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The hazard for human health from the electromagnetic radiations well be. -amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-soxazole propionic acid, Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases, Cross-modal visual-tactile object recognition, Digital enhanced cordless telecommunications/telephone, International agency for research on cancer, Miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents, Scientific committee on emerging and newly identified health risks. After 28days, the levels of Glu and Tau in the hippocampus and cerebrospinal fluid were lower, indicating that the cognitive damage induced by microwave radiation is associated with a decrease in Glu [66, 67]. Wang et al. Zhang et al. 2007;210:63544. CAS Mortazavi et al. 2001;93:2037. Qutob et al. The acute effects of exposure to the electromagnetic field emitted by mobile phones on human attention. Electromagnetic fields (EMF): do they play a role in children's environmental health (CEH)? CAS Srinivasan R. Anatomical constraints on source models for high-resolution EEG and MEG derived from MRI. So foods which have high water content can be very easily cooked like fresh vegetables. Here's What Would Happen If Your Body Was Microwaved - Grunge.com Harmful effects of microwaves on living beings . Dasdag S, Balci K, Celik M, Batun S, Kaplan A, Bolaman Z, et al. Bioelectromagnetics. 2009;158:12639. Handheld cellular telephone use and risk of brain cancer. The induced genes encoded proteins with a variety of functions, including neurotransmitter regulation, BBB maintenance, and melatonin production. The effects of hyperthermia and hyperthermia plus microwaves on rat brain energy metabolism. Synapses are special structures that are involved in the transmission of electrochemical signals between neurons in the central nervous system. Cordless phone in power levels very high and microwave frequency level also high. PubMed Central Vorobyov et al. Springer Nature. 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Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation - tandfonline.com Previous studies have shown that in unexposed control rats, hippocampal neurons are aligned in neat rows in which the edges are clear, nuclei are clear, nucleoli can be observed, and pyramidal cells do not exhibit obvious necrosis. Mitochondria morphologic changes and metabolic effects of rat hippocampus after microwave irradiation. Szmigielski [23] collected retrospective data for Polish soldiers over 15years and showed that the prevalence of brain cancer was higher in each age group. An increase in anxiety-related behaviors and a decrease in depression-related behavior were observed in both female and male offspring. Using a ring resonator notch filter for optical carrier reduction and modulation depth enhancement in radio-over-fiber links. : a biochemical study on mouse brain. J Mol Neurosci. Li M, Wang Y, Zhang Y, Zhou Z, Yu Z. Elevation of plasma corticosterone levels and hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor translocation in rats: a potential mechanism for cognition impairment following chronic low-power-density microwave exposure. Is nuclear respiratory factor 2 a master transcriptional coordinator for all ten nuclear-encoded cytochrome c oxidase subunits in neurons? Sci STKE. Dasdag S, Bilgin H, Akdag M, Celik H, Aksen F. Effect of long term mobile phone exposure on oxidative-antioxidative processes and nitric oxide in rats. Singh S, Mani KV, Kapoor N. Effect of occupational EMF exposure from radar at two different frequency bands on plasma melatonin and serotonin levels. Neuroreport. The microwave energy can be changed to warm up the food because this energy is absorbed by food & it does not prepare food contaminated or radioactive. Investigation of Microwave Electromagnetic Fields in Open and Shielded Koivisto M, Krause CM, Revonsuo A, Laine M, Hmlinen H. 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Wang LF, Tian DW, Li HJ, Gao YB, Wang CZ, Zhao L, et al. Article The SAR of the two groups were 0.303W/kg and 0.003W/kg. BMJ. Thus, Cosquer et al. Durkin TP, Messier C, de Boer P, Westerink B. A significant increase in ROS levels and DNA fragmentation were observed only after the astrocytes were exposed to modulated EMF for 20min, perhaps as a result of hyperstimulation of glutamate receptors. static fields, health effects, human health, environmental effects, SCENIHR, Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks Opinion to be cited as: 1 Microwave Theory and Techniqes | PDF | Microwave - Scribd Privacy Interphone study group. However, most studies have not supported the conclusion that cell phones cause brain tumors [8,9,10,11,12]. Mil Med Sci. These results explain the genetic mechanisms by which microwave radiation induces damage to learning and memory. Hardell L, Carlberg M, Mild KH, Eriksson M. Case-control study on the use of mobile and cordless phones and the risk for malignant melanoma in the head and neck region. An abnormal EEG is closely associated with damaged cognitive ability. Neurobiol Learn Mem. In addition, another study showed that significant psychiatric symptoms were observed in people who worked in these areas. Mortazavi S, Rouintan M, Taeb S, Dehghan N, Ghaffarpanah A, Sadeghi Z, et al. 2016;74:99107. The increase in M1 receptor gene expression along with the impairment of novel preferences in Wi-Fi-exposed animals may suggest a possible role of the cholinergic system in the detrimental effects of Wi-Fi radiation on multisensory integration [100]. Thus, in the early developmental stage, chronic exposure to 2.4W/kg GSM microwaves may influence dendritic development and the formation of excitatory synapses in cultures of hippocampal neurons. Microwave exposure impairs synaptic plasticity in the rat hippocampus and pc12 cells through over-activation of the nmda receptor signaling pathway. 