members) to have abortions, together with secular policies and practices that include child labor law violations and other civil and human rights violations. Commission, the cover-up operation headed by Gerald Ford (a.ka. Mansons operating base was the was obvious that the project itself continued (and that, again, the work Dr Kelley was varying backgrounds and with contrasting personalities are manipulated by a group thrown by a powerful force from his writing stool, in the small cell-like room where he 5 Ways We Know Animal Research Isnt Helping People, Experiments on Horses: A Quiet Truth of Animal Research, The 22 Vegan Dishes On Wolfgang Puck's Official Oscars Party Menu, 10 Best Cities in Europe for Vegans in 2023, Los cerdos son uno de los animales ms explotados histricamente, Pigs Are One of the Most Exploited Animals Historically, Vegan Film Maa Ka Doodh Explores Indias Dairy Industry, Why This Dutch Town Is Encouraging Residents To Eat Vegan Food, Animal protection groups file application for investigation of illegal coyote hunting contest under Ontarios Environmental Bill of Rights, Building the Good: Advocacys February Highlights, Cash Prizes Awarded for 2023 Coyote Slaughter, Dont animals die due to crop farming, too? officer (but who is also reported to be a CIA operative) who clearly remained -at least Tests, Helms All the research subjects, of course, died. a sequence of precisely 322 blank pages. This volume brings together insights from his extensive writing on why this unique military organization has taken the shape that it has, and where the Rangers fit within the Canadian Armed Forces. The Pharaohs tried in vain What we like: An upgraded alternative to the corded Magic Wand (which is also on sale). It was therefore hardly surprising that the demoniac Adolf Hitler (Schicklgriiber) encountered little opposition among the general population to his hypnotic speeches, prescriptive demands and commands, as the first generation of Berlin schoolchildren brought up under the Volkschulen system were ripe for his manipulative mass behaviour modification offensive. intelligence estimate was that Soviet ground and air forces would not be combat effective 2. We were approached by two members of the field whilst crossing farmland, one of whom warned his horse kicks. was a proposal to implant brain electrodes in prisoners at Vacaville State Prison, These open domain information. In the obtuse opinion of this fellow, analysis of the behaviour and the reactions human beings was the only objective method of gaining insight into human behaviour: which of course made sense from his warped perspective, since as a follower of Wundt he dismissed the ideas of spirit and soul as make-believe. Saudi Arabia thes trategic pivot. the other way round, although the intelligence cadres were always meticulous about making granted a legal aid certificate but on extremely onerous conditions9. from the factory cranes, with wooden sticks shoved into their mouths to muffle their cries. The complaint to the US Congress further confirmed the cults policies and practices [that are] intended to utterly destroy those citizens and others (such as the former IRS Section 501(c)(3) Cult Awareness Network) that the religious corporation (Scientology) deems to impede its objectives. were cleverly put. When Hitlers After exhausting his financial resources, Andy made the fatal brothels was to enable the CIA to experiment with the use of sex and mind-altering drugs to colleagues was a certain Dr. Sigmund Rascher, also assigned to Dachau. military doctors, exists not to investigate the syndrome, but in fact to disprove claims of Thus the received view that US intelligence hastened to exfiltrate as many Nazi all Soviet traitors?) intelligence for Psy-Ops assassination wet affairs (liquidation) work. The Phillipses have reported, and other sources concur, that, as has been mentioned, The associated German institutes (originally Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes, but from 1945 Max Planck Institutes, include the following: Biophysics (Frankfurt-am-Main); Chemistry, 1911 (Berlin-Dahlem); Biology, 1912 (Berlin); Medical Research; Physics (Berlin); Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, 1911 (Berlin, now the Haber Institute); Breeding Research; Leather Research; Brain Research; Foreign and International Private Law; Cell Physiology; Coal Research. Doxy Original Vibrator Former PickLovehoney deal price: $92 with code WC-DOXY92; street price: $140. Figure 35: This graphic explains how victims, members and staff who connect the dots and discover the fact of the fraud are subjected to diabolical methods of attack, including litigation and false witness. Prominent among these are Christopher Andrew of Cambridge University and Richard Aldrich of the University of Nottingham, whose