The differences between Sunnis and Shiites was an excuse. He screamed even louder than his little sister, drowning her out. Cuba was a communist country, like Russia had been, and for decades the Soviets had been buying Cubas sugar for eleven times the price and sending the little island food and gasoline and medicine for free. He realizes that even being observed is an invitation to danger, and therefore. Despite being exhausted and in agony, Mahmoud must battle to stay afloat in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea with no boat or life jacket. He is constantly making jokes read analysis of Youssef Bishara Hana Bishara Mahmoud 's infant sister. The MS St. Louis. All right, Mahmouds father was saying. Mahmoud: Serbia to Hungary 2015, 15 to 16 days from home. There were butterflies in his stomach as he got up in front of such a large audience, and his voice broke as he stumbled through the Hebrew words, but he did it. Chabela! her grandfather shouted when he saw her. When Youssef and Mahmoud return to their cell and pass, Mahmoud: Hungary 2015, 17 days from home, refugee camp in a cold, muddy field surrounded by wired fence. They try to float, but their life vests are useless. Josef and his family hoped to one day make it to America, but you couldnt just sail into New York Harbor. Isabel clung to the wooden bench she sat on, squeezed in between Ivn and her grandfather. Instant downloads of all 1699 LitChart PDFs This must have been the Castilloss plan all alongfor Luis and his girlfriend to run away with them! tatatat!and bullets pinged into the car. Her brown face was splotchy with freckles, and her thick black hair was cut short for summer and pulled back behind her ears. The boy thrust the armband at Josefs chest. Together they hurried to the ramp as best they could, carrying all the suitcases. Mom! Mahmoud yelled. As Josef dried his eyes, he realized he hadnt played like this, hadnt laughed like this, for many years. Papis eyes were wide as he stood from the kitchen table. Instant PDF downloads. Hed be calling for the police. Where did Mahmoud and his family live for 4 weeks? Apparently, they were all coming along for the ride. It was an ugly blue thing cobbled together out of old metal advertisements and road signs and oil drums. All four of them burst out laughing, and Josef and Renata pulled the two younger children away before they could be caught. Bar mitzvah? The leader of Syria. Finally, the Greek Coast Guard finds Mahmoud and his mother. They came to the door of the Jewish train car, and the Hitler Youth spun Josef around. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. Not here. To walk around getting noticed by the Syrian army or the rebels fighting them was just inviting trouble. It was easier to stay invisible that way. Mahmoud then makes a quick decision, asking them to take, Mahmoud: Somewhere on the Mediterranean Sea 2015, 11 days from home (2), Fatima continues to sob at having given away, Mahmoud: Somewhere on the Mediterranean Sea 2015, 11 days from home (3), and Waleed. Then she wailed even harder and louder. Then she had it. But I have this. She held out the trumpet. Chabela, play us a song on your trumpet. Isabels chest tightened. Thats what they wantedto get out of Syria using the fastest path possible. She was only six years old. You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. The trick was to be invisible. Last updated by Cat 2 years ago 4/4/2021 7:38 PM. Wait! Isabel ignored him. People rushed out of the side streets. Thats when Mahmoud had realized that together, he and Khalid were bigger targets; alone, it was easier to be invisible. The air was full of dust, and it scratched and tore at his throat as it went down, but Mahmoud had never tasted anything so sweet. The whole prayer took Mahmoud about seven minutes. and more. Mahmoud pulled himself up out of the rubble and saw the building across the street in raw daylight, like he was standing in midair beside it. I have to go. Amara laughed and took his hand, and the two of them danced as best they could in the swaying boat. I needed something big and thick for the bottom of the boat, he said. Or else someone will catch her and eat her. And seeing as there were so many signs around with El Presidentes head on them It was true. Lights came on in houses nearby, and curtains ruffled as people looked out at the noise. