And if Potter could stop looking and sounding so damned good playing that guitar it would really help him do that. To be Fate's Chosen is a Blessing and a Curse. Snape raised an eyebrow. I didnt think anyone could get into your mind, asked Kingsley. He had no idea that Lord Black was still a schoolboy. ""Were you? He threw me in there for a week each summer after he cut my throat, waiting for me to die. My Lord? Lucius asked, clearly confused that he had had no part in determining the fate of his son and heir. An animal with two forms? Or would he destroy her completely in the process? In the opposite corner of the room, Hadrian saw the Dementor King, who bowed to him. Bella healed her hand and Hadrians. Read a fic a bit back where Harry had lost nearly everything, ends up in a different dimension where Harry died as a baby and Voldemort won and became leader of the world. Poetic, no?. dark powerful harry potter fanfiction. I regret that I had to treat him the way I did. When Alexandria Gregory turned 18, she met her mate and that is Azrael Shepherd, the Alpha of her rival pack. He spread his mind over all of use and spoke directly into our thoughts. Throwing aside his robe, he stood barefoot and naked except for a pair of tailored trousers hemmed at his knees. The boy had called himself not Black, but Riddle-Black. I cant remove it because it was placed with a Dark curse. He traced the lightning bolt mark. Please consider turning it on! As she began to shake and cry, Harry turned the happiness he pulled from her into pure energy, storing it away in his core. //Your birthday is coming up, is it not?// Voldemort asked suddenly. Inside is the sign I promised him. Do not think you can defy me, boy.. You need to change your appearance soon, he reminded his son. I just finished marking Draco as my second-in-command, in fact. Harry pulled the witches soul into his core, converting it, before forcing it through his mental presence and into Voldemorts core. Are you not worried someone will remember your eyes? My apologies. Black pulled off his shirt and tossed it aside where his robe lay. He was so Dark, and it was beautiful. He was his Queen and M what if.. He needed to move on to his little show before Voldemort got too side-tracked with dull questions about where he had been and when he had turned Dark and all. Those are more like my signature. The Dementor King drifted over and began to run a grey-skinned hand across his short, inky hair. Hadrian has not received his present yet. Hadrian blushed and everyone laughed good-naturedly. Wanting to escape from the protection and concern of her family and pack which suffocated her. Go back and learn what you can.. Not until quite recently, Im afraid, he said calmly, though inside he was seething. He 20 years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry had married and had two wonderful kids - James Sirius and Albus Severus- with the love of his life, Ginny Weasley-Potter. Its a completely different way of communicating. Would you like to continue the introduction now or later? Harry thought for a moment. Time to give them all a shock, he thought as he let his mental presence seep into the room and over their minds. It wasquite impressive. Dracos answer prompted a dazzling smile from Potter that left him nearly breathless. Everyone else looked too ill from imagining the sight to speak. //Of course. Slytherin Loner by Dark Avarice reviews Harry Potter is not the boy who lived, but when he runs away from the abusive Dursley's his life seems to improve. Ten years ago, he was forced to escape from a rich and powerful family. You dont hate me for not telling you who I used to be?, No, my son. Dont kill any of the important ones for me, though., Its ok, Draco, I wont. A knock at the door startled Draco. He is unpredictable, and every time some one thinks they've figured him out, he shows them just how wr Lyra Euphemia Potter has been shoved onto a pedestal by the Wizarding World. Theres no Occlumens that can keep a Dementor out, after all.. I am a parselmouth, and I cast some of my spells in parsel. //Welcome, Lord Malfoy. Harry rolled out of bed still tired. Everything that happened and you never showed a mark!. Lucius saw Draco stiffen as the Bone Man entered his mind. Mental connection still working then?. Whispered tales that sound like wild exaggeration would sow terror much faster than factual reports and the element of humanity found in a mans name. This wont be as suspicious as a glamour, though.. When he fed his power into the runes, the glowed through his skin with an Avada Kedavra green color. What do you do with the soul? Curiosity and amazement were drifting in waves through the Dark Lords mind. Not even they would do this to their own child, especially not just for being magic! Severus was appalled by the thought. The black magic spell I use requires a life sacrifice, but it doesnt have to be a human life. //I spoke the truth. He hears screams and shouts, and a moan somewhere to his side. He also wore slim black tailored trousers that ended at his knees. Before you name me, you show know my powers.