40, e3 (2012). Tina Huang is a recent graduate of Stanford. As the coverage for most ancient samples was not sufficient for diploid genotype calling, we counted the reads covering selected phenotypic SNPs on reference or alternative alleles and computed the group-based allele frequencies following a maximum likelihood approach described in Mathieson et al.37. 6, eaaz5344 (2020). Thats it for today. Otte, M.) 105160 (Errance, 2013). Negative and positive controls were carried alongside each experiment. 1.Introduction. In this video, I had the opportunity to talk with Tina Huang, a Data Scientist at one of the FAANG companies. Sydney, Australia. A dashed line of 50 cM total ROH is drawn in each panel to help comparison between panels with different y-axis scales. Citing . - Developing a high . Here we analyse 356 ancient hunter-gatherer genomes, including new genomic data for 116 individuals from 14 countries in western and central Eurasia, spanning between 35,000 and 5,000 years ago. Happy International Womens Day! Substantially contaminated libraries as well as marginally contaminated libraries of individually analysed genomes were filtered to maintain reads showing postmortem DNA damage (Methods and Supplementary Figs. PLoS Biol. 8 Changes of Sidelkino and Oberkassel ancestry proportions in post-14 ka hunter-gatherers. On top of that, its full of useful career and productivity advice, so you can find out what knowledge you need to become a data scientist as well as how to break into the field. Martiniano, R., De Sanctis, B., Hallast, P. & Durbin, R. Placing ancient DNA sequences into reference phylogenies. Sign In Create Free Account. However, the genetic profile of contemporaneous Gravettian-associated individuals from western Europe remains unknown, as is their contribution to populations after the LGM. Petr, M., Pbo, S., Kelso, J. Proc. Quat. Is a data scientist at one of the world's largest tech companies (she keeps the firm anonymous so she can publish more freely). PubMed 2932 and Supplementary Table 4). Population genomics of Mesolithic Scandinavia: investigating early postglacial migration routes and high-latitude adaptation. Purchasing this course makes it your own. No need to do it alone our community of learners and instructors is there for you. Shes currently at Microsoft. Open access funding provided by Max Planck Society. This derived ancestrythe Fournol clustersurvived during the LGM in Solutrean-associated individuals, possibly within the Franco-Cantabrian climatic refugium25, leading to later populations associated with the Magdalenian culture (GoyetQ2 cluster and El Mirn). Genome Res. 1). The team analysed the genomes of 356 prehistoric hunter gatherers from different archaeological cultures -- including new data sets of 116 individuals from 14 different European and Central Asian countries. Slider with three articles shown per slide. 4. Overall, the literature suggests that Chinese Canadian students demonstrate high levels of achievement and that this academic success is associated with factors such as stronger feelings of ethnic identity, better English language skills in the family, Chinese . 5b and Supplementary Figs. Ecol. assembled archaeological material, descriptions and interpretations. 2. We use cookies to improve your experience and give you personalized content. Her advice appears very solid, and she knows about the difficulties and barriers students are faced often when preparing for job interviews. TV Actress. After merging, individuals with less than 6,000 SNPs on 1240k sites were excluded from further analysis because of low coverage. Amazing content! Since she graduated, shes been working at a company that develops software for the Windows operating system. The tentative placements of low-coverage ancient individuals based on their haplogroup assignment (Supplementary Data 1.A) are indicated with arrows on the respective branches. 12, 5425 (2021). Lcuyer, C., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Burke, A., Julien, M. A. Moreover, the Oberkassel cluster carries both Villabruna ancestry and a contribution from GoyetQ2 ancestry (Supplementary Data 2.J). Contact Us. Genetically, however, the populations from western and southwestern Europe (today's France and Iberia) differed from contemporaneous populations from central and southern Europe (today's Czech Republic and Italy). Karmin, M. et al. