One of the biggest challenges of the game of tennis is adjusting your stroke according to the incoming ball (high, low, topspin, slice, fast, slow, etc. Disguise is key, so you will prepare as though you intend to hit an aggressive topspin, and, at the last second, cut under the ball with a high-to-low action, perhaps adding some side-spin for good measure. Tennis Interviews. Instead of hitting through the ball as you would with a flat serve, youll want to hit up. The good news is that youll use the continental grip for all three types of serves, so you only need to learn this one grip if youre not already familiar with it. However, once you miss your first serve, the pressure equalizes to a degree. Speed: The faster a serve is hit, the less time your opponent will have to react, which can cause players to make contact with the ball late or mistime their shot. Advantages of a Tennis Slice There are a few disadvantages of using a slice in tennis. Helpful Tip: First, it can be difficult to control the ball. Research Design and Testing Procedure . As a result, when the flat serve hits the court, it tends to bounce low and continue straight forward from where it lands in the court. Once again, Ive provided a view of this serve in slow motion so you can easily see the nuances of the different pieces. This is basically a drop shot played at the start of a rally, so the same arguments set out in the previous paragraph apply. On slice shots, the racquet doesn't come around and up, making an arc. A player can add topspin to a shot by hitting the ball in a down-up movement, which causes the ball to rotate towards the opponent. In fact, hitting a slice serve at 75% of your max swing speed can be a great tactic because the sidespin combined with the change in pace will often throw off your opponent. He enjoys competing in county tennis leagues and ITF Seniors events. Do you like to hit a forehand slice? At the start, youre content with just hitting the ball flat but as your skill level progresses you need to add variation to your game. Topspin shots are also used to come towards the net as previously mentioned it pushes the opponent back, which gives you time to advance to the net. Table tennis forehand push. Those two qualities can catch your opponent off guard and screw up her timing.
\n- Slice shots travel in a flat trajectory. You don't have to lift the ball over the net in an arc and then get it to drop back down inside the boundaries of the court like you do with your other shots.
A word of caution: Slice backhands make poor passing shots. Like all slice shots, the forehand version is hit high-to-low, with the strings brushing under the ball. The slice can be a useful weapon, but it does have some disadvantages. Disadvantages: Less consistent Worse aim Two hands Advantages: More consistent Better aim Disadvantages: Less power More effort required Quora User PTR Teaching Pro, Racquet technician Author has 468 answers and 678.1K answer views 7 y The one handed backhand really only has two obvious weaknesses in the hands of a top player. The middle of the net is its lowest point, so its easier to execute a flat serve at that point of the net on either side. This is most easily done if you are holding the racket in either a continental or Eastern grip (see How to hold a tennis racket on this site for details of these grips). Slice shots that are hit from lack of confidence or in a desperate attempt to just get the ball back tend to float, and they travel through the air slowly. If well placed, the flat serve can be extremely challenging to . If you are happy to slice the ball back, the standard slice technique can be used, making sure that you stay in a low stance, as the ball may stay quite low. While you should strive to maintain an identical toss for your flat and slice serves, the kick serve falls into a category of its own, with a different toss that allows you to generate the necessary topspin. Slice shots never travel with a lot of pace. Return of serve. If youre a righty, hitting a slice serve out wide in the deuce court will draw your opponent off the court, leaving the rest of the court open for a follow-up shot that puts you in a position to move forward and attack. Second, changing your grip can be a dead giveaway to your opponent as to what type of serve youre about to hit. what is a backhand slice in tennis; how to return a slice in tennis; disadvantages of topspin in tennis; slice serve in tennis The major difference is that the racquet shouldn't be pointing straight up, at a 90-degree angle, like a bat. Rallying. As the ball approaches and you rotate your shoulders to your left, bring your racquet back above your left shoulder. 6. If you are a beginner or recreational player, or a junior just considering your first full-sized racket, you will be pleased to know that Babolat offer a range aimed squarely at you. Advantages of Clay . When hitting a flat serve, here are a few tips to keep in mind: Many players enjoy hitting a big flat serve and rely almost exclusively on it as their first serve even if they only make 10% of them. On Friday at the Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships, the Grand Slam champions earned themselves a nomination for point of the year. Grass is tough on the arm, though, because the ball hits the racquet with more speed, and more speed generally means more shock and torsion. The loose surface dissipates sidespin so that heavy slice serves and sidespin-slice backhands, for example, turn less dramatically than they do on other surfaces. A "slow" surface such as clay will interact with more of the ball's surface area and there will be more friction placed on the ball. However, its often one of the most challenging serves to develop. Like all slice shots, the forehand version is hit high-to-low, with the strings brushing under the ball. But what is the difference between these two groundstrokes? Some professionals hit virtually all of their forehands with slice. Slower Pace: Kick serves are slower than flat or slice serves. Backspin is most commonly achieved when using a slice shot technique. You will have more time to return the ball, have a better stance, stronger strokes, more spin, and more confidence. Learn with comprehensive resources to help you improve your game. However, flat shots with little topspin won't bounce high - they'll almost skid across the court. The result can be a very low-bouncing serve that is hard to return.