~ Without any warning, the snake changed into the largest raven Hadrian had ever seen. powerfulharry opharry +19 more # 4 Harry Potter and The Lightning Chi. He killed easily, like he was stepping on a spider. Hadrian hated his blood family, and they him. The blonds muscles began to twitch from the pain, signifying that he would wake within seconds. It just isnt practical. It was warm, comforting, safe, disturbing odd.. Fucking women was just a past time and he didnt have the heart for love nor the interest. I will continue reacting to embracing evil some time this week or next. He took the stiff boy in his arms. They were the unnamed king and queen of Gryffindor.In a world where Harry Potter never attended Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore decided that Severus Snape is more useful in Azkaban than at Hogwarts. Itll just put you under for five minutes, but its enough. Azkaban was really much better than Hogwarts. He wasnt any other kid; he was the golden boy to a world he never knew existed, his mate was less of a mate and more of a budding killer hed struck a deal with, and they were not doing homework, they were plotting ways to exploit Harrys fame.". Lucius and Narcissa had taken to him over the summer. Of course. He simply shook his head and took another deep breath. Congratulations, you just found Harry Potter. Double-casting would be a big advantage over Dumbledore. With no sign of their Savior, most of the wizarding world was in mourning. How dare this mere boy mock him? The night air was crisp and the sky clear. Dont do anything that would make your father angry. It was super addictive! The subject of Albuss distress was a missing fifteen-year-old boy. Not at you, my son, never at you, he promised, at the Muggles who did this and Albus for keeping you prisoner there. He took his sons face gently between his hands. My son, you are very lucky he has chosen you as his wizard, he murmured. My faithful, this is the Bone Man. He welcomed the Bone Man, wrapping himself in the warm softness of the boys mind. His mind settled over the Dark Lords like the softest and lightest of blankets. In hindsight, Harry could admit that touching random things in Grimmauld Place hadn't been a good idea. However, he changed the vaults after the will was made, making it null and void., For there to be a new Lord Black, wouldnt Harry have to be dead? asked Hermione with a thoughtful expression. You had no issues with judging him by his fathers actions, I remember. Severus narrowed his eyes. Draco considered his answer for a long moment. Dracos task is vital to the war effort. Sentio inedia! This husband-and-wife would torture S country's people to death. An angel that held the knife for his father. Harry should have ended with Amy or the Greek Durmstrang champion in "The Lie I've Lived", and I'll stand by that 'til the day I fall down and die! If he wishes to reply to my letter, he need only tell the box to return to me. My Lord, would you mind terribly not doing that?//. HOW TO BECOME A WIZARD LIKE HARRY POTTER? Oh, but were having such a nice catching up! Hadrian pouted. Rabastan was lounging across the bed, examining Blacks wand. ~Open,~ he hissed. How did Black manage to stay near enough to train with them? He turns his head and Cedric is lying next to him, already sitting up. Looking for some legit 'dark' Harry fics, preferably 100k+ words The Bone-Sign you gave us is more important than blood., //This is your family, my Wizard,// the King added. I crafted it myself.. "I, Alpha Azrael Shepherd, reject you, Alexandria Gregory as my mate," he said coldly then turned his back towards the packhouse. Just beyond Unst, the furthest outreach of the Shetland Islands, past the Muckle Flugga lighthouse, the sea batters against a large chunk of bare rock that juts out of the sea. Hadrian opened the box and lifted out a three-foot snake. Story contains over the top sex and violence. He hadnt been able to see them privately enough the last summer to talk about his training or the Dark side. Forced her