Contact us and we can investigate your case and tell you whether or not you may have a valid claim against 3M. It is a big differnce. Yesterday afternoon 3M filed a motion in the Aearo Technologies bankruptcy which provided an estimate of how much it would cost to resolve the earplug litigation.In that motion, 3M claimed that medical testing records recently produced by the Department of Defense show 90% of the earplug plaintiffs have no hearing loss. Thousands of veterans and current military service members may be entitled to receive financial compensation in the 3M earplug lawsuit for hearing loss and tinnitus caused by defective earplugs. July 26, 2022: 3M announced today that it will seek to resolve the earplug claims in bankruptcy. 3M has already set aside $1.2 billion to fund the proposed bankruptcy trust for the settlement of the earplug claims. This is a huge deal because it means that the pending appeal in the Aearo bankruptcy is basically meaningless. October 25, 2022 Update: 3M asked Judge Rodgers permission to file another motion on the successor liability motion for summary judgment plaintiffs lawyers filed in the Wave 1 cases. 3M Earplug Lawsuit in Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana Experienced. Our lawyers also provide some excellent graphs and charts of how these lawsuits are going that we have updated in March 2023 to reflect the latest 3M verdict, failed effort by 3M to hide behind a bankruptcy court, and new settlement talks in 2023. The trial value could be in this range or even higher (much higher for the first three victims, as it turns out). January 21, 2023 Update: This will surprise you if you read our last update. April 29, 2022 Update: Closing statements were given yesterday in Vaughn and the jury began to deliberate. His testimony has been used to establish that the earplugs were defective and that this design flaw was not communicated to the military. Will this be the settlement value for the 3M lawsuits? Back to the settlement table. Under the metric endorsed by 3M, nearly 85% of the plaintiffs have no evidence of hearing loss and should be excluded from any settlement. But these are big trials in this litigation. Of course. A previous motion was filed in August which also sought to block 3Ms bankruptcy strategy, but the MDL denied that motion because it was essentially premature. So now they fit. August 26, 2022 Update: Today, Judge Graham ruled that 3M will not get bankruptcy protection because its subsidiary declared bankruptcy. October 4, 2022 Update: Judge Rodgers pushed back the David George trial set for October 24, 2022, to February 13, 2023, in an order signed yesterday. The Justice Department said that 3M Co. unit Aearo Technologies LLC should be thrown out of bankruptcy court, citing the recent dismissal of a similar case involving a Johnson & Johnson subsidiary.. Aearo's Chapter 11 case is an "abuse of the bankruptcy system" that was engineered to benefit its highly solvent corporate parent and avoid ongoing litigation stemming from allegedly faulty . Judge Rodgers is helping their efforts. 3M argued that the earplugs MDL is overrun with bogus claims by plaintiffs who are not being vetted and dismissed from the case. July 5, 2022: Settlement talks are now just ten days away. So that is an issue that plaintiffs lawyers have to deal with in these cases. October 2021: More Good News/Bad News for 3M. So why now? But a settlement of this magnitude will be a complex endeavor. If you have a potential claim, do not delay. Submitting a contact form, sending a text message, making a phone call, or leaving a voicemail does not create an attorney-client relationship. September 1, 2022: 3M noted its appeal of the bankruptcy ruling on Monday. March 3, 2022 Update: We are now 11 days from the next trial on the Steve Wilkerson case, an Afghanistan veteran. Consistently, it is making the same obvious point now to the bankruptcy court: this was not the congressional purpose of the Bankruptcy Code. But right before round two of the settlement mediation ordered by MDL Judge Casey Rodgers, top executives at 3M were at a conference spewing nonsense to financial analysts that the company was still moving forward with its bankruptcy strategy. August 31, 2022 Update: 3M filed its long-shot appeal of the recent Bankruptcy Court ruling by Judge Graham that blocked its controversial attempt to force the earplug lawsuits to be resolved within a Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceeding. Facing thousands of lawsuits from U.S. service members who said 3M earplugs failed to protect their hearing, the manufacturing giant announced it is committing $1 billion to a trust to resolve. After the District Court trials, 3M placed the Aearo subsidiary in Chapter 11 protection in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Indiana. 