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. Im Renata Aber, said the older of the two girls, and this is Evelyne. They were sisters, and, amazingly, they were traveling alone. Daesh thought they were fighting the final war of the apocalypse, and anyone who didnt agree with their twisted perversion of Islam were infidels who should have their heads cut off. The street is filled with rubble, and buildings are collapsing around them. Mahmoud is doing homework, stopping briefly at prayer time, when a bomb hits their building. No! The shadows threw him to the floor. Isabel and her family decide to flee Cuba on a handmade raft to escape a food scarcity and political persecution. Here, Mahmoud emphasizes that being invisible serves as a form of protection for him: the less he is noticed, the less likely it is for him to be attacked. Falling Action 1: Mahmoud and his family are imprisoned, along with hundreds of other Syrian refugees, for trying to cross the Hungarian border, which does not accept migrants. Theyll stop us. And Castros only making things worse. As if saying his name made him appear, the baseball game on television was interrupted by a special message from the Cuban president. And dont ever do that again, the Hitler Youth told Josef. Isabel was worried the Castillos were going to get caught. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Design a site like this with, Al-Assad took military action against the rebel Syrians. Isabels eyes fell on Luis and his girlfriend, and she understood. It was hard to tell anymore. But the food shortages had driven more and more Cubans to el norte. They are reunited with, Mahmoud: Hungary to Germany 2015, 17 days from home, and other supplies. She was terrified since her worst worries had come true, and then a dazzling light blinded her. Germany? Mahmouds mother said. Come on, Evielets do the bathrooms on A-deck! The girls tore away, and Josef huffed. He was covered with a fine gray powder from head to foot, like hed taken a bath in dry concrete mix. The others had already lifted the boat up out of the sand and were lurching toward the sound of the crashing waves. Refine any search. The boy reached down, palmed the armband, and took Josef by the arm. A week into their stay on the St. Louis, Josef has his bar mitzvah. Mahmoud looked out the dusty car window as a jet fighter streaked by high above them, headed for Aleppo. The day they had gotten Papas telegram, Josefs mother booked tickets for all four of them to the only place that would take them: an island half a world away called Cuba. He took her in his arms and wrapped her in a protective hug. Mahmoud has lived his life trying to be invisible since the civil war started because in Syria that is how he can stay safe. Hed been released from a concentration camp called Dachau, but only on condition that he leave the country within fourteen days. Despite her grief, Isabel is able to persevere and guide her family to reach the shores of Miami. Finally, Shabbos arrived. Well, Fidel is thickheaded, Luis said. Evelyne got quiet, and Josef could hear the woman desperately rattling the stall doors, looking for a toilet. What if they send a navy boat after us? Freedom! Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. We didnt ask for civil war! They could even be Daesh. If you stood the ship on end, it would have been taller than any building in Berlin. Waleed, talk to me. Most of the farms in Cuba grew only sugarcane. It is also worth noting that despite Mahmouds young age, he has needed to take on a protective role for his brother Waleed because of the danger of the civil war going on. A few hours later, they watched from the promenade as tugboats pushed the MS St. Louis away from the dock, and passengers threw confetti and celebrated and blew tearful kisses good-bye. Mahmoud decides that he no longer wants to be ignored and leads the refugees out of the prison, walking twelve hours to Austria. Refugee Character Analysis Josef Landau Josef is a 13-year-old Jewish boy living in Germany in the 1930s. Car horns beeped. Theres no food for any of us, and no money to buy it with if there was. Disappear. Like this book? Please, Isabel begged. Education, public health, and sports, they all said together. Even though their apartment wasnt far away, Mahmoud led Waleed on a different route home every day. You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. I saw on the TV theyre accepting refugees. Im just doing my job.. Mahmoud couldnt understand why his mother had bothered to save their backpacks until he saw that they were stuffed with clothes and diapers. She panicked, her worst fears come true, and suddenly a blinding light lit her up. I have his ticket, she told the sailor. Are you all right? Waleed finally looked up at him. It was nothing they ever said to each other, just something they each came to understand, and within a year they had drifted apart, not even speaking to each other as they passed in the hall. Mami was very pregnantshe was due in a weeks timeso Isabel knelt down to find the iodine. They threw rocks and bottles. Then it was time for Josef to recite the blessing hed been practicing for weeks. But we never did. Lito was crying now, distraught. When Mahmoud and his family are placed with a host . Like real people. A pistol rang out again over the waves, and the crowd on the beach cried out in panic. Six months and eleven days! the Brownshirt said. At last! That voice, thought Josef. I should do something, he whispered. Mahmoud Bishara was invisible, and thats exactly how he wanted it. Instead, Herr Meier lowered a screen with the faces and profiles