These two cases demonstrate what principle of developmental psychopathology? The orientation of the author of this quote is MOST likely: a. cognitive-behavioral. b. biological forces, culture, and learning. 57. d. conflict between underlying psychological forces. Hormones are important to psychologists because they manage the nervous system and body tissues at certain stages of development and activate behaviors such as alertness or sleepiness, sexual behavior, concentration, aggressiveness, reaction to stress, and a desire for companionship. c. They explain outside influences and past events. An example was the attention I received for saying I was Chicken Little. c. the conscious mind. What is that factor? These two cases demonstrate what principle of developmental psychopathology? b. working through. d. countertransference. b. it is unclear whether problematic behaviors and cognitions are the cause of psychological difficulties or the result. In the past, we have conducted trephination and lobotomies, neither of which are used today. a. cognitive-behavioral b. sociocultural c. psychodynamic d. humanistic-existential, 10. d. Genes do not interact with the environment. Which statement is NOT an appropriate criticism of the sociocultural model? If it receives sufficient stimulation, causing the polarity inside the neuron to rise from -70 mV to -55mV (. Each is unique in its own right and no single model can account for all aspects of abnormality. Briefly outline how communication in the nervous system occurs. 37. c. unconditional positive regard. 104. The fundamental unit of the nervous system is the neuron, or nerve cell (See Figure 2.3). Which model emphasizes the importance of conditioning in determining human actions? b. ethnographic studies. c. It is full of abnormal evolutionary principles. Then write a few balanced statements such as the one the article suggests, Ive made some mistakes that I feel embarrassed about, but a lot of the time, I make good choices.. This information is passed to the nervous system due to the process of transduction and through sensory or afferent neurons, which are part of the peripheral nervous system. d. sociocultural. The model of abnormality that examines the effects of society and culture is the _____ model. These therapies have proven efficacy for the treatment of depression (Kalibatseva & Leong, 2014) and schizophrenia (Naeem et al., 2015). The rabbit was far enough away so as not to cause distress. David Rosenhan sent pseudopatients to a mental hospital, where they pretended to be disturbed. In explaining why women are diagnosed with anxiety disorders and depression twice as often as men, multicultural therapists would focus on: a. the biological differences between men and women. According to Freud's psychodynamic theory, the part of the personality that guides us to know when we can and cannot express our impulses is the: A patient with a controlling mother is undergoing therapy. c. how prejudice and discrimination impact women. c. ego. Reinforcement and punishment can occur as two types positive and negative. c. double-blind studies. When a child yells and threatens others, he or she is placed in a time-out, away from the group. Postconditioning, or after learning has occurred, establishes a new and not naturally occurring relationship of a conditioned stimulus (CS; previously the NS) and conditioned response (CR; the same response). 157. 152. Its popularity has declined since the 1960s and 1970s. c. humanistic-existential A theorist who believes that someone who is labeled a hard worker will, in fact, become a hard worker is MOST likely a _____ theorist. c. paradigms. Biological psychologists or neuropsychologists treat the underlying problems in the. Rates of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) are four times greater in women than men. 133. Nari was taking the bar exam and was concerned that she didnt know the answers to many of the questions. B) chemical imbalances and brain damage. In 1895, the book, Studies on Hysteria, was published by Josef Breuer (1842-1925) and Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), and marked the birth of psychoanalysis, though Freud did not use this actual term until a year later. This represents the psychodynamic models _____ assumption. It sends brief electrical currents through the brain, stimulating a seizure. Module 6: Dissociative Disorders - Fundamentals of Psychological Disorders Its a simple strategy, but an important one. b. rationalization. Each is unique in its own right and no single model can account for all aspects of abnormality. MOST likely, this therapist is a _____ therapist. The medical model definition is the concept of how mental and emotional issues are related to biological causes and problems. Third, he relied solely on the reports of his patients and sought no observer reports. Regarding the finding that there are more seriously disturbed people within poor subpopulations, a multicultural theorist would focus on the way in which: a. personal responsibility is related to dysfunction. A couple therapist who focuses on acceptance and positive change where possible is using _____ therapy. a. d. classical conditioning. 111. 159. The defense mechanism that BEST explains his behavior is: The antenna-like extensions located at one end of the neuron are called: A therapist identifies a biological factor in a patient with depression. It begins with the individual learning a relaxation technique such as diaphragmatic breathing. Once free, the cat was allowed to eat some food before being promptly returned to the box. According to the Genetics Home Reference website as part of NIHs National Library of Medicine, a gene is the basic physical and functional unit of heredity ( b. early childhood trauma. How so? Multicultural theorists would explain the higher levels of mental illness among poor people as MOST likely due to: a. genetic make-up. a. existential Chances are you are already accepting the unknown in some areas of life and identifying these can help you to see why it is helpful in these areas, and how you can apply this in more difficult areas. 