into a marriage, in this world, he gave her everything she wished to have, except she can't look at any other man with her beautiful gaze, she can't love anyone but him, she was his, David Xiver was obsessed with Kate, one day someone asked him "why are you heartless?" He brought out the knives for that. Do not underestimate this boy. You didnt know because he didnt allow you to. I chose to memorialize the child in my wand, he explained quietly. What had changed? He could feel them all put up Occlumency shields as he swept them aside like cobwebs and gently wrapped up each of their minds. . Grey eyes flashed open and his jaw clenched, but he did not scream. As he introduces her to the world of Tom Riddle; the Dark Lord takes a vested interest in her. I can pull out all the mental pain youll have, but your body will still hurt. Who are your parents, if I may ask? Albus thought they must be very Dark, if the boy anticipated students attacking him left and right. Now, we have to apparate together. He rushed across the room, sweeping the boy into his arms, oblivious to the stares of shock. Blind. He wondered at the lightning-quick flash of distress he felt from the boy. Kiara Westwood was the 18 year old daughter of two Alpha parents. Lord Black is not one for punishing his followers easily. The Dark Lord still has prisoners I can use.. Shock was mixing with confusion in the Dark Lords mind. He was the only one in Azkaban with an extra bunk, so he was my cellmate when I was there. The snake, a male, was a rich black with pure white eyes. I do hope no one leaves their wand behind, Hadrian finished innocently. To respond, place your letter to me in the box and ask it to return to me. They taught me Latin, German, and some Old English and Old Saxon. Ill tell you when we come back. Is it finished? he asked, seeing the wand. "They can't tell me who to be'Cause I'm not what they seeYeah, the world is still sleepingWhile I keep on dreamin' for me. As soon as he landed, two of the Dementor guards seized him with strong arms, dragging him towards the gate. With your Dark Mark, there are a number of spell woven into it, and thats why its so large and bothersome to hide. It will not work for anyone but you, said Severus, handing back the wand as the door opened and Voldemort entered the study. Unlike the creatures, he did not actually feed on her happiness, but the feeling she got was the same. For now, he hopes that this revelation will not hinder his plans toward dominating Hogwarts and making all his schoolmates, his minions (No mother! His runes would still be powerful, but he wasnt quite comfortable with casual sacrifice. I dont know, and now is not the time to find out. Voldemort gazed down at Rabastan Lestranges white skin. Normally the entire Inner Circle ate breakfast together, but for Hadrians birthday, only his friends had come. While Draco dressed for breakfast, Hadrian reflected on his last actions as the Bone Man. Now, I believe you wished to speak about joining my cause?, //I wished to speak about an alliance, yes. He blew out deeply. No one has seen, so my true appearance can be my disguise. But the marks dont matter now. There is one other it could have meant. Barty stops Regulus before he can enter the cave, subsequently saving him from his doom. My way will be kinder.. They will accept me easily and offer true loyalty to me.//. Innocents were killed and there was wanton destruction instead of the rebuilding of the world Voldemort had hoped for. Or the problem of how he definitely didn't want him leave when he did. Alejandro cares for nothing or no one and thats the way he liked it. He wondered why it never occurred to him to craft his own wand in his rise to power. Merlin, why does everyone keep telling me that, groused Hadrian. Hadrian raised a fist to knock, but changed his mind and simply opened the door and strode through, his father following. We will have no chance to now, as it was undoubtedly sealed off in the library. Everything seems to be in order. First off, I dont go by Harry anymore. Im not ready to tell everyone yet. Did you ever wonder what it felt like when you starved me, Vernon? He frowned at the heart and tossed it aside casually. Hadrian seemed to mull the new information over before a sudden smile appeared. No Pairings until at least 3rd Year. The boys quickly become inseparable and are determined to help each other down their paths to build a life together. Beyond us, he is only to be known as the Bone Man. It was true. Rated T for now but may change. Draco and his father know I was Harry Potter. It was just a book shop, so how much harm could taking a look do?". I recently made a post with all the Harry and Daphne fanfics that I know. As they left the breakfast room, Lucius sent an elf to fetch Draco as Lord Black had requested. I killed a basilisk. I would like to meet with you and a few others privately later.