in 1843/4? ^ par. 1-2. No wonder this has a dramatic effect on the Witnesses' ability to convert and retain members - in the western world they have still to recover from the 1995 announcement. Russell's chief claim was that Jesus Christ , the perfect man, had returned invisibly to earth in 1874 and would establish God's visible kingdom after the Battle of Armageddon in 1914. Jehovah's Witnesses are a Christian religious sect rooted in the Adventist movement of the late 1800s and early 1900s. 13 The attack of Gog. WT just did a publicity thing trumping up Isaac Newton in one of the mags this past autumn. Considering that Jehovah's Witnesses have so many rules, one would do well to consider For the entire Law has been fulfilled in one commandment, namely 'You must love your neighbor as yourself.'Galatians 5:14 when reviewing them. jehovah's witnesses armageddon 2034cars for sale under $1,000 in orange county. if this generation is meant an era then it is to be 200yrs so1914+200=2114. Just google Armageddon 2034. Only 120 years more and Jehovah would bring 'the deluge of waters upon the earth to bring to ruin all flesh, Some 90 years have passed since the last days of this system of things began in 1914. 24:13. Progressive Humanist Civilization or medieval superstitious totalitarianism? The Watchtower recognizes the truth as belonging to Jehovah, and not to any creature. They were so specific about this prediction, that they narrowed . 6. THE WATCHTOWERSTUDY EDITION September2019, The WatchtowerStudy Edition| September2019. Would you like to read this article in %%? 32:8) We will trust in Jehovah our Goda stand that will seem foolish to the nations. 85 PICTURE DESCRIPTION: Policemen get ready to force their way into the home of a Christian family who trust that Jesus and his angels are aware of what is happening. Never did they say, 'These are the words of Jehovah. Actions against the religious group and its individual members spanned the Nazi years 1933 to 1945. Or will ordinary Witnesses see through the date setting because of the flood of information on the Internet? 5. Or will the Witnesses break up into various factions and branches before it even reaches that stage? The Greek word used in Luke for occurred (ginomai) speaks to a happening, and more specifically the context reveals a happening within the days of Noah, the event rather than the days being the primary discussion as is seen in Thayer's Lexicon Definitions: A prolongation and middle voice form of a primary verb; to cause to be ("gen"-erate), i.e. But what happens when an elder's reasoning is confronted with . The Adventist movement emerged in the 1830s around the . According to Revelation 17:1, 6 and 18:24, why will Jehovah destroy Babylon the Great? (Awake, Oct. 8, 1968). Rather, he compared his presence to the much longer period of time that led up to the Flood. Coming? 2 The Bible shows that the war of Armageddon will save mankind by ending human rule. The leaders of the Watchtower Organization have long taught their members that THEY, and THEY, alone, are "appointed by Jesus" to dispense His truth, or, as it is put to the rank-and-file, "spiritual food," and that if a Jehovah's Witness does not follow the teachings of the Watchtower, and remain "faithful" to the Watchtower Organization, they are "going against God and His . PRIVACY SETTINGS,, THE WATCHTOWERSTUDY EDITION September2019, What will Jehovah not allow the nations to do, and why not? A plane carrying five Jehovah's Witness ministers crashed Saturday, killing all aboard, officials said. Second, the area around Megiddo is far too small to hold the kings of the entire inhabited earth and their armies and war machines. Why will the proclamation of peace and security be a dangerous lie? 6:33; 24:14) It also includes supporting Christs anointed brothers as they care for their weighty responsibilities.Matt. 14 True, some expectations that appeared to be backed up by Bible chronology did not materialize at the anticipated time. jw SONG 143 Keep Working, Watching, and Waiting. 1. ***15 Yes, Jehovah's people have had to revise expectations from time to time. "The year 1940 is certain to be the most important year yet, because Armageddon is very near. This is why many Witnesses went into the 1980s and early 1990s with great confidence. Like Pharaoh at the Red Sea, Gog will learn that he is fighting against Jehovah.Ex. Accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty years.' I tried to use reasoning but it didn't work: 4 The fact that the word pa-rou-si'a refers to an extended period of time harmonizes with what Jesus said with regard to his presence. The account in Luke is admittedly much clearer in putting emphasis on the event, it occurred rather than the days of. Only 120 years more and Jehovah would bring 'the deluge of waters upon the earth to bring to ruin all flesh in which the force of life is active from under the heavens.' (Read Matthew 24:37-39.) 16:16. Some Dubs believed the year 2000 would not arrive before Armageddon. ***. 