of Jewish men and women on it and proceeded to use Josef as an example of how to tell a real German from a Jew. Random death from a fighter jets missile or a soldiers rocket launcher might come at any moment, when you least expected it. His teacher, Herr Meier, had called him to the front of the room. A mural painted on the side of the gas station showed President Assad, his dark hair cut short and a thin mustache underneath his pointy nose. Among the people who join Isabel on the journey is her grandfather Lito, who is eventually revealed to be Mariano Padron, the Cuban officer who, decades ago, prevented Josef from entering Havana. They were in Turkey! The Brownshirt whod taken his father away on Kristallnacht had said, Well come for you soon enough, but Josef hadnt waited. They fail, but they are not sent back to Germany. Mahmoud couldnt remember the last time hed seen his brother laugh, or cry, or show any emotion whatsoever. I know weve been talking about leaving. Her eyes were wet with tears. Papi scoffed. Good and bad things happened either way. But the only people who could afford to give her pesos were the tourists visitors from Canada or Europe or Mexico. Something subhuman. The people on board try to push them off, afraid they will capsize the fragile boat. What is the falling action of Mahmoud in refugee? It was hard to see for all the people. Mahmouds stomach twisted into knots just thinking about it. Get personalized recommendations. He wasnt literally invisible. Josef sacrifices himself when his family is refused refuge in Cuba, in order for his sister, Ruth, to be saved from the extermination camps. What were they doing? When they got close to the ramp, Papa hunkered down behind the last of the crates. The kittens nose sniffed eagerly at the air, and it meowed. We werent together when it started, her grandfather said. The family takes a bus to reach a port city, but the promised boat that will transport them to Greece is not there. Hey, I know something funny we can do, he told them. We went out the back stairs, she told them. Get books for your students and raise funds for your classroom. No boat today. The soldier laughed, and the other soldiers laughed with him. Staring back up at them was the huge face of Fidel Castro! Dont move! Mahmoud cried. And how exactly are they going to get better, Mariano? In Refugee, Alan Gratz has . The smuggler had just told them their boat wasnt leaving tonight. Worse, the other policemen were running tooand they were all headed for the Castilloss boat! Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. If his parents had died in the airstrike, would he want revenge on their killers? For Mahmoud Bishara,12, life in Aleppo, Syria in 2015 means trying to make himself invisible and making sure his younger brother Waleed is safe. No sirens rang. No police cars or emergency crews hurried to the scene. My father just got out of a concentration camp. As Mahmoud and his family travel from Syria to Germany, they become stranded in the Mediterranean sea when their boat capsizes in the water. Papi had already tried to flee Cuba twice. Then suddenly a woman screamed, a pistol firedpak!and the world went crazy. No, you idiot, Google Maps is better, said his friend. [4] It is later learned that Josef's father is alive and well in Cuba. The boys pissed himself! The Nazis laughed, and Josefs face burned hot with shame. (including. Everyone on the crew had treated Josef and his family with kindness and respect, despite his fathers repeated warnings that all Germans were out to get them. We will not stand in their way. What did he just say? Mami asked. Waleed went back to watching cartoons. Refugee is a historical fiction novel written in 2017 that weaves together three compelling stories of families seeking sanctuary in other countries. You werent allowed to say things like that in Cuba. Desperate, Mahmoud jumps out in front of a car to get the drivers attention, choosing to become visible in order to make something happen. Renata and Evelyne burst into laughter. What if there was a line of police waiting to arrest them at the beach? She stood on the wide promenade, where it seemed all of Havana was on display. Without these stupid armbands, without the letter J stamped on his passport, would anyone know he was Jewish? Fatima had long, dark hair she wore up on her head, and intense brown eyes. It also made it to the NYTimes Best Seller list. Nomads and refugees in western Pakistan and northern Iraq at one time totaled more than 5 million, many of whom have recently returned to . No, no, her mother said. Theyll come for me. Everyone was quiet at that. Soon the sisters ran back outside, hanging on to each other with laughter. The paint was peeling, and the buildings were old and weathered, but they still looked grand to Isabel. Complete your free account to request a guide. The ships bulletin board announced that the first-class social hall would be converted to a synagogue, a Jewish house of prayer, which meant Josef