119. A health care provider prescribes disulfiram (Antabuse) for a client with alcoholism. A theorist who takes an evolutionary perspective on abnormal behavior would MOST likely agree that: at one time what is now often labeled abnormal behavior actually helped humans survive. c. superego. This therapist is MOST likely a(n) _____ therapist. We can also ask the patient probing questions, seek information from family members, examine medical records, and in time, organize and process all this information to better understand the persons condition and potential causes. Once the electrical impulse reaches the end of the axon, called the axon terminal, it stimulates synaptic vesicles or neurotransmitter sacs to release the neurotransmitter. The charge inside is -70mV at rest. 23. When a child yells and threatens others, he or she is placed in a time-out, away from the group. Describe the role of hormonal imbalances in mental illness. This is a physical aspect of what disease? Briefly, these included: The article also suggested a few non-cognitive restructuring techniques, including mindfulness meditation and self-compassion. Which is an example of a biological treatment for this condition? 51. How does the existential perspective approach psychopathology? 128. Solved model Curl Rogers and Abraham Maslow focused on the - Chegg Figure 2.10. 50. A psychodynamic therapist would consider this an example of: A patient's initial reaction to being told she has a sexually transmitted infection (STI) is to insist that the nurse made a mistake with the test. 163. 33. d. existential, 125. Which statement about couple therapy is MOST accurate? Hormonal imbalances. Once in the brain, it is processed and interpreted. Gambling disorder is a manifestation of the previously desirable behavior of being a risk taker. a. modeling. You immediately focus all of your energy on the financial implications of your partner's departure and ways to save money. Armed with this stunning revelation, Pavlov spent the rest of his career investigating the learning phenomenon. On the other hand, if we see a sibling constantly getting in trouble with the law, then we may not model this behavior due to the negative consequences. Before introducing the current main models, it is crucial to understand what a model is. First, free association involves the patient describing whatever comes to mind during the session. Within the context of psychopathology, the behavioral perspective is useful because explains maladaptive behavior in terms of learning gone awry. b. genetic mutations. In terms of distinctive structures, these focus on the ability of a neuron to send and receive information. They are open to experience, live every moment to the fullest, are creative, accepts responsibility for their decisions, do not derive their sense of self from others, strive to maximize their potential, and are self-actualized. The axon terminals are the end of the axon where the electrical impulse becomes a chemical message and passes to an adjacent neuron. None of the models are complete within themselves. One option to treat severe mental illness is psychotropic medications. But did you ever go to your grandparents house and grandma or grandpaor worse, BOTHtook pity on you and let you play your video games (or something equivalent)? The results of this study led him to conclude that _____ greatly affects mental illness. It has several structures in common with all cells in the body. c. gestalt therapy. d. Each model views childhood trauma as a factor contributing to abnormal behavior. The existential perspective. 2. d. past traumatic experiences. a. id b. superego c. self d. ego. The defense mechanism that BEST explains your behavior is: a. projection. New evidence suggests nerve cell connections, nerve cell growth, and the functioning of nerve circuits have a major impact on depression and areas that play a significant role in depression are the amygdala, the thalamus, and the hippocampus. Also, individuals with borderline personality disorder have been shown to have structural and functional changes in brain areas associated with impulse control and emotional regulation, while imaging studies reveal differences in the frontal cortex and subcortical structures for those suffering from OCD. A person engages in multiple online discussions with a large number of friends on Facebook. Albert Bandura conducted pivotal research on observational learning, and you likely already know all about it. When we try to establish how abnormality develops, we need to consider how individuals deal with the meaning of life and with the value they find in living. When Mathias did not get a job for which he applied, he was sure that everything was going wrong, that his life was completely off track. She relapsed and was admitted to Bellevue Sanatorium on July 1, eventually being released in October of the same year. 81. Is this correct? 26. If we are angry at someone, we may engage in physical or relational aggression to alleviate this stimulation. a. psychodynamic b. multicultural c. cognitive d. humanistic. Respondent conditioning. Really, the sky is the limit with reinforcers in particular. In this case, extinction continues. Another example is how a baby will root for a food source if the mothers breast is placed near their mouth. 