1993 March 22 pp.3-4 Why So Many False Alarms? How come they can't just say "we've done more research, we think we were mistaken. By putting this value in the parallel equation we get the same result, 2014! I doubt they'll come out with a specific date in the near future. Were not the anointed Christians in Thessalonica impatient to see "the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ" and "the day of Jehovah"?2 Thessalonians 2:1, 2.15 There is nothing basically unscriptural in using chronology in efforts to learn "the appointed time" for the fulfillment of God's purposes. ^ par. Why? 16:5-7; 19:1, 2. *** w84 12/1 p. 18 Keep Ready! The Bible tells us about a most unusual proclamation. 30:15; Rev. New features of the work have required new methods, which has meant revisions and changes from time to time in organization instructions, but it is all a part of the advancement of Jehovah's theocratically controlled organization under the immediate direction of Jehovah God himself. It is vital, therefore, that each one recognize that Jesus Christ is the Head of the Christian congregation, as well as showing proper regard for those on earth who have been theocratically appointed to positions of oversight.-Phil. Copyright 2001-2015 Jehovah's Witness Discussion Forum | JW.Org Community Information. THE SUPREME COURT STILL INTERPRETS, thank God; and Christ Jesus, the Court?s official mouthpiece of interpretation, reserves to himself that office as head of Jehovah?s ?faithful and wise servant? Jehovah's Witnesses endured intense persecution under the Nazi regime. The organization is asking Ramapo . Maybe instead of WT setting their own date, they will fall back on the possibility of Newton's calculations. Words such as "Similar, Similarly, Similarity, Similarities, Parallel, Corresponds, Characteristic, Compare, Arklike and more are all through the article to back up their subtle and hinted claims. 19:16) This is what makes the congregation theocratic in structure, adhering to God-rule. Interrupt them. obviously its not a real talk but has anyone heard of this? This works for the current GB as some of them will be alive in 2034 but all will be dead by 2154! (Acts 15:16, 17; Rev. For example, he may use earthquakes, hail, and lightning. This may seem counter-intuitive to getting rid of someone, but the fact is that if you don't answer the door, they are likely to mark you as "not home" and return in the near future. Eventually the governing body will stomach the idea of promoting 2034 as the possible date for the end (120 years from 1914 - 'just as the days of Noah will the days of the son of man be'). The first was the initial portion of Matthew 24, while the latter was an excerpt from Pauls second epistle to Timothy. Rather, he will destroy it in two main stages. For practically the first time in their 120 year history Witnesses had no date to work work towards, no reasonable time frame in which to place their expectations. We should have confidence in the channel God is using . It doesn't have to be either/or. 38:19-22) He may turn his enemies against one another. 6/1/99 and 8/15/99 Watchtowers each had articles that drew the parallel between the JWs work and Noah's. 1879 was the start of The Watchtower and 1999 was 120 years later. Did not Moses make a 40-year miscalculation in trying to act ahead of time to remove Israel's affliction? "for then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world's beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.". (Ps. Either that or there is a contradiction between Matthew and Luke on this matter. When I was still a JW some of us were wondering aloud who the "king of the north" is now. Then there was that Watchtower a while back that many apostates interpreted as pointing to 2034 implicitly. A few victims who can't conform here and there, but "the organization" on the whole is moving fast forward. slimboyfat. First, he will destroy Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion. One would suppose (and even hope) that eventually they would learn from their dismal record of date-setting blunders. The prospect of dying at Armageddon is a terrible thing for a Jehovahs Witness because they are taught that . They will make her devastated and naked by plundering her wealth and exposing her wickedness. Your donation gift(s) are very much appreciated and may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes. (Job 38:22, 23; Ezek. Out of zeal and enthusiasm for the vindication of Jehovah's name, Word and purposes, and the desire for the new system, some of his servants have at times been premature in their expectations. I have a suggestion about what might happen to Witnesses in the future. As I stated earlier about the account in Luke 17:26-28 referring to the occurrence (event) of the end versus the period of time it would seem that clear thinking would prevent us from trying to attach a length of time of any sort to the presence of Jesus Christ based upon the account in Matthew citied in the article. 5:31) At Armageddon, Gods enemies will likewise perish, while those who love God will be saved. Unlike Jews, Sinti and Roma (" Gypsies "), and others persecuted and killed by virtue of their birth, Jehovah's Witnesses had the opportunity to escape . Those events occurred over many decades. Prior to 1975, it was widely taught among the Witnesses that that year would usher in the end. When such did not occur, thousands abandoned the movement. So, they've cut expenses to the bone (with more cuts on the way I would imagine). How can we remain faithful to Jehovah as Armageddon draws near? A quarter of a century ago I filed a copy of the Watchtower magazine (published and distributed by the "Jehovah's Witnesses"). ; p. 99), 1917 "And the mountains were not found. 