3M will now be free to argue issues in the Aero bankruptcy that have already been ruled on in the MDL. The motion is an effort to block any remaining hope 3M may have of forcing the litigation into bankruptcy via its Aearo subsidiary. October 11, 2022 Update: The plaintiffs in the 3M earplugs MDL filed a motion seeking summary judgment on the issue of whether 3M is fully and independently liable for all injuries related to the earplugs. As self-serving as it is to say, our lawyers get this question constantly. July 13, 2022: 3M filed a brief asking the court to extinguish judgments in the nine cases they lost. December 25, 2022 Update: Just one more comment on Judge Rodgers ruling this week. But it does not appear to be a good sign for those of us who were hoping that 3M might finally be ready to make a serious effort to settle the earplug lawsuits. So 3M is putting all of its eggs in the basket of a successful bankruptcy appeal and winning the successor liability appeal of the sanctions imposed by Judge Rodgers. But no one seems to be connecting those dots. But more saliently, the 3Ms maneuver to change the forum of litigation from civil trials to bankruptcy to avoid the wrath of juries raises the specter of abuse which must be guarded against to protect the integrity of the bankruptcy system the court highlighted in J&J talcum powder generated bankruptcy. Berger was in the middle of every key piece of the relevant facts. April 29, 2022 Update #2: A Florida jury awarded U.S. Army veteran Jonathan Vaughn $2.2 million. Beals testimony was followed in the afternoon by another expert witness for the plaintiff, Dr. Christopher Spankovich, an audiologist, and professor at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. MDL Judge Casey Rogers has given 3M a deadline of December 5th to file a response. 3M lawyers had a great deal to work with in cross-examining him. You can also find our latest thoughts on when the 3M earplug lawsuit will settle in light of recent developments. March 1, 2023 Update: 3M today said that most of the 175,000 plaintiffs in the Combat Arms earplugs lawsuits had normal hearing, according to U.S. Department of Defense records. But it cant muster the energy even to pretend. Judge Rodgers stopped short of granting summary judgment on the statute of limitations defense and deferred ruling on that issue until the relevant facts have been presented at trial. Ron even fought to reduce how much I owed in medical bills so I could get an even larger settlement. The judge in the earplugs MDL, Casey Rodgers, harshly rebuked 3M and its lawyers at a hearing on Wednesday. Now retired, he was the former head of the 3M Personal Safety Division and an audiology scientist. Now 3M might have a greater interest. So this is excellent news, right? June 28, 2022: On Sunday, the Wall Street Journal released a story entitled 3M Faces Billions in Liabilities Over $7.63 Earplugs. Dr. Packer has been an effective witness in prior trials. This ruling means that this appeal could be decided in a few months instead of taking over a year. Submitting a contact form, sending a text message, making a phone call, or leaving a voicemail does not create an attorney-client relationship. There is often turmoil on losing teams. I want to predict a big verdict in Kelly as the death knell for 3M. Why? You wont hear me speak up for 3m much, right? November 3, 2022 Update: The earplug plaintiffs joined the DOJ in objecting to the Aearo bankruptcy contesting the fact the same law firm, Kirkland & Ellis, is representing Aearo in the bankruptcy and 3M in the MDL. The trial is set for two weeks. The MDL plaintiffs are now free to go after 3M separately. But just before those settlement talks, 3M executives were making statements to investors and financial analysts indicating that they are still clinging to the belief that they can settle the litigation in the bankruptcy court. Our lawyers have always said 3M would be foolish to let the 11th Circuit rule on this before settling the lions share of these lawsuits. Recently, however, a group of earplug plaintiffs filed a motion seeking to partially lift that stay with respect to all cases alleging injuries occurring after 3M acquired Aearo in 2008. This is a tough argument to make. The missing paperwork that prompted most dismissals was the plaintiffs military service record (DD214). May 11, 2022 Update: The 3M MDL class action judge dismissed over 20,000 cases because the plaintiffs failed to produce documentation (mostly official military service records) required to support their claims. Settlement talks without imminent trial dates will be spinning wheels with 3M. We have learned that juries do not like what 3M did with these earplugs and they will award a great deal of money if they believed that negligence caused the victim tinnitus or hearing loss. Again. This litigation threatens to tarnish their legacy forever. That response came on Tuesday when Judge Rodgers issued an Order requiring 3M to participate in a new settlement mediation. 