//, Very well. Im merely surprised, Albus waved away the comment. You knew a mask I hid behind. Tom understood now that some part of him had never given up on having afriend. Besides, shes not dead yet, just a shell.//. I assure you, we are tightening security as we speak. Snape gave them an appraising look. Voldemort studied the young wizard seated on his right at the breakfast table. Dracos gonna have you all to himself. His magic felt stronger at night, especially the techniques he had learned from the Dementors. O quizs, se aquel nio que vivi el qu en verdad, le ensee lo que es vivir sin salir de su oscuridad. Directed to a hobby shop, he develops his own style of magic based on tabletop RPGs and comics. There was a prophecy about Harry, thats true, but he wasnt named in it. Can I not convince you to tell me your name?, //I am the Bone Man. Its an old-fashioned was to create a tattoo. He wondered just how powerful this new man was. Severus listened with hidden amusement to the Headmaster as he ranted about his frustrations with Hadrian Black. If you allow, my Lord,// he added hastily. That is the name I prefer, not the name I was born with. Ing on the right, meaning hero, what the Light always wanted me to be. I will teach you about them when you wake.. It left him feeling oddly cold and exposed, like having a warm blanket taken away in the middle of the night. Speaking of it birthdays and presents and for you, Rabastan began, but Hadrian shot out of bed before his dihiryn could finish. This is what I chose, based on my both my mother and father. How could this unknown man know about his Horcruxes?! However, it helped him escape his kidnappers so. opinion on that revelation is on hold till he is safe. Voldemort watched in amazement as Hadrian conjured a knife and cut open the still-screaming womans chest, baring the beating heart to the air. Growing up, I soon realised that they weren't stories but memories of her past, memories of our anc, Love After Marriage: Mr. Lancaster's Hidden Wife, CEO Husband's Crazy Love For His Little Wife. Im not sure how much to tell Severus Snape. At 34, Alejandro had not found his destined mate, nor has he taken one of choice. Dihiryn, it isnt real. He turned to the teen in his lap. A moment later, both runes turned black. No Male Slash. Warning! I agree, Draco said, I wouldnt want to get on your bad side. Rabastan nodded, and Voldemort thought he heard the Dementor King chuckle. It scared him a little. Rabastans were also sealed with a Dementors life, but Ive done others with animals. If they would be loyal to the Bone Man over him, there was no way to keep them if he should turn against their side. ! Henry gritted his teeth. Ill turn what I pull out into pure energy and give it back to you, though. Youre the Bone Man now. This wire he fastened around his right ankle, the points of the hammer bones facing downward. I am now undertaking the long and arduous process of reworking and refining these ideas. When the good emotions ran out, Harry instead pulled the magical energy straight from her core into his. On The Halloween night two terrible mistakes were made. Harry is portrayed as being extremely powerful (absorbs magic), and not afraid of killing or torture or the darker side of things (mainly as it pertains to death eaters), but isnt so far gone he kills with abandon anyone apart from death eaters. Im rather partial to that green, it looks exactly like Avada Kedavra. If you give him this, I believe it will serve as proof of my skills.//. Most of the Inner Circle nodded, but a few grumbled. He stood before Voldemort with his hands tucked into his sleeves, bowed head hooded and cowled. Most of my runes were sealed with human lives, criminals and prisoners in Azkaban, but some were Dementors that were dying. I will not take well to doubters,// he let a cold wind sweep through all of their mindscapes, //and you may consider this your warning and a demonstration.//. I never felt like obliging him.