2:26, 27; 7:9,10) Yes, what a privilege the great crowd will have had to support Jehovahs anointed servants while these were still on earth! You will see a gradual emphasis of this until the mid-to-late 2020s when they will go completely nuts with it like they did in 1914, 1915, 1925, 1975. The misnamed Jehovahs Witnesses have a long, undistinguished history of setting dates. (Rev. Nothing is interpreted but the interpretation comes from God and is then published . (a)According to 1Thessalonians 5:1-6, what unusual proclamation will world leaders make? To teach his disciples the importance of keeping on the watch, Jesus told them: "Note the fig tree and all the other trees: When they are already in the bud, by observing it you know for yourselves that now the summer is near.". Can't they take the middle ground? 17:3,16) That swift destructionas if in one daywill come as a shock to those who supported her. I think it will take another decade (of the older generation of JW's dying off in waves) before the "1914 generation" shit hits the proverbial fan. For example, by the waters of Megiddo, God helped Israelite Judge Barak defeat a Canaanite army led by a chief named Sisera. Back in the 1960s there was, seemingly, a brief period of relaxation in authoritarianism among Jehovah's Witnesses. Does no one think my post interesting enough to reply? (Acts 1:6; compare Luke 19:11; 24:21.) God gave the people in Noah's day 120 years, and perhaps he was giving us 120 years also. Accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty years.' Notice that Jesus did not liken his presence to the relatively short period of time during which the Flood occurred in Noah's day. To receive everlasting life in the earthly we must identify that organization and serve God as part of it. TERMS OF USE but this is the central "seven times" framework which apostate Jehovah's witnesses are now trying to "trample" to buried meaninglessness . If you found the Watchtower contradicted the Bible which would you believe? 7:14) How will we know when that tribulation is about to begin? The evidence is clear that Jehovah has used and is continuing to use his one organization, with "the faithful and discreet slave" taking the lead. I am just setting out one of the possibilities. some new 'prophet' will need to come forward from among them! ):--arise, be assembled, be(-come, -fall, -have self), be brought (to pass), (be) come (to pass), continue, be divided, draw, be ended, fall, be finished, follow, be found, be fulfilled, + God forbid, grow, happen, have, be kept, be made, be married, be ordained to be, partake, pass, be performed, be published, require, seem, be showed, X soon as it was, sound, be taken, be turned, use, wax, will, would, be wrought. Revelation is clear that it is the Kings of the earth versus God. How foolish to take the view that expectations needing some adjustment should call into question the whole body of truth! Jesus will hurl him and his demons into an abyss, where they will be locked away for a thousand years.Rev. 25:31-40. 12-18) Noteworthy is the sentence that says: "Rather than trying to decide whether a certain person, family or group of persons . Proof they already started on this road. More important, imagine how profoundly happy you will be when Gods name and sovereignty have been fully vindicated! against Sisera. Initially, Russell felt that the battle of Armageddon started in 1874, based on his understanding that this was a social upheaval. After all, the gods of the once powerful Babylon the Great did not save her from the wild beast and its ten horns! There may be some infighting about this as there was in Franz' day, but some new 'prophet' will need to come forward from among them! (Rev. "The 'slave' class has served as God's sole collective channel for the flow of Biblical truth to men on earth. Photo by The statement in the footnote appears to ignore the parallel account in Luke 17:26-28: Moreover, just as it occurred in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of man: 27 they were eating, they were drinking, men were marrying, women were being given in marriage, until that day when Noah entered into the ark, and the flood arrived and destroyed them all. 16:14) However, in this article, we will also use the term Armageddon to refer to the war that immediately follows the gathering of the kings of the earth. The Bible helps us to foresee some coming developments. Jehovah's Witnesses was founded in 1879 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania by Charles Taze Russell (1852-1916). They were guilty of false prophesying. Introduction. But, I am fearfully confident that many others will do so and this will be a question many will ask. (Ezek. for God has on earth today a prophetlike organization , Jehovah's anointed witnesses on earth. (Rev. friends. To me, the generation teaching was the primary argument that I (stupidly) believed meant that the world was ending soon. Maybe they're use this one after 2034 hope proves false hope once again. Here