\nIf you hit this shot from a comfortable, set position (at about the center of the baseline), your racquet should be pointing toward the right netpost.
","description":"Slice, or backspin, causes the tennis ball to spin back toward the source of impact (you). On a surface like grass which creates less friction, the ball will tend to skid and stay low. Babolat have been producing tennis equipment since 1875, and today they manufacture a range of rackets that offers something for everyone. When hitting a flat serve, youll want your toss to be roughly 12-18 inches in front of you and approximately 6 inches to the right of your tossing arms shoulder at the peak of the toss. I seldom make a mistake with my slice but it is very effective at creating UE's from my opponents. This is known as a squash shot and a good one will fly low and fast over the net. If something isnt clear or you have questions, please feel free to submit a comment below wed love to hear from you! Slow pace and the flat trajectory give your opponent two big advantages: more time and an ideal height, at about a foot above the net, to smash away a winner.
\nBasically, you hit the slice backhand just as you would hit your standard backhand (both one-handed and two-handed backhands), changing only the following things about your stroke:
\n1. It gives the opponent more time to get to the ball. Slow pace and the flat trajectory give your opponent two big advantages: more time and an ideal height, at about a foot above the net, to smash away a winner.
\nBasically, you hit the slice backhand just as you would hit your standard backhand (both one-handed and two-handed backhands), changing only the following things about your stroke:
\n1. As you work to practice your serve, do so with confidence, and allow yourself the freedom to mess up while you establish the basic feel and rhythm to develop your serve. Only people who haven't really played tennis (or have played and don't use a one hander) believe this myth (aka 90% of this forum). On your side, there is pressure to hit your second serve in, which forces you to take some pace off the serve and subsequently gives your opponent more confidence in their return. Helpful Tip What makes the slice serve unique is the sidespin applied, which causes the ball to move from right to left (if youre a righty) and continue to move in that direction off the bounce. Because of this added spin, the ball will bounce with significantly less height when reaching the opponent's side.The ball bouncing with less height then makes it more difficult for the opponent to return the slice, since they will have much less time to reach the ball from where they awaited the return. Knees should be slightly bent and the body should be leaning forward. Slice shots can be good for making an opponent really stretch for a ball, but it is difficult to hit them with much pace. The amount of torsion the arm suffers increases as the court gets more worn, because bounces become more unpredictable, leading to more off-center hits. As a result, most players hit flat groundstrokes sparingly.
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Figure 1: Hold your racquet at a 45-degree angle to the fence when you slice your backhand.\t |
3. Release the racquet with your left hand as you do this. Tennis may not be right for you if you suffer from heart disease or have high or low blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis or osteoporosis. After that, I somehow ended up with a flat slice (something similar to Rosewall's backhand), probably in my attempt to firm up the face on contact.
Michael Kernicki is currently the Head Professional at the Indian Creek Country Club in Miami Beach.