162. A cognitive-behavioral therapist would MOST likely recommend: b. sociocultural This single factor explanation is called a uni-dimensional model. 32. In explaining why women are diagnosed with anxiety disorders and depression twice as often as men, multicultural therapists would focus on: prejudice and discrimination faced by women. Possible side effects include loss of appetite, headache, motor or verbal tics, and personality changes such as appearing emotionless. But women may experience these illnesses differently certain symptoms may be more common in women than in men, and the course of the illness can be affected by the sex of the individual. The child learns to interact with others without yelling. c. conclusions drawn by research scientists. They add, Oftentimes someone being treated with CBT will have homework in between sessions where they practice replacing negative thoughts with more realistic thoughts based on prior experiences or record their negative thoughts in a journal. For more on CBT, visit: d. behavioral. DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is our heredity material. Hypnosis was used at first and relieved her symptoms, as it had done for many patients (See Module 1). The child learns to interact with others without yelling. A psychologist believes that all dysfunctional behavior is due to past experiences, and that no symptom or behavior is accidental. This strategy teaches social skills, communication, assertiveness through direct instruction, role playing, and modeling. Which of the following statements is true of the biopsychosocial model b. existential. d. short-term psychodynamic therapy. Outline operant conditioning and the work of Thorndike and Skinner. Cognitive therapies. Integrative behavioral couple therapy helps partners: a. accept behaviors that they cannot change. 93. All other toys are allowed, including a Bobo doll. The following Content Outline provides an overview of the history of understanding psychological disorders, followed by a summary of the major theoretical models used to explain them. If I do X, then Y will happen. To effectively treat a mental disorder, we must understand its cause. They are tied to experiences early in life. She has developed depression due to a serotonin deficiency. A primary focus of the community mental health treatment approach to abnormality is: Understanding a person's unconscious processes is critical in explaining abnormality. 62. Mental illness itself occurs from the interaction of multiple genes and other factorssuch as stress, abuse, or a traumatic eventwhich can influence, or trigger, an illness in a person who has an inherited susceptibility to it ( Right? A psychologist from which background would agree MOST strongly with this statement? c. Each paradigm is complete in itself. Those who are not assertive are often overly passive and never get what they want or are unreasonably aggressive and only get what they want. During the time-out, no one interacts with the child. The actual code passes from one neuron to another in a chemical form called a neurotransmitter. A therapist identifies a biological factor in a patient with depression. a. Of importance to mental health professionals are the adrenal glands, located on top of the kidneys, and which release cortisol to help the body deal with stress. The next morning, researchers placed a hungry cat in the puzzle box and set a small amount of food outside the box, just close enough to be smelled. c. gestalt. 3. The force that is in control in this example is the: a. id. Why is this important to a discussion of psychopathology? For instance, people with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) have difficulty regulating serotonin. She is very open about herself and shares her thoughts and opinions freely. d. humanistic. b. overgeneralization. Behaviorism has also been accused of being mechanistic and seeing people as machines. The perspective that religious views are defense mechanisms created by people to make life tolerable is MOST characteristic of: a. current thinking in the mental health profession. c. illogical thinking. Maladaptive cognitions. In the case of respondent conditioning, stimuli exert complete and automatic control over some behaviors. Once the electrical impulse has passed from one segment of the axon to the next, the neuron begins the process of resetting called repolarization. Behaviorism is the school of thought associated with learning that began in 1913 with the publication of John B. Watsons article, Psychology as the Behaviorist Views It, in the journal Psychological Review (Watson, 1913). If a therapist advised you to pay attention to how you were communicating with family members and to change harmful patterns, the therapist would MOST likely be practicing: a. couple therapy. The client is classically conditioned to associate drinking with the negative experience of vomiting. c. unconditional positive regard. Exemplify the effect of schemas on creating abnormal behavior. If the rat pushes the lever again sometime in the future and food is delivered, the behavior spontaneously recovers. d. psychoanalytic therapy. a. The body has two coordinating and integrating systems, the nervous system and the endocrine system. The objective of the Human Genome Project was to: a. clone a mammal. Low socioeconomic status has been linked to higher rates of mental and physical illness (Ng, Muntaner, Chung, & Eaton, 2014) due to persistent concern over unemployment or under-employment, low wages, lack of health insurance, no savings, and the inability to put food on the table, which then leads to feeling hopeless, helpless, and dependency on others.

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