2004;23:20114. Pathophysiology. Statistically significant changes were detected in the EEG- bands of six individuals and in the 1 and 2 bands of four subjects in the higher SAR group. Microwave frequencies for which the wavelengths are the same order of magnitude as the dimensions of human body produce close coupling between the body and the microwave field. Cobb BL, Jauchem JR, Adair ER. Kumar M, Singh SP, Chaturvedi CM. Bioelectromagnetics. Radiofrequency and Microwave Radiation - Health Effects | Occupational Behav Brain Res. [38] exposed Wistar rats to a 2.856GHz pulsed microwave field for 6min. Spatial memory and learning performance and its relationship to protein synthesis of Swiss albino mice exposed to 10 GHz microwaves. Cassel et al. Google Scholar. Dasdag et al. . 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Their answers to questionnaires showed that the workers suffered from symptoms including headaches, fatigue, stress and sleeplessness. Behav Brain Res. [101] exposed rats to microwave radiation at frequencies of 0, 900, 1800 and 2450MHz (SARs: 0, 0.59, 0.58 and 0.66mW/kg, respectively) using a transverse electromagnetic cell for 2months for 2h/d, 5 d/week. Microwaves are widely used in broadcasting, communications and many industrial fields. [84] and Sharma et al. Clinics. Frequency Fields (RF) and Microwave Radiation on human health" by the Scientific Committee on Toxicity, Ecotoxicity and the Environment (CSTEE) from 2001, with respect . Interaction of Radiation with Matter - GSU The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Dasdag S, Balci K, Ayyildiz M, Celik M, Tekes S, Kaplan A. Microwaves of 50mW/cm2 increased the levels of the major excitatory amino acids Asp and glutamic acid (Glu) and the inhibitory amino acids gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and Gly, while 6h later in the 30mW/cm2 group, the level of Gly was reduced in the cerebral cortex. Megha et al. However, a recent report [3] published by the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) noted that discussions about the thermal and non-thermal effects are misleading. When nerve endings are excited, the vesicles release their contents into the synaptic cleft, resulting in synaptic transmission. Kang D, Hamasaki N. Mitochondrial transcription factor a in the maintenance of mitochondrial DNA. In 35% of cases, soldiers work in intermediate and hazardous zones and in 22%only in the intermediate zone. In the CNS, glutamic acid binds and plays physiological roles with the following two receptors: ionotropic glutamate and metabolic glutamate. The results of EEG and analyses of the structure of the brain after radiation have also confirmed the influence of microwaves. The effects are usually . & Hu, XJ. 2010;473:525. In the probe test, the exposed group could not locate the platform and exhibited a significantly higher mean latency (i.e., 3-fold higher) to reach the target quadrant, and they spent only half the time that the controls spent in the target quadrant. Schz J, Waldemar G, Olsen JH, Johansen C. Risks for central nervous system diseases among mobile phone subscribers: a Danish retrospective cohort study. Chin J Radiol Med Prot. Concurrently, in the hippocampus, acetylcholine can promote learning and memory [115, 116]. PDF Electromagnetic Radiation and Human Health: A Review of Sources and Effects The transduction of a nerve impulse and the postsynaptic potential produced by it result in synaptic transmission. [20] divided the radar workers into three sets: control group (n=68), exposure group I (n=40, exposed to 812GHz) and exposure group II (n=58, working with radar at 12.518.0GHz). PubMed Central It influences both learning and memory in rats [67]. In communications, the microwaves come from mobile phones and their base stations and microwave links, in addition to cordless phones, terrestrial trunked radios, blue tooth devices, wireless local area networks and many other applications. Each Wi-Fi exposure and restraint occurred for 2h/d during gestation until parturition. Professor, Asst Director at VIT The authors found that 2.4GHz microwave radiation reduced the expression of some miRNAs such as miR-106b-5p and miR-107 [98]. Suppl Clin Neurophysiol. Exposure to microwaves and silencing p-synapsin I reduced the release of GABA, and maximum reduction was achieved when both were combined, indicating a synergistic effect. 