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Gansauge, M., Aximu-Petri, A., Nagel, S. & Meyer, M. Manual and automated preparation of single-stranded DNA libraries for the sequencing of DNA from ancient biological remains and other sources of highly degraded DNA. 1925). The mapped reads from the same individual and library set-up were merged and duplications were removed with DeDup. 4 and Supplementary Data 3.C). Tina Huang (@hellotinah) Instagram photos and videos The end goal is to create and grow a product that users love. Corporate Financial Managementspring term (BS 2508) Second year of undergraduate. B. et al. Hutong Cat | China and Russia's invasion of Ukraine: A year later About the Instructor. 5 Cliches About computer science flow chart You Should Avoid, What Freud Can Teach Us About brief candle in the dark my life in science. 5). If you find something abusive or that does not comply with our terms or guidelines please flag it as inappropriate. a, The genetic ancestry of hunter-gatherers dated between 14ka and 5.2ka modelled using qpAdm, with Oberkassel, Yuzhniy Oleniy Ostrov, Goyet Q-2 and Neolithic farmers from present-day Turkey (Barcn, Mentee and Boncuklu sites) representing Oberkassel (WHG) (blue), Sidelkino (EHG) (red), GoyetQ2 (orange) and Anatolian Neolithic farmer (green) ancestries, respectively. We did not correct the calibrated dates for marine or freshwater reservoir effects but, when available, we report individual stable isotope values (15N/13C and C:N ratio) in Supplementary Data 1.A to evaluate the potential impact of such reservoir effects. Ive always liked the idea of using data to make predictions. Bioinformatics 20, 289290 (2004). Nowadays, we take it for granted that these features exist, but the integrity of those products is, in fact, a labor of love. We also do experiments to test out the features we build and see how users respond to them. Straus, L. G. The human occupation of southwestern Europe during the Last Glacial Maximum: Solutrean cultural adaptations in France and Iberia. View Tina_Huang_Resume_i.pdf from HCI 445 at DePaul University. A software engineer who now works as a content creator full-time, Mayuko Inoue runs a YouTube channel dedicated to software engineering, working in the tech industry, and life in general. Freshwater radiocarbon reservoir effects at the burial ground of Minino, Northwest Russia. To bind DNA, silica columns for high volumes (High Pure Viral Nucleic Acid Large Volume Kit (Roche)) were used. Midzy nami, misiaczkami: Misio Teddi (27) - serial animowany Then the cleaned reads together with cleaned reads from 1240k capture sequencing were mapped to human reference mitochondrial sequence NC_012920.1 with BWA 0.7.12 aln/samse algorithm (parameters n 0.01, l 16500) and realigned with CircularMapper64. Tina Huang: Data science, computer science, and career advice expert. STOC 2023: Accepted Papers This Villabruna ancestry(hereafter, Villabruna cluster or ancestry) showed connections to ancient and present-day Near Eastern populations4,16, but the mode and tempo of its expansion into the Italian peninsula remain unexplored. Data Engineer Cover Letter Sample and Template. B 370, 20130624 (2015). How to Become a Data Scientist at FAANG (Ft. Tina Huang) - Morioh Teaching Assistant. However, its formation, diffusion and interaction with contemporaneous hunter-gatherers from eastern Europe and their interplay with later expansions of Neolithic farmers from southeastern Europe are not well characterized. of estimates from 5-cM-block jackknife analysis. Article F4-statistics also show that the approximately8.2ka Yuzhniy Oleniy Ostrov group from Karelia in western Russia formed by 19 genomes has comparable or lower affinity to Villabruna ancestry than all the other EHG groups (Supplementary Data 2.K). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Graduate - February 2015 to September 2015. These authors contributed equally: Cosimo Posth, He Yu, Archaeo- and Palaeogenetics, Institute for Archaeological Sciences, Department of Geosciences, University of Tbingen, Tbingen, Germany, Senckenberg Centre for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment at the University of Tbingen, Tbingen, Germany, Cosimo Posth,Dorothe G. Drucker,Herv Bocherens,Christoph Wiing,Nicholas J. Conard&Katerina Harvati, Department of Archaeogenetics, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany, Cosimo Posth,He Yu,Ayshin Ghalichi,Hlne Rougier,Yilei Huang,Harald Ringbauer,Adam B. Rohrlach,Kathrin Ngele,Vanessa Villalba-Mouco,Rita Radzeviciute,Tiago Ferraz,Alexander Stoessel,Rezeda Tukhbatova,Wolfgang Haak&Johannes Krause, State Key Laboratory of Protein and Plant Gene Research, School of Life Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China, Department of Anthropology, California State University Northridge, Northridge, CA, USA, Universit de Bordeaux, CNRS, MC, PACEA UMR 5199, Pessac, France, Isabelle Crevecoeur,Andr Morala,Stphane Madelaine,Priscilla Bayle,Bruno Maureille,Jean-Guillaume Bordes&Mona Le Luyer, School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, Instituto Universitario de Investigacin en Ciencias Ambientales de Aragn, IUCA-Aragosaurus, Zaragoza, Spain, Department of Archaeogenetics, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena, Germany, Institute of Zoology and Evolutionary Research, University of Jena, Jena, Germany, Center of Excellence Archaeometry, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia, Department of Biology, University of Florence, Florence, Italy, Martina Lari,Alessandra Modi&Stefania Vai, Estonian Biocentre, Institute of Genomics, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia, Tina Saupe,Christiana L. Scheib&Luca Pagani, St Johns College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, Department of Biological, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy, Department of Biology, University of Padova, Padova, Italy, Department of Chemistry G. Ciamician, Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, Department of Human Evolution, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany, UMR 8068 CNRS, TEMPSTechnologie et Ethnologie des Mondes Prhistoriques, Nanterre Cedex, France, Laurent Klaric,Olivier Bignon-Lau,Grgory Debout,Michel Orliac,Pierre Bodu,Bndicte Souffi&Frdrique Valentin, Muse National de Prhistoire, Les Eyzies de Tayac, France, UMR 5140 CNRS, Archologie des Socits Mditerranennes, Universit Paul-Valry, Montpellier, France, UMR 7194, Histoire Naturelle de lHomme Prhistorique (HNHP), Dpartement Homme et Environnement, Musum National dHistoire Naturelle, CNRS, UPVD, Paris, France, Association APRAGE (Approches pluridisciplinaires de recherche archologique du Grand-Est), Besanon, France, Skeletal Biology Research Centre, School of Anthropology and Conservation, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, della Terra e dellAmbiente, U.R. The previous inhabitants may have migrated to the north as their habitat, the 'mammoth' steppe, dwindled," says Johannes Krause, the study's senior author. Nature 528, 499503 (2015). Zool. After 2 washing steps using the manufacturers wash buffer, DNA was eluted in TET (10mM Tris, 1mM EDTA and 0.05% Tween) in two steps for a final volume of 100l. Advanced Science: Vol 10, No 7 - onlinelibrary.wiley.com "Unlike diving into the university life directly, the pathways program is a buffer that allows international students to be better prepared. Genome Biol. Remember, its the problem that defines the tools we use! I hope you brings out more courses like these. In other words, youll never have to worry about validity issues or having to re-take the course after a certain amount of time. J. Individuals with at least one library showing Y/Auto ratio > 0.2 were determined as maleindividuals, and with Y/Auto < 0.2 were determined as femaleindividuals4 (Supplementary Fig. Quat. 27, 576582 (2017). As recommended, we analysed individuals with over 400,000 SNPs called on the 1240k panel101 and we called ROH longer than 4cM (Supplementary Data 3.B). Mounier, A. et al. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. The length of each coloured bar represents the fraction of individuals carrying the corresponding haplogroup (legend on the right of each panel). Using f4-statistics and qpAdm, we confirm that EHG populations in eastern Europe are a mixture of Villabruna/Oberkassel and ANE ancestries (Supplementary Information, section11 and Supplementary Data 2.K). Individuals at this site might mark one of the last occurrences of such high levels of hunter-gatherer-related ancestries, just centuries before the emerging European Bronze Age.

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