3M previously agreed to pay $9.1 million to resolve allegations that it knowingly sold its earplugs to the Defense Logistics Agency without disclosing defects that decreased the hearing. This Vanderbilt doctor has testified before in this litigation. (Even more bizarrely, the judge trying Beal is the Zantac MDL judge, and this same law firm is defending Zantac lawsuits). So what did they do? { These dismissals may seem like a setback for the plaintiffs, but they actually might help to facilitate a global settlement of the remaining earplug claims. These veterans can now sue 3M and demand financial compensation. But this might get us closer to a global settlement of the earplug lawsuits. The fact that 3M is trying to involve the bankruptcy judge in the mediation suggests that they have no genuine interest in negotiating a settlement right now. 3M had an exclusive contract with the U.S. military via the U.S. Department of Defense. All Rights Reserved. "text": " Our lawyers have consistently said that the average settlement amount in the first round of settlement will average between $50,000 and $100,000. Using the Feres doctrine, the plan was to invoke the government contractor defense as a shield from state tort liability. The nonlinear dual-ended Combat Arms Earplug Version 2 (CAEv2) was supposed to protect users by filtering peak-level noises. This prevents any proceedings from moving forward against Aearo in the earplug lawsuits, but not against 3M. Im not sure that many understand the successor liability issue and how it may impede 3Ms efforts to hide behind bankruptcy laws to shield itself from liability no matter how the 7th Circuit rules. To date, no plaintiff has settled a 3M earplug lawsuit. The plaintiffs counsel presented a short 40-minute rebuttal case and then the court heard oral arguments from both sides in support of their motions for judgment as a matter of law on various issues. There is no risk or cost. Sign up to receive a daily email of today's top military news stories from Stars and Stripes and top news outlets It means 3Ms bankruptcy gambit failed as I predicted from the beginning. April 8, 2022 Update #2: A defense verdict for 3M in the Kelley trial today.My take on the Kelley 3M verdict. At some point, someone will notice that the most significant mass tort in American history is averaging millions per verdict while 3Ms stock price trudges along.). If we were keeping score by Rounds, the plaintiffs would be ahead 4 to 3. Lets go back to the individual settlement value of these cases because all victims have a keen interest in claim value. Judge Rogers points out that it was only after 3M was unhappy with the outcome of the MDL that it suddenly changed its story and claimed that Aearo was actually the party with liability. But this is the last of the 3M earplug bellwether trials. Yet, there was nary a whisper that Aearo, and not 3M, was the only proper target, or even a target. In addition to the caps on attorneys fees, the new law . In ordering 3M to pay Adkins $8.2 million in damages, the Florida jury found that not only were 3M's Combat Arms earplugs defectively . So juries will not shoehorn 3M negligence and the victims hearing injury if the evidence does not support the claim. A ruling on this key issue wont happen until at least August 18, 2022. But it is not. The story which is behind a paywall, of course offers a general overview of the earplug lawsuits against 3M and an explanation of how the massive size of the litigation could end up costing 3M billions in liabilities. Our lawyers have consistently said that the average settlement amount in the first round of settlement will average between $50,000 and $100,000. Fallon holds a doctorate in audiology and works for 3M as a Technical Senior Service Specialist. The award in the 11th bellwether trial is the largest verdict yet to result from hundreds of thousands of lawsuits over the earplugs. In her Order staying the MDL, Judge Rodgers made clear will certify that decision for an immediate interlocutory appeal. The earplug litigation is by far the largest mass tort in history. Plaintiff James Beal, an Army veteran, began his 3M earplug trial against 3M yesterday in Pensacola, Florida, the epicenter of this litigation so far. Rodgers dismissed 3Ms claim that bogus plaintiffs are not being vetted, pointing out that 80,000 claimants have already been dismissed. This works out to an average of $4.9 million per plaintiff. The more I think about this bankruptcy, the more I think it is going to backfire on 3M. Judge Rodgers stuck the motion as improper, chastising 3M that the court docket is not a repository for lawyers to preview future litigation strategies.. "Litigation against 3M is still ongoing and a final amount has not been determined yet." There are no guarantees. There is some interesting perspective in the comments below from soldiers plaintiffs in the 3M earplug lawsuits. The response broke no new ground. Jury verdicts and reported settlement amounts in other tinnitus or hearing loss cases suggest an average individual settlement compensation from $50,000 to $300,000 in compensation. On the 7th day of trial, the defense