","authors":[{"authorId":10669,"name":"Michael Patrick Shiels","slug":"michael-patrick-shiels","description":" Michael Patrick Shiels writes frequently for golf magazines and is the official golf writer of the PGA of America's Michigan section. However, on grass, that same kick serve wont jump nearly as high, so you might rely on your slice serve, which stays low, making it challenging to return when playing on grass. On the other hand, if youre down 15-40, a big flat serve can be a considerable risk. Reaction time: The same speed that makes it difficult for your opponent to return a hard flat serve can make it challenging for you to field a well-executed return off of a flat serve because youll have less time to react. By common sense, it is known that in tight situations players have to use larger body parts to lessen the impact of their muscles tightening. The major difference is that the racquet shouldn't be pointing straight up, at a 90-degree angle, like a bat. If players like to attack the net and volley, they slice a lot.\nThe slice can be a useful weapon, but it does have some disadvantages. Your stance resembles the stance you take when you step up to the plate and get ready to swing a baseball bat in both cases, your hands are up around your left shoulder. The slice backhand offers the following practical and tactical advantages: A word of caution: Slice backhands make poor passing shots. There are basically three major types of court surfaces: Hard Courts, Grass Courts, and Clay Courts. The answer to this question depends upon whether you are aiming to reply in kind with a slice, or to hit a topspin. Heres a photo that shows the contact point against the ball as well as the correct racquet face angle, which is flat to avoid putting spin on the ball. Required fields are marked *. As the previous tip suggests, you must relax your grip and wrist to allow for the wrist to move freely. Many players assume behind means you need to toss the ball toward the back fence, i.e., behind the baseline. Kevin is an LTA-accredited coach, and is world ranked in the over-55 age group. You can see it coming, as it is obvious where the server is hitting the ball to impart the sidespin. The slice serve is a highly effective serve that can become a huge weapon when perfected. 02. of 02. Now that you know what to look for when hitting a flat serve, heres a video that shows the entire flat service motion. Sliced returns need to be controlled with precision or else a volleyer can pick them off, especially in doubles. During a slice shot, the racket travels in a downward motion, before slicing underneath the tennis ball. I went with that for a bit then went back to try and develop topspin, at which point it was infinitely easier because I could get clean contact and not have the racket face twist back on me during . Lets dive into the proper technique for hitting a kick serve. The slice can be used effectively in several matchplay situations. The slice can be a useful weapon, but it does have some disadvantages. Upper Body Exercises Safe for Tennis Elbow, How to Choose a Grip Size for a Tennis Racquet, How To Handle The High Bounce To The Backhand Side In Tennis. 3. But knowing how to use the topspin to your game (strategy) has its advantages: Wrist strains. Second, it can be difficult to generate power with a slice. Regardless of the type of serve you hit, relaxing through your service motion is essential. You just need to learn to use it for a great slice serve, which takes time and patience. Topspin has changed how tennis is played due to the fact that you can generate much more power behind your shot with a proper topspin forehand. If you miss, the pressure is still on your opponent to hit a great return off your slower second serve. As a result, the overuse of a hard flat serve can lead to giving away too many free points or forcing you to rely heavily on your second serve. In tennis, a slice is a type of swing that puts spin on the ball.Players will utilize a slice when serving or returning volleys to give the ball an irregular bounce, making it harder for their opponent to track and return. Add to that the ability to hit your serve at different speeds to throw off your opponent, and you can begin to see why developing various types of serves can be such a huge advantage. Here too, it is necessary to make a distinction. Sometimes, especially on a low-bouncing court like grass, your opponent may hit a low, short ball. To generate the necessary topspin for your kick serve, you need to brush the side of the tennis ball from low to high. She has even used the shot effectively on hard courts, which is probably more difficult than employing it on softer surfaces. But don't use it as a substitute for your flat or topspin forehand. A tennis slice is a means of hitting or returning the ball that puts a particular spin on the ball. Disadvantages of Tennis Potential for serious injuries Tennis equipment can be costly Not a team sport Tennis cannot be played alone Lack of tennis courts Tennis takes some time to learn Motivation might be a problem Tennis may be time-consuming Need for a trainer to get to the next level Pressure can be high May conflict with your corporate career It is possible to play every single forehand shot as a slice, but this is unlikely to be the most effective way to play. The kick serve gets its name from how the ball jumps or kicks up off the ground as a result of heavy topspin applied to the ball. Generally, when practicing a topspin forehand, players will implement a semi-Western grip, as you are able to apply a greater amount of spin to the tennis ball using far less effort.
\nIf you hit this shot from a comfortable, set position (at about the center of the baseline), your racquet should be pointing toward the right netpost.
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