I don't see the "trampled flower" theme in the blind. It sounds like typical mid-20s relationship crap. Troy and I always say, Not every blind item is true, Williams says. My mother always taught me that it's bad form to air your relationship grievances. Continue browsing in r/hartfamilycrash. I have no doubt he's a piece of shit and treated her like hell, but no one forced her to take his career advice, and no one is to blame for "trashing her career for him" except herself. Kinda heartbreaking. What's she doing now to move her back up to a B? The world is full of asshole men, but if a woman is that slow to figure it out, I don't have much sympathy.Seriously, the BEST book I've ever read on dating is "He's Just Not That Into You." I did- and then I realized I was an idiot for taking him back, then I got smart, and didn't date him any more. Cusack is a known dick to women. Hope for the best for her. While Campbell continued working, she fell off the publics radar.What the hell happened. Years ago, when she was living in this big corner house in the Lakeview neighborhood, she reused to have anyone shovel the snow. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. She finally ended things when she got engaged. "Only on the pages of this blog, which is rather the point. I tried to watch that crappy Poe movie he's in, and it SUCKED. i trust you cdan'ers so im taking it with a grain of salt myself. He behaved like a total dick. I love that you were at a My Bloody Valentine concert. I just pretend he's not a real-life turd, just like I pretend Piven is only as douchey as Ari Gold (who I actually like). Lets talk about it. And the response was one I wasnt expecting. Google, as a third party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on your site. If youre inclined to like a celebrity, a positive blind item can reinforce goodwill. Seriously. He worked with Cusack in 'Say Anything ". . Don't forget Better Off Dead! Oh, Lane Meyer. We allow third-party companies to serve ads and/or collect certain anonymous information when you visit our web site. This foreign born actor is a superhero. September and October 2002. but maybe i'm just biased because i like her. The neighbors were really pissed.Then, there was the neighborhood garage & yard sales. @ Reno I've watched The Sure Thing a zillion times & it will never get old. Shes a good ol Guelph girl.. Its very insular. Shes a good ol Guelph girl.. This is a great reveal and I can not wait for New Year's Day! Google's use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to your users based on their visit to your sites and other sites on the Internet. It is 100% correct, and if more women would read it and believe it, they'd save a lot of time. By Allie Jones. The children were also becoming adults, so the stipends for them were drying up. It has been several years since I got one!!! He's always been a major dick with women and an interesting actor. With notorious douchebags, there are not always two sides to the story, unless "He behaved like the notorious douchebag he is" counts as a side. I just kind of amassed this knowledge of the inside story of everything thats happening in Hollywood by checking this website every day. These companies typically use a cookie or third party web beacon to collect this information. I adore her. While Campbell continued working, she fell off the publics radar.What the hell happened. For many years Blue has struggled with addictions to coke, pills, heroin and violent xes. Going back and forth on getting married and finally breaking it off? He worked with Cusack in 'Say Anything ". She walked away from Scream, hence the time between 3 and 4. What did John say on Twitter? Neve always seemed kind of fragile to me, so I guess he capitalized on that. I loved him in High Fidelity. Shes talented. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Photographer Delaney George turns the lens on femininity: Black women are fine art, A take on Jesus Revolution from one who was there, defending Rowling and more. It was the subject of a recent BuzzFeed report about . Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Sunday, January 01, 2023 Blind Items Revealed #23 August 17, 2022 As far as I know there has only been one investigation into the activities of a star of this long long long running children's show and it didn't involve anyone who was actually on the show. ok; i'll swap out "vociferous" for "coordinated." She had to do nude scenes to get parts five yrs ago and I think she did one French film and I hear nothing anymore. no relationship at his age raises real questions. This former A- list singer turned A- list actress says she has blocked a dozen phone numbers and is considering changing her number that she has had for a decade or longer simply because the permanent A list "singer" won't stop bothering