presented live testimony from Dr. James Crawford and Eric Fallon. Veterans are more than happy to settle these lawsuits in bankruptcy court, kangaroo court, or anywhere they can get reasonable compensation payouts for their injuries. Which is a good thing for getting these claims settled for the real victims. Sloan is another Army vet who is alleging that the Combat Arms earplugs failed to protect him resulting in both hearing loss and tinnitus. The hope is that 3M will come to its senses and offer settlement amounts that will encourage the victims to settle their cases out of court. Vaughn was a case with a lot of weaknesses. Too many lawyers have filed 3M earplug lawsuits without making sure their clients have a viable claim. Why? So this is a roundabout way of saying I think the bulk of these suits will settle before the 11th Circuit rules later this year. What does it mean to you that the JPML consolidated all the federal earplug claims in Florida? February 6, 2023 Update: The Bankruptcy Court in the Southern District of Indiana will hold a Status Conference next week on the recent Motion to Dismiss filed by the 3M earplug plaintiffs. Rodgers dismissed 3Ms claim that bogus plaintiffs are not being vetted, pointing out that 80,000 claimants have already been dismissed. There are no guarantees of success. March 3, 2023 Update: Quote from plaintiffs lawyers in Bloomberg article on the 3Ms estimation motion: There is simply no route for 3M to resolve this litigation if it continues to take the offensive and impractical position that 90 percent of service members and veterans are liars with worthless claims.. The last case I referred to them settled for $1.2 million. Meanwhile, the parties have agreed to continue Wave 3 discovery deadlines within the MDL. Most of the opening 2 days of the trial were devoted to the testimony of bioacoustics engineer Richard McKinley. Before we get to the meat of the 3M Combat Arms earplug lawsuits, our attorneys update you with the latest news in the 3M earplug litigation. Will all these plaintiffs show up for their deposition? If you have a potential claim, do not delay. 3M is facing more than 240,000 claims by veterans and service members over the earplugs, known as Combat Arms Earplugs Version 2. If you are following this litigation, Berger needs no introduction. The administrative docket helps lawyers on both sides. Camarillorazo had much stronger medical evidence to support his alleged hearing loss and tinnitus. Like Bayer in the Roundup lawsuits, 3Ms biggest mistake that led to this debacle was buying a company without doing enough due diligence as to the potential litigation liabilities. If you have a potential 3M earplug lawsuit and have not brought a claim, call a lawyer. A federal jury awarded $110 million to two U.S. Army veterans who said 3M earplugs caused them to suffer hearing damage. August 10, 2022 Update: Wait, do we need Aearo in these cases? But you have to understand there are over 200,000 lawsuits as of December 2022 and there are few if any developments in individual cases. The motion argues that the stay should not apply to these cases because they do not involve claims of direct liability against Aearo. 3M also filed a motion objecting to the plaintiffs request to present rebuttal testimony from their expert Dr. Gershwin. This appears to be the first initial step toward Phase 2 of the earplug bellwether trials. What in the world is going on here? It is just a question of how much money 3M will pay to settle these claims. 3M will try to convince the bankruptcy court in Indiana that the automatic stay triggered by Aearos bankruptcy should be extended to protect 3M as well, but this remains unresolved. However, the most recent summary judgment motion has a much better chance of success. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. How does 3M go about determining which plaintiffs have tinnitus or hearing loss that could be connected to the 3M earplugs? July 16, 2022 Update: Should you be optimistic or pessimistic going into the settlement talks heading into Day 2 today? Just a week earlier, a jury in Tallahassee awarded $22.5 million in the 8th bellwether trial, the largest verdict to date. They disagree with Judge Rodgers assessment that settlement talks will not be fruitful. It is hard to predict how long one of these mega trials might take. October 23, 2022 Update: 3M got some excellent news this week, albeit soft good news. December 15, 2022 Update: Reuters does a nice job summarizing 3Ms bankruptcy appeal. Then at 11:00 a.m., the plaintiff, Ronald Sloan, took the stand to tell his story. But 3M is viewed as risky stock right now, which is not where it wants to be. This was comparable to the compensatory damage awards in prior bellwether cases. Without some ear protection, repeated exposure to these high-level noises will cause auditory ailments from internal damage to the eardrums. For its part, 3M says it is committed to the settlement process in bankruptcy court. If you are 3M, you dont want to try that case. But we have also learned that 3Ms bad behavior will not give victims a pass past the burden of proof of showing that their hearing loss was caused by 3Ms negligence. Judge Rodgers expressed apparent regret and frustration. The summary judgment motion is aimed at preemptively blocking any continuing hope 3M may have of forcing the MDL lawsuits to be resolved in bankruptcy. This ruling theoretically renders the Aearo bankruptcy appeal to the 3rd Circuit moot, as the MDL plaintiffs are now free to go after 3M separately. }}, But there is more reason for hope than after Judge Rodgers order on Wednesday. 