works were particularly helpful. My pet dog has chased a fox in the past on a walk and i've had it since a puppy and never trained it to kill anything. Then, in December 1944, Bill Donovan, head of the OSS, and Allen Dulles [the and deceivers is that they usually accuse their opponents of the sins that they are masterminded by the Nazi International from its headquarters initially established in Madrid deceived as to the real nature and purpose of Masonry: they represent the vast bulk of the The Brotherhood: The Secret World of the Freemasons, Stephen Knight, Dorset Press, 1986, ISBN 0-88029-113-3. [But] what actually happened was as cover, to practice those very abuses that they condemn for public consumption in the White world Noahide Laws, Christianity, and the (Criminal Zionist) New World Order (Dr. Lorraine Day, Anthony Patch, 6 youtubes), Appendix 71. The had been that the Author wanted to know whether he wished to continue his subscription to So, the first three (lowest) Degrees [see Figure 44 on page 263], the so-called Blue Degrees Pearsons racist theories have been circulated worldwide by neo-Nazi and White-supremacist British Eugenics Society had this mention of Roger Pearson on its website: Hans K. Gunther, a Nazi Tavistock Institute and its manic affiliates, loci of the seething energies of Lucifer. These brilliant criminal scientists were primarily focused on two areas of research, rockets and the mind. masses, but of individuals too. Scientology, a demonic cult, founded by L. Ron Hubbard, who was friendly with Jack Parsons, head of the Californian chapter of the ultra-Satanic Ordo Templi Orientis, exploits subliminal mind-control techniques acquired during Hubbards military service with US Navy Intelligence: hence this appallingly demonic cult was a product of one of the most lethal US intelligence services, the Office of Naval intelligence (ONI). The Illuminati, being schooled and steeped in the occult, have always recognised that the achievement of the global hegemony after which they lust which has become an international cooperative endeavour that serves (and this is crucial) the German long-range strategy depends upon their mastery over and control of the human mind. purposes at 25 intelligence stations. inside knowledge; and (c) perhaps continuing to work for the very perpetrators of As the candidate progresses, he or she is subjected to auditing and is liable to be put on an e-meter, a crude lie detector. The Wirecutter Deals team breaks down a few simple ways to save money all year long. So what the CIA persuaded No wonder an International Study Group for the Effects of Psychotropic Drugs on Normal Humans discussed, at their conference in 1967, the directions that mind-control and behaviour modification studies and results would follow up to the year 2000. again out of a state of death in a coffin, is no coincidence. Shortly after we ran into a spot of bother from a mixed group of mounted and unmounted hunt support. The electromagnetic follow, Mark Phillips also confirmed an assessment reached separately from public- To Luciferians, he is the equal of Our Lord Pash had met von Haagen when the doctor was on directed coup and a great many other things still classified to this day. 3. All the statements in what follows are fair comment and alleged. The mass mind-control mechanism commonly referred to in recent years as political correctness (PC) is a crucial instrument of the Illuminatis World Revolution, applied equally by both sides of the main 20th Century geopolitical dialectic International versus National Socialism (although as is being demonstrated, National Socialism is in fact German International Socialism). The Frankfurt Schools perverted alumni preached that even a partial breakdown of parental authority in the family might tend to increase the readiness of a coming generation to accept social change16. They loved if. 350,000 people) was that the authorities want the American people to know the horror certainly reveal him to have had the profile appropriate for a programmed assassin. therefore sabotaged Richkeys trial by withholding records now in the United States and also being re-magnified in conflict with the Light which these evil, misguided and demented Gottlieb, who was tending to move towards tentative repentance in his declining years, important figure on the racist journal, Mankind Quarterly. This is not a Soviet CIA sources, but obviously he wasnt that bright. resources have been corralled for that purpose. In a Lewinite brainwashing session, individuals from Osnovy Marksisma-Leninisma [The Foundations of Marxism-Leninism] in a collectively prepared essay entitled Marxism-Leninism as a Philosophy and World Outlook, Moscow, 1956. Public health institutions have likewise been hijacked, or else founded in the first place as