is our best guess at this point in timeblah blah blah." *** Watchtower 1964 October 1 p.601 Pay Attention to Prophecy ***. The governing body (especially the young ones and future appointees) will panic when they realise that tinkering (15 mins for old publishers and pioneer requirement shifts) has not done the trick. Page 15, Paragraph 6 "In Noah's day, Jehovah declared: 'My spirit shall not act toward man indefinitely in that he is also flesh. Included therein were Noah's building of the ark and his preaching work, right up until the time that the Flood finally arrived. Then, at Armageddon, he will destroy the rest of Satans world, including its political, military, and commercial systems. And you can tell when Armageddon is near when you see the things . cit., p. 31). Their writings are not inspired as are those of Paul and the other Bible writers. "Jehovah has kept these warnings in front of his people by means of timely reminders through the spiritual food provided by 'the faithful and discreet slave'". Final Prophecy Cycle Timeline Images; . Accommodation Rules One Should Follow. Armageddon specifically refers to Mount Megiddo in Israel where some Christians believe the final conflict between good and evil will take place. Alas, such appears not to be in the foreseeable future. In my opinion, there are 2 ways they can go: 1 - Mainstream - drop shunning, make blood conscious matter, focus less on field service and more on community projects (sort of like the LDS), turn Bethel into the JW version of BYU, push getting a good education instead of vilifying college, etc. Pole. A replacement for Freddy is still awaited. Aussi ses jours se monteront-ils cent vint ans." Jehovah is the one behind all of it. From these also turn away (vv. This calculation is based in the year 1914 as the begining of the last days plus the. Well it turns out that many Adventists also thought of a 120 year tie in with that date and came to the conclusion that the end would come in 1964. The Bible says 'their days are seventy or eighty', so Witnesses figured that the end must come around 1994 at the latest. jw 32 Replies And so will many other people. They sang: From heaven the stars fought . 1879 was the start of The Watchtower and 1999 was 120 years later. After being given divine warning of things not yet beheld,' says the apostle Paul, '[Noah] showed godly fear and constructed an ark for the saving of his household.' Thanks, Blondie! Because of our eagerness, we have hoped for the new system earlier than Jehovah's timetable has called for it. (a)Why is Armageddon good news for mankind? We must, therefore, insist that the Scriptures do not teach that Armageddon is a carnal conflict that is a precursor to the end of earths history. Let us consider each of these in turn. (Read Ezekiel 38:2, 8,9.) Jehovah is using only one organization today to accomplish his will. Thieves! How can we be among those who will be saved at Armageddon? After the destruction of all false religious organizations, Gods people will stand out like a lone tree that survived a fierce storm. With presumptuousness the prophet spoke it . Their organization, being patterned after the first-century Christian congregation, is blessed by Jehovah. They're probably waiting for some newsworthy event to take place and they'll call it a "sign". Never in these instances, however, did they presume to originate predictions 'in the name of Jehovah.' They will then be part of the heavenly armies that will crush Gog and safeguard a great crowd of sheeplike ones. Why did things start to pick up again in the 1980s? Jehovah's Witness, member of a millennialist denomination that developed within the larger 19th-century Adventist movement in the United States and has since spread worldwide. If we have once established what instrument God is using as his "slave" to dispense spiritual food to his people, surely Jehovah is not pleased if we receive that food as though it might contain something harmful. beliefs, Is the Watchtower Predicting The End By 2034 Through Subtle Hints? 1:7-9) We know God when we know his likes, dislikes, and standards. The current president is Don Adams. I'll bring the organization into the promised land, oh yeah! 32 Replies They have to figure out a way to motivate the average JW in the developed world to give more. Each year they gather into the organization tens of thousands of new ministers, clearly a product of Jehovah's spirit operating through his invisible King-Son and his angelic representatives, then through his faithful slave class on earth today.- . This apparently mirrored the mood of reform within the Catholic Church at the time. Note: The tribes of Dan and Ephraim are not included in this list because Dan was guilty of idolatry at Leviticus 24:11; Judges 18:1, 30; and 1 Kings 12:28-30 and Ephraim guilty of idolatry at Hosea 4:17 and Judges 17. If you would, reflect back with me upon the Witnesses article, from the Watchtower issue cited above. Or those determined to fight a "war on terror". Her grandfather laughed when Armageddon didn't happen in 1914, CT Russell was sweating bullets because he didn't know what to say to anyone, he was panicking and pacing back and forth all night, they were .

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