3M claimed defense victories in Rounds 2, 5, and 6. July 15, 2022: The 3M earplug settlement talks began today and will go through the weekend in Florida. 3M agreed to pay $9.1 million to the government to settle the government's complaint. The plan is for these 20,197 earplug lawsuits to go through pretrial discovery a daunting process with such a massive group of plaintiffs. Twelve new 3M lawsuits were filed today; 30 were filed yesterday. But a global 3M earplug settlement after three days of negotiations seems unlikely. It is not. Plaintiffs have been saying all along they want a fair settlement. Now that the bankruptcy play has failed, Judge Rodgers is pushing both sides to go back to the settlement table again. 3M Combat Arms Earplug Lawsuit Attorneys Thousands of veterans and current military service members may be entitled to receive financial compensation in the 3M earplug lawsuit for hearing loss and tinnitus caused by defective earplugs. These dark green and yellow earplugs were initially developed by Aearo Technologies, a company 3M bought in 2008. January 6, 2023 Update: This litigation is in limbo. Posted on November 05, 2021 in Class Actions . But the device did not go deeply into the ear. The filing this week in U.S. Bankruptcy Court is the latest turn in the legal war between 3M and over 200,000 veterans and current service members over 3Ms Combat Arms CAEv2, which were once standard military issue. November 1, 2022 Update: Judge Rodgers said last week that monthly settlement talks must resume. 3M has used anonymity to its advantage because it has not had to deal with the intense external pressure of investors pushing for a resolution. Palanki claimed that he suffered hearing damage while using 3Ms combat arms earplugs while on active duty with the Army at a base in Texas. The approach applied by the plaintiffs results in a much smaller percentage of plaintiffs being excluded. This is big news. If you need representation, call us at 800-553-8082 or get a free online consultation.. 3M also argues that punitive damages should be off the table. October 3, 2022 Update: 3M spokesman Sean Lynch: 3M hopes that the parties and their attorneys will come together to negotiate a prompt resolution to this matter so that those veterans with eligible claims can be compensated sooner.. Berger has testified in all of the bellwether trials. But the litigation and appellate calendar affords 3M the opportunity to put its head in the sand. A federal judge has declared 3M earplug lawsuit settlement efforts to be at an impasse after the manufacturer pulled out of negotiations to resolve hundreds of thousands of hearing loss claims. by Roy D. Oppenheim. 2023 Stars and Stripes. But a 3M earplug settlement will be complicated and will be fraught with peril for 3M. December 23, 2022 Update:The MDL Judge has imposed a significant sanction on 3M blocking it from pursuing the Aearo bankruptcy. 3M has been wearing rose-colored glasses from Day 1 of this litigation. Judge Rodgers granted the plaintiffs motions for judgment on several issues including mitigation, comparative fault, and 3Ms statute of limitations defense. This ruling would have circumvented 3Ms current effort to force the earplug claims to be resolved in the Aearo bankruptcy. Is the 3M earplug lawsuit worth it? So there is no upfront payment, fees, or expenses unless you recover money for your injuries. May 3, 2022: The 16th and last MDL trial will start Monday, May 9, 2022, for James Beals injury claim against 3M for its defective earplugs. 3M hid design flaws and doctored test results, while also failing to provide proper instructions on how . This lawsuit will not involve dividing up the $9.1 million, but rather a service member affected due to the earplugs have their own individual cases against 3M. Aearo and 3M remain focused on reaching an efficient, equitable, and expeditious . During that presentation, Judge Rodgers noted that the data was subject to multiple interpretations and that 3M has chosen to interpret it in a way that is most advantageous to its position. 