//. My arwr! Rabastan lifted the Bone Man and spun him around once. Random other marks were scatter across his torso. They dont have to see yet, he said softly, to Voldemorts confusion. Ready for a spectacular birthday breakfast? Rabastan asked as they left the bedroom. Hadrian produced the object, just completed the previous night. Be it help from outside forces, karma, or the far less likely option of the child taking retribution for themselves. Inspired by a doctor he meets in the past, Harry is determined to go into medicine and protect other children like himself and Tom. He and the boy had grown very close in the fortnight he had been with them. Rabastan chuckled. I take them from all my victims. The Dark Lord gave her a sharp look. He heard a lot of the ferocious Hermione Granger, the mudblood gryffindor queen, the brightest witch of her age. Harry Potter and the Connection Reversed by hermyd "Clear your mind!" wasn't actually the best advice. Voldemort stared at the raven as he changed back into a snake. The little book shop up the street from number 12 privet drive finally opened up. It was supposed to protect me, but I suspect there isnt any love in your heart. I had relatives with rather negative opinions on magic.// The Bone Mans mental presence was no longer warm and safe, but it was not cold either. Will anyone at school know who you are? Clearly the Weasleys had a lot of questions. I want to put more protections into your sign, so whatever design should be big. She boldly proclaimed. How did you get that much blood?. //I offer my loyalty. The Bone Man will decide to let you in from there. It was a beautiful sound, one that echoed in Luciuss ears and mind, since he laughed with both voices, and Lucius wondered how close of a relationship he had with the Lestrange brother. Nervousness and shame and the slightest hint of rage seeped from his mind. George! Hadrian cried as he came into the room. They can speak mind-to-mind when they touch. What of your particular skills?, //I know you are looking for a demonstration, Lord Malfoy, but Im afraid I cant do that. Like father, like son, I suppose. Do be quiet, Vernon, we dont want the neighbors to hear! Rabastan still stood but had both arms wrapped around himself as he shivered. Snape nodded again and moved to stand beside the bed. If you enjoy the story, though, look out for the new version in the coming months, Knucklebones. I am trying to make them my followers! He rose with a graceful movement to stand. It told me I was suited for Slytherin even then, but it was not permitted to Sort me there. Neither was Abraxas Malfoy. ", Harry couldnt answer, but wasnt that answer enough?___, {A time-travel AU, with lots of worldbuilding, lots of magical theory, lots of friendship, a little bit of romance and a Harry Potter who just doesn't take shit from anyone. Immediately, Lucius felt a pressure on his mind. Harry Potter is twelve years old when his soulmate's names appear on his wrists, Regulus Black and Tom Riddle, but according to everyone, hes destined to defeat the Dark Lord Grindelwald. Powerful/dark/violent/trained Harry : r/HPfanfiction - reddit The elder blond was quite sure that if anyone else had tried to do such a thing, the Dark Lord would have killed them painfully on the spot. What if the protection Lily and James had sacrificed their lives for had unforeseen results? And possibly some snake venom, if Nagini and my Lord approve. Mother? he whispered tentatively. After all, he and Potter had been rivals for five years. Ill write to you this time. He ran a finger lightly, carefully, over one of the marks on Hadrians face. ". He gave a vial of his blood to use in core mixture. Work Search: Darse cuenta de que tena un hermano mellizo y que se encontraba en una aldea ninja era algo muy diferente. Lancaster Should I prepare a guest room for you?What? Dementor, please, he answered after a moment. Miraculously, Jack Potter defeated the Dark Lord, weathering the encounter with nothing to show for it but a pale scar. Trust me, its better that way., It really is, Rabastan added. Press J to jump to the feed. They were seated facing each other on the hardwood floor of Blacks bedroom. Throw pillow does not mean you throw it at me!. Ten years of wishing I had died with my parents. And are you guys together? The dismissal in the statement was clear. What is your name, my boy? Albus needed to know who he was. A Dementors cloak was the embodiment of its power. Who in the Light would trust a boy more powerful than the great Albus Dumbledore? I bless you. Whats it like, their connection? Rabastan asked Hadrian. You made quite the impression on Lucius. The thought-voice chuckled with dark amusement. Its my blood, blood of the Dementor King, venom from Nagini, and the cloak from the child Dementor I killed to seal Dracos runes. The memory of that killing still