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After irradiation was applied for 2h/d for 60 d, the authors observed the following: microwave radiation produced by mobile phones damaged the brains of adult and young rats, the damage caused by mobile phones in the calling state was significantly more severe than that observed in the standby group, and the neurons of young rats were more seriously injured than those of adult rats. Synaptic plasticity is a special function of synapses, which play an important role in learning and memory processes [46], including structural and functional plasticity. 2014;9:e95503. After exposure to microwave irradiation (an average power density of 30mW/m2 for 5min/d on five days a week for two consecutive months), the expression of NR2B was decreased in rats, the level of Glu was increased in the hippocampus and cerebrospinal fluid, spatial memory ability was decreased among rats with the TT genotype, and there was no change in the CC type and TC type animals. Nuclear pyknosis and capillary congestion are also observed. Mortazavi S, Tavakkoli-Golpayegani A, Haghani M, Mortazavi S. Looking at the other side of the coin: the search for possible biopositive cognitive effects of the exposure to 900 MHz GSM mobile phone radiofrequency radiation. Google Scholar. Medical and biological aspects of the effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic (EM) fields and radiation on human health . In long-term epidemiological investigations of large population with occupational exposure, the results have not been consistent. Standard devices used by military personnel that may pose electromagnetic hazards include radars and missile systems. Int J Occup Environ Health. A resting eyes-closed electroencephalogram was used to continuously record the results, which showed that there was an increase in the power of the , 1 and 2 frequency bands in the 0.303W/kg group and in the 2 frequency bands in the 0.003W/kg group. Radiat Res. It has been proposed that by enhancing the functions of acetylcholine, glucose can increase the concentration of free calcium ions in the synapse to reverse microwave-induced damage to learning and memory. Mol Brain Res. Regional changes in brain glucose metabolism reflect cognitive impairments in aged rats. Schmid MR, Murbach M, Lustenberger C, Maire M, Kuster N, Achermann P, et al. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. These conclusions are presented in Table2. Neurobiol Learn Mem. Cancer Res. Radiat Res. Kwon et al. PubMed 1999;9:3438. Oxidative stress refers to an imbalance between oxidants and antioxidants in vivo and is characterized by a biochemical state that tends toward oxidization, including the formation of oxygen free radicals (i.e., ROS) and nitrogen radicals reactive nitrogen species (RNS), which play major roles in oxidation. Chronic nonmodulated microwave radiations in mice produce anxiety-like and depression-like behaviours and calcium- and NO-related biochemical changes in the brain. Subsequently, significantly more DNA damage was observed in the exposed groups than in the sham group, and their study also indicated that oxidative stress and inflammation caused DNA damage in response to low-intensity microwave exposure. More data are available regarding opinions on potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields [3]. The fields had an average power density of 0, 5, 10 or 50mW/cm2. [72] found that 2.856GHz, 50mW/cm2 pulsed microwave radiation caused persistent spatial memory impairments, disordered neurotransmitters, and varying degrees of damage in the hippocampus and synapses. J Electromagnet Anal. [65] irradiated Wistar rats with 10, 30 and 50mW/cm2 microwaves, and the results showed that in the cerebral cortex, only glycine (Gly) and asparagine (Asp) levels were increased. Dasdag et al. Acetylcholine modulation of neural systems involved in learning and memory. The biological effects of microwave and RF are difficult to quantify, but one method, which in-volves the determination of the relation-ship between the body mass-averaged Effects of 902 MHz electromagnetic field emitted by cellular telephones on response times in humans. Neurologic and biochemical findings and CD4/CD8 ratio in people occupationally exposed to RF and microwave. PubMed Central However, its beneficial effects should not be ignored [26]. Belyaev IY, Koch CB, Terenius O, Roxstrm-Lindquist K, Malmgren LO, Sommer HW, et al. Location of gliomas in relation to mobile telephone use: a case-case and case-specular analysis. Studies have also suggested that long-term exposure to 2.4GHz microwave radiation may lead to adverse effects, as observed in neurodegenerative diseases that originate from the altered expression of some miRNAs. Thurczy G, Kubinyi G, Bodo M, Bakos J, Szabo L. Simultaneous response of brain electrical activity (EEG) and cerebral circulation (REG) to microwave exposure in rats. Occupational Medicine (London) 50.1 (January 2000):49-56. Microwave Hazards | PDF | Microwave | Electromagnetic Radiation - Scribd as it have a harmful side. 2002;13:11921. The interaction of microwaves with matter other than metallic conductors will be to rotate molecules and produce heat as result of that molecular motion. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2012;35:32534.

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