might have his bar mitzvah after all. He didnt look happy about it, though. Refugee Important Quotes 1. Izzat so? PDF downloads of all 1699 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. Mahmouds mother broke down in tears, and his father let the life jackets he carried drop to the ground. Thank you! She saw her papi just as he reared back and threw a bottle that smashed into the line of police along the seawall. At a command from their leader, they pushed forward into the crowd, arresting rioters and hitting them with wooden batons. Or its a twelve-hour car ride, non-stop. Castro just said anybody who wants to can leave! Isabel felt as though her heart had been ripped out of her chest. Hed already forgotten about the stalls in the womens bathroom. Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. Look at this one! he said, pointing to the wet spot on Josefs nightclothes. Read More On the count of three, we make a break for it, he told his family. Canoes with homemade outriggers. So I have more things to sell! He laughed, and Josef smiled. Waleed was ten years old and two grades below Mahmoud in school. Mahmoud's brother. What country is Mahmouds family trying to reach? Lights came on in houses nearby, and curtains ruffled as people looked out at the noise. But arguably Josefs most difficult decision is the one he must make at the novels conclusion: when the Nazis offer Rachel the option of releasing just one of her children, Josef sacrifices himself to relieve Rachel of this burden and to keep Ruthie out of the extermination camps. The fact that Lito informed the Jewish passengers on board the St. Louis that he was Jewish haunts him. Lito too. What? Where are you going? the soldier at the window asked. T he main characters in Refugee are Josef Landau, Isabel Fernandez, and Mahmoud Bishara. He shook his head as he paced their little room in his oversized nightclothes. How Do Travel Nurses Get Health Insurance? Waleeds eyes were alive, but empty. No sirens rang. Mahmoud's . He left the compartment quietly and walked along the corridor past the other Jewish families in their compartments. Josefs mother led him and his sister through the crowds to the Hamburg docks, where their ship waited for them. He blinked, still dazed, and then he understood. After halting the vehicle on the highway, what did the Serbian taxi driver do? They spilled into the streets, and the few policemen on the Malecn were quickly overwhelmed. [2][3]. Mahmoud screamed and dropped to the floor as broken glass sprayed him. Screamed in sheer blind terror. Shes a baby. What these three young people from different times and places have in common is that they all become refugees, forced to flee on perilous . Mahmouds arc examines the benefits and drawbacks of being invisible. She wont take up any room!. Home. Their children looked like miniature versions of them, and acted like miniature adults toothere was very little crying and whining, and none of the kids were playing. The soldiers were silent, and Mahmoud closed his eyes tight, waiting for the shots to come. Everywhere around them, people fled into the streets, covered in gray dust and blood. He and Isabel had been friends as long as she could remember. Thinking about Klaus made Josef think about other things, but he blinked away the bad memories. Find more similar flip PDFs like refugee_-_alan_gratz. But if they managed to survive the trip across the Straits of Florida and evade the US Coast Guard and actually set foot on United States soilbe caught with dry feetthey were granted special refugee status and allowed to remain and become US citizens. Then, Fatima emerges from the bedroom with, Mahmoud: Just Outside Aleppo, Syria 2015, 1 day from home, soldiers is hit and killed. A warm breeze lifted Isabels short curly hair and raised goose bumps on her arms. You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. What am I going to do with that? he asked. Mahmoud could hear music beyond the fence. Wheres your mama? Ruthie asked. I want to watch American television, Ivn said. She never did make much. Around them were countless more Syrian families, all hoping to be let in. Hadnt everyone on board already applied and paid for visas? Mahmoud Bisharas full name is Mahmoud Bishara. But when they arrive, they find the Hungarian soldiers building a fence to keep them out. Ivn, nail. Ivn handed him another nail. But Josef and his mother and sister werent going anywhere. See the top reviewed local carpet contractors in Witzhave, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany on Houzz. The boat! Papi called. (This displacement has been decided upon or forced for 55% of Syrians since the start of the war in 2011. Ever since the Soviet Union had collapsed, the only currency most Cubans had were the booklets you got stamped when you went to pick up your food rations from the store. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. The way the content is organized, LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in, Injustice and Cruelty vs. The soldiers throw tear gas and take the refugees into custody,loading the subdued refugees up in trucks and driving them to a detention facility almost all the way to Austria. Mahmoud Bishara (12) In what year did the Arab Spring come to Syria? View bestsellers, featured, top rated, classics, hidden gems, and new releases. Refugees, just like Mahmoud and his family, who had left their homes in Syria and were walking north to Turkey. She lifted the trumpet to her lips. Josefs veins ran with ice. From 2022 to 2028, it is anticipated to expand at a CAGR of 3.8%. My brother, just a boy, becoming a man at last. On top of this, he deals with coping, loss, and hardship. He tumbled and slid back down into the ditch. A car honked behind Mahmoud, and he turned like everybody else. The smuggler had just told them their boat wasnt leaving tonight. Josef: On the Atlantic Ocean 1939, 6 days, Josef: On the Atlantic Ocean 1939, 8 days, Isabel: Straits of Florida 1994, 1 day (1), Josef: On the Atlantic Ocean 1939, 10 days, Isabel: Straits of Florida 1994, 1 day (2), Josef: On the Atlantic Ocean 1939, 11 days, Isabel: The Straits of Florida 1994, 1 day (3), Mahmoud: Izmir, Turkey 2015, 11 days (1), Josef: On the Atlantic Ocean 1939, 14 days, Isabel: The Straits of Florida 1994, 1 day (4), Mahmoud: Izmir, Turkey 2015, 11 days (2), Josef: On the Atlantic Ocean 1939, 17 days, Isabel: Straits of Florida 1994, 2 days, Mahmoud: The Mediterranean 2015, 11 days (1), Mahmoud: The Mediterranean 2015, 11 days (2), Isabel: Between Bahamas and Florida 1994, 4 days, Mahmoud: The Mediterranean 2015, 11 days (3), Isabel: Between Bahamas and Florida 1994, 5 days (1), Mahmoud: Lesbos to Athens 2015, 12 days (3), Isabel: Between Bahamas and Florida 1994, 5 days (2), Mahmoud: Macedonia to Serbia 2015, 14-15 days, Isabel: Coast of Florida 1994, 5 days (1), Mahmoud: Serbia to Hungary 2015, 15-16 days, Isabel: Coast of Florida 1994, 5 days (2), Isabel: Coast of Florida 1994, 5 days (3), Josef: Vornay, France 1940, 1 year, 1 month, 10 days, Isabel: Coast of Florida 1994, 5 days (4), Mahmoud: Hungary to Germany 2015, 17 days. Its tummy purred like an outboard motor, and it butted its head against Isabels hand in between bites. Put that on. View all posts by thescholarlyteacher. It was a marriage procession, Mahmoud realized. Hundreds. Khalid was clever. They couldnt afford their old place, not since the Nazis told Josefs father he wasnt allowed to practice law anymore because he was Jewish. Havana was rioting, and her father and grandfather were somewhere right in the middle of it. They kept arguing, but the engine and the slap of the boat against the waves drowned their words out for Isabel. PDF downloads of all 1699 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. It was like they were invisible. Ever since the Nazis had taken over six years ago, Jews were fleeing Germany. Something theyre not telling Schroeder. A specimen. Were refugees! Mahmoud yelled, unable to stay silent any longer. Josef sacrifices himself in order to relieve his mother from the burden of this choice and to save his little sister Ruthie from the concentration camps. She grabbed her trumpet, gave it one long, sad look, and ran out the back door. Two giant tan smokestacks stuck up from the middle of the ship, one The shock shut Ruth up, but only for a moment. She had bright eyes, wild brown hair cut in a bob and parted on the side, and a little gap between her two front teeth that made her look like a chipmunk. And work. Must be doing sixteen knots, easy, said one of the stewards. In the days to come, Josef learned that his family wasnt the only one the Nazis had attacked that night. But everyone seemed to be having fun. He felt tears come to his eyes and wiped them away. toe in concrete dust. I dont have time for games, he would tell me. Isabel wished she had something else to give it, but this food was already more than she could spare. ShhhhhHHHHHHTHOOOOOOM! While the passengers wait to be allowed to disembark, Josef encounters Isabel's grandfather, Mariano Padron, who is a Cuban government officer bound by duty not to let the Jewish refugees in, despite feeling sorry for them. Clothes, food, sports, movies, travel, school, opportunity. Her name is Leona. The old fisherman sighed and took the squirming kitten from her. Flying highest above them all, as if to remind everyone who was in charge, was the red-and-white Nazi flag with the black swastika in the middle. Isabel closed her eyes and focused. Theres something theyre not telling us, the shipping company. Mahmoud Bishara, a twelve-year-old boy, tries to live an "invisible" life in Aleppo, Syria. No, wait for me! Isabel yelled, spitting seawater. Theres no room. Dont be so quick to grow up, boy, the Brownshirt told Josef. the wall. In the gallery above the room, a number of the off-duty crew had gathered to watch. Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more.

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