touched him. I think we should use the constellation Draco as the design. So bright flames burned in our hearts that we found each other in the dark. Have you check the family tree, to see if his claim is real? asked Tonks thoughtfully. He had no idea that Voldemort had a son. Which means that now Neville is the one fighting Voldemort. When the cracking ended, Hadrian cut his throat with a quick slice from his wand. He wore the same black robe as with Lucius. Their plans start off with befriending Harry Potter to prepare him better for the rise of the Dark Lord. 32.3K 1.3K 29 [ . They had known about Harrys training with the Dementors from the beginning, during Harrys third year. Completed darkharry dumbledoreweasleyhermionebashing goodtomseveruslucius # 11 Betrayals And New Beginnings by Jonfinmycheeto 495K 13.1K 40 My Lord and Bella? The bird still had pure white eyes. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Then, he had snuck into Grimmauld Place and left a note on the kitchen table. Scan this QR code to download the app now. The number four was cast in brass and nailed to the door. Albus had said nothing about his appearance other than to mention his strange eyes.. //Who will be there?// Hadrian asked, switching the his thought-voice in the hallways. Bone Man. Voldemort spoke first, greeting him to show the Circle that he trusted this powerful wizard. Inform me when you have completed the wand, I wish to see you test it.//, //Thank you, my Lord, I will let you know. He threw on his clothes and ever-present hooded robe. Voldemort placed his hands on the bloody teens shoulders and surveyed the distruction. Your loyalty, yes, but not your regard.. We wont ask any questions, and you can tell us as much or a little as you want., The Dursleys, he started, but shook his head. The boy had gotten perfect scores in the full range of OWLs offered by Hogwarts and a few that were not, such as Basic Magical Theory and Basic Ritual Magic. He replied, "Because I do not have my heart with me, I have already given her my heart" everyone was getting jealous. On October 31, 1981, Lord Voldemort attacked the Potter home in an effort to kill the Potter twins and fulfill the prophecy. They had given him the map to help him sneak off to meet with the creatures, after all. Besides, Hadrian smirked, Im quite interested to see how the Light handles the sudden and mysterious death of their Savior. He knows Im powerful but he doesnt know how powerful, and theres nothing to connect me to Harry Potter or the Bone Man. When he opened them again, they were completely black in the center with just a thin ring of glowing green around the edge. Harry smirked at the feeling of shock filling Lord Voldemorts mind. It was to the loudest grumbler that Harry directed his attention. My name is Gallus Hadrian Riddle-Black, recently Lord Black and Lord Potter. I plan to make Draco to me what Lucius is to you, and Ill carry out his little task myself.// Potter was all grins now. //I can act as mature as I wish, but I am only fifteen, my Lord.// Lucius thought that if the boy had spoken aloud, he might have stuck his tongue out. Madame Vances fibula. For someone who had never been interested in a family, the Dark Lord was turning into quite the proud and doting father. He could be casual when his little minions werent watching, after all. Weve been over this. Would you not have been safer here? As he asked, he reached out for the boys mind, planning to search through the memories the question would bring up. He watched as Snape traced the smooth surface. Holding out a hand, the Bone Man summoned the witchs skeleton, phasing it through her body and leaving the rest of it untouched. I will permanently change the shape of this particular scar. They all three took a knife, and Voldemort began the ritual, acting as the caster. That boy is more powerful than you or I could ever imagine, and every day I will be thankful he has chosen to join me. The Dark Lord rose and all those at the table followed suit. //The holly wand? After believing that Harry Potter died in a house fire at the age of ten, the Wizarding world is shocked when he emerges, out of the blue, just in time to attend his seventh year at Hogwarts. Love, let the boys get on the train already!. Do not ask how I know about you and Harry Potter. Come Lucius. Yes, an angel the size of a baby whale. It was bad enough that his tool had vanished and everyones plans were beginning to fall through, but some of these people actually cared about the boy.

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