3M was feeling very bullish immediately after the verdict was returned. December 20, 2021 Update: Another bellwether test trial concluded last week in the 3M Combat Arms Earplugs litigation. On Wednesday, the plaintiffs presented the testimony of Elliott Berger (via Zoom video call). Because bankruptcy is a more equitable system for valuing claims for settlement than the civil justice system we have had for hundreds of years in this country? The trial is already off to a good start. October 2, 2022 Update: The next round of settlement talks will be tomorrow. The judge will issue a show cause order and hold a hearing to determine whether 3M acted in bad faith by filing bankruptcy immediately after participating in a settlement mediation. K&E has been the primary defense firm in the earplug MDL. 3M Earplug Lawsuit Update! This prompted lawyers for the MDL plaintiffs to argue that K&E could not simultaneously represent Aearo in its bankruptcy because it presented a conflict of interest. It is. This ruling could knock the bankruptcy issue out of play. There are two sides to this coin. 3M needs to wake up and offer reasonable settlement amounts to these soldiers. Until 3M sought to assert such a defense, Judge Rodgers found that granting the motion would be premature. Now is the moment for 3M to step up and offer veterans reasonable 3M earplug settlement amounts. Kelley will be the second female bellwether plaintiff. Call a lawyer today. As with any personal injury or product liability case, there is no guarantee that you will win compensation. It is easy to forget that a sample size of one for an MDL class action of this size. 3M filed a motion seeking to force all these plaintiffs to immediately pay their filing fees or have their case dismissed. Procedurally, 3Ms appeal will either go to the U.S. District Court for Indiana or the Bankruptcy Appellate Panel. There is not much required from you besides filling out a 3M earplug lawsuit claim form. A reasonable time frame to expect a result is about 6 months or more. I do not think even 3Ms lawyers believe it has much chance of success. Dr. Crawford is an ENT doctor who spent 24 years in the Army where he specialized in hearing protection. January 20, 2023 Update: MDL Judge M. Casey Rodgers issued an Order formally terminating the court-sponsored settlement mediation. Indeed, the expected average individual settlement amount is rising based on these three verdicts. For the first time, this litigation has meaningfully impacted 3Ms stock price. Our lawyers are handling 3M earplug lawsuits in all 50 states. The plaintiffs are still in their case so dont expect a verdict soon. Anyone who served in the military from 2003 to 2015 and suffered permanent hearing damage has a potential product liability lawsuit against the earplug manufacturer. Our 3M earplug lawyers have not used these updates as a call us plug. Because 3M if it has any sense will want to settle these lawsuits before trials are remanded to be tried locally. Meanwhile, however, Judge Rodgers order means that thousands of earplug plaintiffs can avoid having to produce documents to support their claims and pay filing fees. So failing to list the 3M lawsuit as an asset made zero difference. Plaintiff will have 35 hours to present their case with the remaining 29 hours going to the defense. Personal injury lawyers handling serious personal injury truck and auto accident, medical malpractice and products liability cases throughout the United States. We will see if this is the catalyst for meaningful settlement talks to resolve the 3M earplug class action lawsuit. This trial day mostly involved the testimony of Richard McKinley, a key expert for soldiers in the 3M earplug lawsuits on why the earplugs were defective. On the 5th day of trial, the plaintiffs presented testimony from another expert, Dr. Mark Packer. The MDL judge yesterday ordered over 20,000 lawsuits parked on the administrative docket transferred to the active docket within 60 days. Last week, the MDL judge granted a summary judgment motion by Beal, which effectively blocks 3M from presenting nearly all of their affirmative defenses, including contributory negligence. A 3M subsidiary Aero filed for bankruptcy and 3M said they should be allowed to avoid all these lawsuits since Aero is filing. McKinley has testified in all the previous bellwether trials, although this is the longest time he has spent on the stand. 3M hid design flaws and doctored test results, while also failing to provide proper instructions on how . The hearing will help Judge Rodgers rule on whether to grant a motion that would prohibit 3M from arguing that it is not a proper defendant in the earplug cases. One piece of bad news: the October 24th trial that was creating settlement pressure has been pushed back to February. Judge Rodgers also issued a new Case Management Order identifying a third wave of 500 additional cases to be prepared for the next phase of trials. The hearing will pay particular focus on the details of 3Ms agreement to assume Aearos liabilities as part of the deal. November 17, 2022 Update: The judge in the bankruptcy filed by 3M subsidiary Aero Technologies has ruled that 3Ms law firm, Kirkland & Ellis, can continue to represent Aero in the bankruptcy.

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