her. Crazy Days and Nights: Blind Item #5 No personal attacks on other commenters. Years later I moved further north in town (Ravenswood/Lakeview) and used to run into Joan and her family all the time, to where we'd exchange hellos and one time we sat at their table at a favorite n'hood restaurant we both used to frequent and chatted a bit. Couldn't give a shite about "celebrities," but I had always figured JC might be one as likable off screen. It's a miracle that Blue escaped without a House in Virginia. However, the third Scream was made in 2000 while she was with him. How can we learn more? says Williams. No. No racism If unsure if you're doing #2, refer to #1. Don't forget Better Off Dead! She's so lovely, I like her. Popular Posts from the last 30 days. Between this and Keanu not bathing for weeks, my heart is getting crushed. Everythings on my phone. Just no. one of my good friends had THE biggest crush on him she got angry at me for talking about what a smug truculent dickhole he was in real life. Guess who? We allow third-party companies to serve ads and/or collect certain anonymous information when you visit our web site. I also heard from a friend who used to motorcycle ride with him that he was a dick. Crazy Days and Nights: Blind Item #13 Also, he's been quoted several times since their split saying he now has trust issues. Many of us made the cardinal mistake of thinking he was the nice nerdy guy he plays in movies, LOL.Cheating is bad enough but stringing her along on the wedding thing, that's just cruel. ("GIVE ME MY FIREBIRD KEYS!" Crazy Days and Nights: Blind Item #3 Neve was in four of the Scream movies, so I guess she didn't put too much stock in the "franchises are dumb" opinion. And people are like, What are you talking about?, Indeed, for all of their fun and froth, blind items have a dark side to them. Apparently this world now includes his new found love for women in their 60's. That's great for them since our director is approximately half their age. I've always had a feeling he was shady. He doesn't really seem the superhero type. Gossips, Rejoice: The Blind Item is Back with a Vengeance - Town & Country Better Off Dead will still always be one of my faves though. I'll bet if your friend was female, she'd have an entirely different opinion. Always a thrill to me as I loved him for his roles back then. If unsure if youre doing #2, refer to #1. Crazy Days and Nights: Blind Item #13 No personal attacks on other commenters. See Kruger-Jackson and they aren't even married yet. Just thought that was weird. Oh, and someone I know had an ongoing affair with him for years. According to the blind, she was aware of his ongoing cheating almost from the get-go. Campbell ain't exactly a rocket scientist when it comes to brains, but Cusack is a legitimately talented actor. I understand what you're saying Jolene squared. I mean, there must be over 300 [allegations]. i always felt a connection to neve campbell and an attraction to john cusack even though I am too young to have had a HS crush on him.now I know why. This doesn't sound like an abusive relationship situation, so why is Neve portrayed as such a victim? He just might be a decent kind of guy overall just not in romantic relationships; she just might be focused and sensible, just not during romance.It happens. Its just me basically on my phone all day.. Was it the worst spray tan ever in the history of the world? "He's infamous for treating women, well, almost as badly as Piven does. Todays reveals may be influenced by cable, the craft is on. Its a lot easier to say conspiracy theory than it is to say pop culture hunch, she concedes. Like Norma Desmond, these tidbits were once big, but the newspapers that carried them got small, and they became more like character actors, familiar if faded guest. So fine, but one can still play along for fun. Blind Items Revealed #5 - Anniversary Month, Today's Blind Items - The Story - Anniversary Month, Today's Blind Items - The Mystery - Anniversary Month, Blind Items Revealed #5 - Anniversary Month. Also, this is all one sided. @Jsierra Light as a feather stiff as a board. And he was downright appealing in "Serendipity".) But what is it with these women and their lack of self respect? I like John as an actor - I hate most modern rom-coms but I adore Serendipty. Damn you Cusack! Crazy Days and Nights Blind Item : hartfamilycrash Links to content on and quotation of material from other sites are not the responsibility of Crazy Days and Nights. She finally ended things when she got engaged. Regarding the now-disgraced movie producer Harvey Weinstein, a 2016 item on Crazy Days and Nights reads, Her career could have crashed and burned when she refused the legendary advances of this producer/mogul. Then I dated other idiots until I got really smart and married my non-cheating husband. Good for Neve for getting enough and leaving. ok; i'll swap out "vociferous" for "coordinated." She's just cool. Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy. But when it's obvious that the hacks ghosting the site now are fabricating a whole series of attacks on someone, you have to call BS on that. Was it the worst spray tan ever in the history of the world? Crazy Days and Nights: An Interview with the Elusive 'Enty - HuffPost Apparently, he doesn. The cultural need touncover scandalous behavior may also have connections to zeitgeisty trends like true crime and even the ongoing rise in conspiracy theories. On a near-daily basis, McNamara digs through blind-item. I adore her. I just wake up, I check all the socials, I check my email. 14" ones. Say someone doesnt like Taylor Swift, and they see a blind that says shes mean. Totally ruins my image of him. Oh, Lane Meyer. However, there is such a thing as being a masochist. Last month the site ran. Cusack can go to hell.Derek Harvey is the real star around here. Plus he comes from a family with impeccable professional credentials. Don't think we would be a great match (I like guys) but I can definitely be your CDAN fiance--it is a jungle here sometimes so it might be good ; ). She is a good actress with natural beauty. The actress also refused to answer any questions about the unusual photograph that everyone has been discussing. I had just been reading blind-item websites for maybe six years, McNamara says, name-checking the long-running blind-item blog Crazy Days and Nights. Hope for the best for her. They lived together in a condo on Chestnut Street right off of Michigan Ave in Chicago. Was it the worst spray tan ever in the history of the world? Sometimes. July and August 2002. Pity. Google, as a third party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on your site. Do you really think he'd be on good terms with the rest of his kin if he was being a cheating creep?Besides, what does this BI actually accuse him of doing? 2 dollars. I thought that Cusack and Piven had a falling-out right about the time the stories started coming hard and heavy (no pun intended) about what a deliberately monumental dick Piven was. I see a lot of these TikTok accounts reporting things that I believe to be conspiracy theories, and theyre reporting them like news, she says. Aww Neve. granted i know none of the players so what do i know. In the movie, this is a loving and heroic act. Redfish, totally understand what you're saying. ?I'd rather hear about Bruce Jenner and his weird pony tail and shaved Adam's apple. Get our L.A. But there are at least two sides to every story -- and clearly, only one is being told in this blind. He was well cast in The Paperboy. What @elise said. Should I send another one in? I first found out what a dirt bag he is with this revealhttp://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2013/07/blind-items-revealed_5296.html. I fell behind and now need to do some catch-up so I can be a useful (-ish) part of the discussion. A-list comedian/actress has a new show and its time people know how awful she is. This anonymous, potentially incendiary clue is just one of the hundreds of notes the Instagram account Deuxmoi receives in a day. I feel badly things didn't work out for her, but I'm not buying the whole he's a monster and she's a martyr spin this is being given. I'm no apologist for John Cusack, but I've never read a douchebag slam on the guy except on CDAN and I do know someone who has worked with him and liked him. Was friendly and nice. They always think a leopard can change his spots or you can make a bad person become a good one. Also, she has a few marriages under her belt, so I would take this blind with a grain of salt. I really hope someone would cast her in a huge movie. Or when he leaves his wife for you, you marry him, and he 5 years later he leaves you for that 22 year old he met at the gym. Use your brain, ladies! I first found out what a dirt bag he is with this revealhttp://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2013/07/blind-items-revealed_5296.html"Exactly my point. She is forever a supahstah for Wild Things. I must say he was very kind, friendly, and patient with me. Clearly the guy sounds like a dick. I'm just a Canadian fan -- is that weird? Do you really think he'd be on good terms with the rest of his kin if he was being a cheating creep?Besides, what does this BI actually accuse him of doing? Also, he's been quoted several times since their split saying he now has trust issues. He definitely doesn't look so good these days--he looks like his creepy character in The Paperboy. The Enty ghosties have a bitch against Cusack for some reason, probably because of his connections to Piven (who is a known scumbag). Ha, no, I'm in the States.

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