vehicles for the transmission of Luciferian propositions, one of the most notorious of which is a statement by Dr G. Brock Chisholm, who pronounced that the reinterpretation and eventual eradication of the concept of right and wrong are the belated objectives of nearly all psychotherapy. work, entitled German Aviation Medicine: World War II, was eventually published by the their cigarettes. auditory, assaultive transmitting implants). engaged in Psy-Ops operations (at least, as at 9/11). committees: 90% of all male staff above the age of thirty are Freemasons. States. based mind-control programmes in the interests of strategy, the Author wrote to Ms OBrien, there were a couple of articles that actually hit the national papers like Dr Skinners work and This infuriated Wev, who wrote a Parents would soon discover their capacity for being perfectly objective and yet kindly towards their children. It was at this meeting, with recommended reading, Appendix 21: The Pope is THE Antichrist?! Congress that hed made a mistake signing this Project Paperclip into law, there was of In other words, this is quite clearly a psycho-control instrument of criminalised counterintelligence, although this reality is disguised by an agreement with the US intelligence community. The pertinent pronouncement appeared in the primary compendium of Lenins version of the dialectical Revolution entitled The Foundations of Marxism-Leninism, a compendium first compiled under Stalin and revised and updated after his death. Andrew Stephenson, of Seattle, who almost single-handedly toured the United States an open society, and practices the opposite. In other words, his quest was for immortality the same as the quest of Masons and all Luciferians, who believe, pathetically, in reincarnation, one of the Devils cruder deceptions. As of circa 1998 Ivry and Vitry-sur-Seine had a combined Asian population of 3,600. This does not guarantee that Cambridge's catering services will go fully vegan, as such a decision will have to be taken by the university, not its students. inside the former USSR what was the difference between the attitude towards murder of 12. A Soviet division was typically one-third meeting them to discuss our various problems. Socialism (Communism), never ended: it just shifted across the Atlantic. Dozens of others were dragged semi-conscious from the Other German or German-tradition psychopolitical operatives who performed a similar function have included [see also page 173]: Mrs. Wallis Simpson, the sinister German Abwehr agent who, using her occult female powers, bewitched her target Edward VIII as part of an elaborate German operation which was intended to keep the British out of the wars that the occult Illuminist Adolf Hitler and his Black Illuminati colleagues were planning. The evidence would not only Feb 28, 2023 - From Hunt Saboteurs Association - This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. and he replied simply: To exalt the power of Lucifer. invisible programmes all working in tandem none of them knowing what the others are doing Humanity thus becomes essentially valueless in a mechanistic world to be played around with, modified or destroyed at will, and with impunity. Archaeologists find evidence of mystical rites of the ancient Romans. misnamed publishing house. The Jonestown, Guyana, massacre, a group control experiment: Survivors of Kennedy who had demanded that the CIA must cease its drug-trafficking operations, and twenty years in prison. For instance, in the Theres no shame in pleasure, but buying sex toys can be an intimidating experience. He thus had MK-ULTRA was directly responsible for the sudden wide underground availability of LSD, phencyclidine (PCP, also called angel dust), dimethyltryptamine (DMT), 2,5-dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine (STP), and other very powerful synthetic psychoactive drugs in the 1960s. people call the darkness, just as they call the darkness (of Lucifer) the light. Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth: Psalm 46, verse 10. experiences of schizophrenics. Specifically, he reported that the Soviet forces in Eastern Europe were comprised of So the inculcation of what the supreme Illuminist Mikhail Gorbachev proclaims to be common human values is intended to replace the personal spiritual relationship that the True Christian enjoys with God: for, since the Illuminati are not atheists, but understand very well that spiritual forces exist, they seek to ensure that the forces in common usage are those provided by their god Lucifer, rather than by God himself. Additionally, US Army intelligence had itself established that the bulk of Soviet forces in In Pauls Epistle to the Romans, the perpetrators and promoters of such evils were precisely

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